
There is a meaningful difference, in my opinion, between hosting an event about buying land in Israel and hosting an event where it is literally sold, right there. Seeing some conflation. Also, "Why I was protesting outside a synagogue" — again, in my opinion, you should avoid that series of words.
Put another way: There are plenty of military and weapons facilities in the greater Los Angeles area, you dumb assholes.
We're now pretending it was a literal auction (it was not) because many people prefer doing damage control to ever thinking strategically about the target of protests.
I don't think "the informational session panel includes a representative from a real estate company that advertises listings in Israel as well as illegal West Bank settlements" is sufficient justification to assemble a protest outside a synagogue in LA, for Gaza. I don't think it'll work out.
Things definitely seem to be escalating in a way that has me tense. We're already seeing anti-Palestinian hate crimes and I'm scared of the other shoe dropping with this sort of thing.
(I'm aware there's already been vandalizations of synagogues, I'm talking more about attacks on Jewish people.)
like the rape of a 12 year old Jewish girl in France?
Biden has in fact tweeted about both things and blocking the entrance to a synagogue is a bad look no matter how you cut it - as would blocking the entrance to a mosque to protest 9/11.
I'm on the right side of this issue, ergo [whatever]
Once again have to ask who the audience for these things are. It's not friendly media, because they don't believe in that. It's not unfriendly media, because holy Christ. It's just people who wanna get mad and be seen being mad.
I no longer discount the power of self-righteousness -- the belief that the cause is just and therefore you don't have to explain your actions to anyone who does not immediately "get" it. The people you should wish to persuade: fuck 'em!
I covered a protest in New Mexico back in 2020 where the people organizing it would not tell me, a reporter, why they were there. Now "fuck the media," sure, but I remember thinking (and admit I'm biased here): Shouldn't you want to tell me, in your own words? Isn't press coverage kinda the point?
But they’re “doing something”
In a separate thread someone was getting mad that people were criticizing this by pointing out how bad the optics were, even if the event itself was abhorrent. Protesting is often all about the optics! And the media coverage of this event has born that out.
There's not a single grain of possibility that this protest was ever anything but the worst people doing shitty shit. DGAF what was happening, the entire thing looks like a prelude to Tree of Life or a lynching. If we have to create a moat around synagogues w public funds so be it.
Do you consider the West Bank part of Israel?
There really isn’t a meaningful difference in my book. The settlements is what is perpetuating and exacerbating the conflict, of which the Palestinians are the real victims. People entertaining buying stolen land should be shamed.
Maybe I'm old fashioned, but when you declare a meaningful difference I think you should have to explain yourself. Meaningful how???
"buying" land in Palestine**** Fixed your propaganda!
Where is the West Bank?
When the event organizer at the sister site in Canada tells the CBC these were in "existing and established areas" instead of saying "Israel", its because the optics of selling stolen land in a place of worship are real bad. Using the place of worship as a shield? LMAO. Evil, evil shit
Focus on tone or location of the protest and ignore the fucking substance. What a numb nut.
selling stolen Palestinian land is wrong
"buying land in Israel" Let me stop you right there.
What other "safe zones" can people plan to do evil things in that gets a free pass from resistance. I'd like a list. I didn't realize war profiteering had the dame rules as freeze tag.
Are you seriously defending an anti-Jewish pogrom? You are pure evil. #Antisemitism is out of control.
Ironically your house is in my holy land, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave
Are you seriously defending an anti-Jewish pogrom? You are pure evil. #Antisemitism is out of control.
These opinions are bad and wrong