
Everyone is always afraid to say why people like Trump or Marie Le Pen have some level of popularity and it’s just that there’s a lot of people in the world who believe in racism. You end up with these goofy ass explanations for Trump where it’s NAFTA or shit and it’s like no you know what it is
“Oh Trump is a conman, he’s pulling the wool over peoples eyes” Yeah to some degree, but the main core reason he was President and might well be President again is a lot of people fucking love being racist
And it fucking sucks because I’d love to believe in the idea that if everyone voted and had their say we’d have good enlightened leaders and I don’t know. I don’t know looking at the history of our country why that would necessarily be the case.
“People feel left behind!” Yes absolutely! We should have universal income or strengthen unions or have free college or increase the minimum wage or do a bunch of domestic projects “Actually instead of that let me show you this security camera footage of a migrant chasing a blonde woman”
I have the opposite read: Trump, Le Pen, et al. happen when times are relatively good. When people are well off. When many don’t care about a functional government because they got theirs. Sprinkle in a threat of the status quo flipping and they’ll go fash
Trump doesn’t get into office if we’re worried about who’d manage a recession, or if there’s the threat of war.
What I can tell from this post here is that you are one of the people who is well off at the moment.
There is objectively a great, great many people who are well-off in America. I don't know when or why this became a forbidden truth among leftists, and nobody has to believe it if they don't want to, but it's very obviously true.
What is the truth there that gets covered up? We already know that most of Trump's biggest fans were NOT poor working-class voters, but were at least somewhat well-off themselves. The Left isn't the one running endless Cletus Safaris as "news" articles.
Leftists aren’t the ones trying to sell the fantasy that the Republicans represent the less affluent
300 million people is a lot of people, and depending on how we define it, 3-30 million people is a lot of well off people. especially if those are the near totality of people in media
True. According to the polling most people feel they’re well off in America right now.
They happen when working people are stressed due to losses to their financial stability, and perceived social instability. They're opportunists and parasites, and when empowered, act to inflame the circumstances that made them seem like an alternative in the first place.
The people who "already got theirs" are always around, and will always be only too happy to work with such opportunists so long as doing so continues to let them get even more. But you can't put someone in office just bc the theft-class says so -- you still need the voters on the ground to do it.
The “working people” in the US consistently vote for the Dems by the largest margins. It’s the higher wage earners that tilt right. All this is confused by Donald Trump never getting within a million votes of a majority in any election…
By "working people", I mean anyone who doesn't make (or steal) enough money to not have to worry about finances. People who, when compared to the actual poor, are impossibly rich, but who still feel stressed bc they feel the pinch despite thinking themselves above all that.
A social class that might be called The Offended Wealthy, in other words.
I think we can get these types in both good and bad times, but anecdotally I will say the Trumpers in my family are all people who are well off and seem motivated by not wanting 'the other' to take their stuff.
People really want change to solve their problems (falling real wages, etc.), but they're horny for catastrophic solutions.
Or maybe a solution is not apparent, so the next best thing is to make everyone else lose more so they can schadenfreude themselves to sleep. Personally, I’m coming around to the belief that this is all class war and everyone is being treated to the “divide and rule” strategy
I don’t think it’s the individual thinking they can chuck the state. It’s more that the very wealthy are capitalizing on various weaknesses of state capacity. People still need the state but they see the weaknesses and it’s easy to manipulate them. This is why Trump is always promising to do stuff.
Yeah, after the economy enjoyed a fair degree of recovery from the Great Recession. This has been the pattern for decades: elect a Democrat to fix the problems caused by electing a Republican. Rinse and repeat
What you're missing is that Trump won that first time off of racism (and misogyny).
Wasn’t that the whole point? Racism and misogyny, cruelty… those things carry the day when there aren’t existential threats going on
Trump won the Electoral College in 2016, but lost the popular vote to Hilary Clinton.
Theres a reason a lot of these people who absolutely could use the UBI and unions and any other social service but will oppose it at all costs. Because they’d rather not let brown or black people get these same services they can’t have that. Not ever. Even if it hurts themselves. It’s just racism.
The main question I have is that people are always racist, but the racists don't always win. What changes in those other times?
It's a combination of this though. You feel left behind? Yes, you are and it's because of this scapego.. err, this foreigner here. An effective strategy for centuries, unfortunately.
Similar to how I feel when people seem to claim each red state is that way because of voter suppression. Some of them, yes there is a strong case for that. But not all of them. I don't think my state of KY would flip if voting was a required action.
let me show you this footage of a mob beating a rich man
I agree. I'd add to it that the press and media has a much bigger role in opinion-formation than anybody likes to acknowledge, and that the US press being largely owned by conservatives helps this along, but Yeah: lots of people are just Awful.
That's the economic purpose that racism serves
white people felt unseen because a Black man was president for 8 years
someone once said to me how awful immigrants are, how they ruin everything i gestured to my white english husb next to me and said "like him? he's an immigrant" "no but he did it right" "actually the lawyer had him overstay" "but its different" "why" "it just is, he works" "so do they" etc
our lawyer, when we were still in process and about to be in a place that had those "document checks" for people they suspected were immigrants: "you don't have to worry about that, he's the wrong color to be stopped"
This is also when you get to realize that federal jobs enforcing immigration laws aren’t easy to get, and that these particular ones are highly desirable for racists who want to turn their hobby into a profession. That’s also where the fascists breed. Monsters trained to use government power.
Yep yep yep. And I find people who espouse racist views but pretend those views aren't coming from an entirely racist place the most maddening of all like if you choose to be a piece of dog toffee at least OWN IT
*picturing one of those goose memes* the great replacement of WHAT motherfucker
it gets rough when you start to think about how the entire onus for this whole project really boils down to rich landowner-class men who owned slaves wanting tax breaks on their stolen land
The thing I always say that pisses people off is that Hitler was nothing - it's the german people who let him into power who were the real evil. Without them, Hitler is some wacko ranting to himself about the Jewish problem on the streets of Berlin.
This is the worst part. 😞
Yeah I didn’t want to believe this for a while but it’s true.
I think it’s become impossible for a lot of us to ignore some of the things we do, especially when we’re doing stuff like genocide.
Yeah, like while higher voting turn-out would likely improve some or even many things, it likely would solve the fundamental issues. For example, Australia has had compulsory voting with turnouts regularly above 90% for nearly a century and still gets racist and ring-wing leaders.
*likely wouldn’t solve darn typos
I think, if we managed to ditch the electoral college, that election the results would still be fucking depressing, but also would be less horrible.
I mean, you have a country founded on white supremacy, you're going to have a lot of white supremacists. 🤷
Couldn’t have said it any better. He appeals to our basest instincts and for many many people, that is incredibly empowering