
I think one of the worst quirks of online spaces is the idea that if someone doesn't post about something, they don't care about it. It encourages performative posting often makes things worse. I care a lot. I just don't want to add another poorly-informed voice. I'm reading & thinking.
I remember someone saying we are not Embassies and don’t need to provide a response on every issue. That stuck with me
That’s a good way of looking at it.
It's also perfectly okay to admit to yourself that you don't know enough about something to have a well-informed opinion. You don't have to make comments on every event that happens
Ah yes, the never-ending parade of “Your silence on *insert controversy here* is so telling!!” and making judgments of character accordingly, and I’m just like “I don’t owe you my every thought and opinion on every issue”
It shows a lot how much other people make up stories about what you're thinking and just assume, doesn't it? And the reality can be very different!
And it’s always from complete strangers! Like, I don’t even know who they are, why are they suddenly entitled to my stance on everything??
I feel the same. For so many topics, my thoughts aren’t necessary. I’ll like and occasionally share (I want to get better at sharing). If it’s a topic I’m properly informed or involved in, I’ll post about it.
My whole relationship with social media changed for the better when I realized I could consume more content and produce less. The platforms generally want you to do the opposite
My YouTube algorithm is constantly trying to convince me to be a creator; I always wonder if everybody's feed is like this or if I've somehow asked for it
I think there’s definitely a bias towards that in creator content, in the same way there are tv shows about actors, books about writers, and songs about musicians. YouTube has a lower barrier to entry so it’s probably more pronounced
There’s also the underlying mindset in society that you’re worthless if you’re not producing something, and that extends into creativity (thanks, capitalism). Even well-meaning people can fall prey to this as “don’t be a mindless consumer, make something instead.” Balance is key on the latter.
Yes I accidentally fell into this mindset a few years ago with our goats... we were doing things her just to "make content"
I think it depends on the kind of videos you click on? It's not like that for everyone (I asked around a bit as well!).
I've always wanted to believe that YT recognized my creative potential lol
Are you making videos then :) ? (another thought: YT wants people to create videos so other people watch those videos on their platform and YT can get advertisement revenue)
not really, I've put a few things out there but I don't feel like being another fish in a sea of mediocrity
💯and a great example for „truths abou an industry everybody knows but nobody mentions bc it would make this industry implode“
I also struggle with this - I don't want to post a lot of things without meaning or comment, but on the other hand I'm rather cautious with comments if I don't know one hundred percent about something. And yet I am interested in so many topics- in no way does no repost mean disinterest,
I don't mind being behind the curve. I'll post my thoughts on something weeks or years later when I actually have something to say. Especially when it's actually relevant to something I am knowledgeable on
Naomi Klein talks about exactly this early in Doppelgänger. The requirement to virtue signal online in case people take the view that silence is complicity.
It’s a challenge for those of us who get overwhelmed and need time to process and manage the deluge of emotions.
Reasonableness on the Interwebs is a crime. We all know this. ;-)
Good thing I’ve never lapsed into irrationality when posting
I can get behind this. Often I don't want to engage about something, either out or courtesy or a desire to avoid conflict. That doesn't mean I don't like something or have an interest in it. Downside is that this amplifies the bad apples...
"Downside is that this amplifies the bad apples..." If extrapolating to real life, if we hear a comment, and don't respond, either by telling a story fr our experience, or try to offer a comment explaining why you see another side - the original storyteller thinks everyone agrees w them. Coccoons.😬
Sometimes you just can’t win!
Anyone who thinks they can get thru this life w/o being hypocritical is deluding themselves. I've become rather fond of situational ethics over the decades.
It's legit nearly impossible at this point. Anyone who chooses a single non-divergent pathway is guaranteed to be on a road to significant conflict. You HAVE to shift with the situation. It's ironic because it flies in the face of everything our society teaches.
Absolutely. That's not to say we should ALWAYS put our two cents worth in. Sometimes IRL it's still the best course of action to hold your tongue. But yeah, sometimes it's important to speak up too.
But if you don't post, how will we all know of your spicy, spicy take on the role of women in the "Stars Warses"? Or other important matters that excite great comment. The interwebs IS spicy ignorance. Oh it used to be nice, but someone let THEM on. You know, THEM. The other people. ;-)
You mean the people who didn't have to learn how to get their network setting right and which jumpers to move on the motherboard? You're absolutely right. As soon as tech became accessible, things went downhill.
If it's after Arpanet, it's wrong. #RidiculousHillsIWillDieOnForTheLOLS
The September That Never Ended ruined the internet.
I had only been online for about a year and a half then, but I am glad I made it in before the profound overnight cultural switch. Someone who did not see Usenet in, say, 1992 cannot imagine what the Internet basically without Spam looked like
I mean, sure. I feel like things really went downhill later though, post Pentium era.
I saw a new laptop with a Pentium processor in it the other day. They're still with us...
Jumpers! That brings back memories.
When you don't have a stake in the outcome sometimes staying quiet is the best thing you can do.
I think perhaps it sensible not to post on big, complex, horrific situations - I’m thinking Israel obviously. I can’t comment knowledgeably, my views are irrelevant although I’ll ‘like’ where appropriate. Leaving that to the experts does not automatically signify antipathy or lack of compassion
That's true for so many issues, but if someone Irish has been on social media for longer than 5yrs and never once mentioned repro rights during what was a gruelling referendum campaign, I'm gonna assume they don't care enough about women's rights to discomfit themselves.
Maybe that's unfair but I find it acts as a very useful filter to spot people with all sorts of problematic views on issues like disability rights, gender, immigration, social justice etc. It was such an all consuming topic here for 2yrs, complete silence is very suspect.
In the context of your example, I would agree with you. I tend to also look at what people choose to amplify from other accounts or news sources, to feel out what their positions may be.
Most of us can do a lot better by listening than we can by adding our uninformed opinions to the pile.
Gran used to say, "Two ears, one mouth. Use them in proportion."