
Mrs. Alito says she's "from Germany." She was born there while her dad was serving on an Air Force base. They moved back when she was a toddler. Her parents were from Oklahoma & Kentucky. So for her to say "I'm from Germany" suggests a real deep reason to identify with something about that country
Seems like she just wants to say how much she admires the Nazis maybe?
The University of Kentucky, from which she graduated, has said she was born at Ft Knox. The NYT, in a 2006 profile, says she was born at Ft Knox. No correction is appended. (Incidentally, I was born in Weisbaden to parents passing through Germany and I have never once considered myself German.)
if she really was born here (I'll trust those papers; it's maybe likely she was born while he was over there, or they came back briefly, whatever) then it's REALLY wild for her to say "I'm from Germany"
I think it’s clear she means she is of German heritage, still a weird remark in this context, but many people who have German grand or great grandparents would describe themselves this way.
I dunno I have a Macedonian grandmother but it would be real weird to say "I'm from Macedonia"
I was born in New Jersey and have never once considered myself from New Jersey
I’m sure there are lifelong residents of New Jersey who would rather not say they’re from New Jersey. 😈
I was born in Arkansas. I am not from Arkansas.
Hey you're eligible to run for statewide office in Pennsylvania
Also, “my German heritage makes me vengeful” is uh not something a German would say.
Yeah, and extra super weird for someone of German-American heritage to say. My grandpa Carl, who fought the Nazis, would reincorporate his cremated self to come kick my ass if I ever expressed a sentiment like that
y’know who else was born in wiesbaden? (john mcenroe)
I am reluctant to say this, but: her parents’ last names were Bomgartner and Auwaerter? Both sound very German to me. NOT that it’s especially relevant to her creepy behavior.
They were born in Jersey and Oklahoma. But yes, they sound like their people were from Germany.
Helen- here’s more info. I hope you can find the article but all her info is there.
I used to be quick to joke about the German=Nazi thing, but after 80 years of Germans doing a LOT, legislatively and culturally, to repudiate Nazi-ism, to the point of curbing civil liberties to do so, the 'joke' doesn't make sense anymore. Alito's stereotype is dumb. Another sign she's disturbed.
I would imagine that Bomgardner is a corruption (possibly at Ellis Island?) of Baumgartner, which is a German surname, for whatever that's worth.
Which does nothing to make what she said any less weird, to be clear.
She's a Russian plant, like Salt!
i wasn't about to look into her heritage because i don't care, but i got to that "i'm german, germans will fuck you up, you know what i mean!" was a little on-the-nose.
Definitely not a Christian!
Eh, seems about christian to me.
Yeah that was thinly veiled
Her family name seems pretty germanic so maybe she was 2nd-3rd gen immigrant and it is a Thing of Americans to claim national traits and heritage that mean very little Still tho Weiiiird
I grew up in Chicago, where white ethnic lines still very much mean something, and you don't really hear people saying they're "from" somewhere unless they actually are. You get "my family is from" and "I'm [national identity]" but this...well, you really only see it from a certain kind of German.
Yeah, my grandma would say she's Irish, but it's her parents who were "from Ireland". She was from Boston. Same with my Scotch-Irish ancestors who managed to retain that identity for like twelve generations after arrival - they're all "from Kentucky" or "from Maine" or whatever.
afaict her parents and at least 3 of her 4 grandparents were also born in US states, didn't care to go further back than that
this is a hell of a way to find out i have two japanese siblings
One of my siblings is Guamanian.
Great, now we know you're a a traitor in a cult AND a Nazi, idiot lady
So are we doing birthright citizenship or not? Make up your minds, right wingers.
Not to defend an unhinged asshole, but her parents’ names seem Germanic, & if she also was born there, it’s not that weird/fash for her to identify as being of German descent. (She’s certainly fascist in other ways, though.)
She takes weird birthright shit to a different level.
When I was younger I toyed with the idea of getting some tattoos to honor my heritage. Even in high school I knew a black eagle was off the table because of how guys with that kind of ink say "schwarzer." Theres a way of expressing German heritage thats the same as anyone else, and then there this.
Sure, but you’re (presumably) not an unhinged right-winger salivating her vengeance plans to randos.
My point is just that if she identifies this much with her German heritage she's had to think about it's connotations to Nazism, not the least of which because she has almost certainly encountered it in her own family. To do that and come back with a distinctly interwar German trait is a choice.
My family name is Germanic. My great grandfather spoke German. While I have often called our family Pennsylvania Dutch, I’ve never considered myself German.
Ok, but lots of Americans cling to their ancestry as an identity, even if you, personally, don’t.
Consdier the distinction between "i am irish", versus "I am from Ireland". the first implies ethnicity. The second implies nationality. I am german, I have German ancestory. I am not from Germany. Its not my national identity. Ms. Alito is claiming Germany as her National identity, not the US.
Hot take: her parents have oobviously German names. She was born in Germany. She identifies with it in some weird American way. Lots of people do. This is fine. It's not always about Nazis.
If that was the case John McCain would've been telling everyone he was from Panama.
McCain isn't a Panamanian name.
I'm also from middle Appalachia and a large part of my family on both sides have anglicized German surnames. I have nearly the same amount of time in Germany from my time and my parents time in the US military and have never, not once, referred to myself as German She's full of shit.
I think people don't like Mrs. Alito for perfectly legitimate reasons, such as her being an insurrectionist and a bigot, and are now themselves engaging in anti-German bigotry to find additional reasons to dislike her. Unnecessary.
As someone who grew up in almost every corner of the former Confederacy and dealt with racist assholes tying themselves in knots with plausible deniability bullshit. I do not blame folks for hearing dog whistles where there may not always be one. Also the flag bullshit isn't new around here.
Ghent resident hangs Nazi flag outside Residents in a Ghent neighborhood were shocked on Friday morning when noticed a neighbor had hung a flag with Nazi symbols on it outside his home on Mowbray Arch.
Anti-German bigotry? Maybe its the Bohunk half of me overpowering the German half, but that hasn't been a real thing in this country since the British Invasion. The woman hangs with Nazis and brings up her heritage in a weird way, I don't need to see her copy of Mein Kampf to catch the smell.