Bee Geesmith

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Bee Geesmith

Fascinated with how people act against self-interest. Lifelong student of economics. Full-time Bay Area enthusiast, recovering New Yorker. Technology connoisseur.
How much is he pulling from the pro-fascist or fascist-curious vote is my question.
The left can never be as effective as the right at objectively good things because we ALSO HATE leftists.
While not surprised, I’m still shocked. Shocked at how upsetting this is.
Why is Space Force the only branch of the military that isn’t crowded?
But were those bribes “official acts?”
Reagan brought the Christians into the GOP tent, and caused 40 years of culture war. Now, Trump has brought evil tech billionaires in off the street…
Not since 2008, since 1996. Bush 43 was on the wagon. So that means it was Dole and then McCain and then none.
He’s the money funnel from Thiel. But, he also wants the spotlight and the big seat so badly, Trump better watch himself around the Ides.
The only Vance I support
The only Vance I support.
JD Vance will be playing the role of Cassius in this season’s Julius Caesar.
A perfect take doesn’t require 300 characters
A man who fakes his wealth paired with a man who fakes his poverty. Sounds about white.
So. Pennsylvania is probably no longer in play. #VPElegy
Exactly. Not just profile, but blind ambition.
Sigh. I figured his blind ambition would have turned Trump off - since he will clearly pull a Cassius at the first opportunity. Which, to be clear, is a worse outcome because he’s younger and smarter and better organized.
I’ll add that creating custom feeds and by relation, follow and blocklists - while a great functionality - is beyond the ability of most users. So, developing an interesting feed (absent an algo to force feed you) is a challenge.
You know, if they (Roberts court) just repealed the rights for women (and non-white men) for voting, MAGA can finally achieve their goals….. …of watering crops with sports drink.
“Father” is superfluous here - his value doesn’t derive from fathering children - it’s that he was a living, breathing human. The tragedy is that he was killed. But. He doesn’t get a pass for shitty things he did, but sorting that legacy is for his family and friends to sort out, not for me.
….and … I understand he died saving his family … But if he hadn’t a family - say he just had a stamp collection at home - his death would still be a tragedy, even if he was an icky troll.
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Trump at a campaign rally in March in Ohio, Vance’s state: “If we don't win this election, I don't think you're going to have another election in this country. If I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole country."
Wait, are you sure it’s not a bizarro ammosexual version of Stan?
I’ve frequently heard that criminals are more likely to be the victim of violence. 🤷‍♂️
Great advice today. And everyday.
Also … Teddy wasn’t tough for continuing his speech after getting shot - he literally boxed with his opponents (and friends). He marched his colleagues across the Potomac in the winter for exercise. I don’t think passively getting one’s ear grazed makes them that tough. But. Elon. Reality. Sigh.
Evergreen post for foreseeable future.
In fairness, he was dead. ☠️
However, attempt against Bobby Kennedy was much less unsuccessful.
Reposted byAvatar Bee Geesmith
Popping on to say: A lot of rumors are about to fly about this rally. Trump's team is 100% going to try and take advantage of this situation. So will malicious foreign actors/bots/etc. Please don't auto share. Check your sources, and vet their wording/sourcing carefully.