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Nikki Haley apologizes for briefly displaying principles in public, and promises it’ll never happen again.
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According to Project 2025, which is the heart of Trump's campaign and platform, if you teach or talk about the existence of LGBTQ people then you are a sex offender and should be imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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"If we lose this race, America will cease to exist." Inflation is 3%, crime rates are down, unemployment is at a historic low. Most people's lives are not meaningfully worse or dramatically different than they were in 2018. But this is the apocalyptic, authoritarian story they're running with.
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one propaganda tactic Taylor has copied from her Tiktok misinformation friends is you never, ever link to the source you're criticizing. you provide a screenshot and then lie about what's in it
Wow even wrote an entire article full of crazy conspiracies & false theories from random quacks. This entire article is just a screed from a man who has fallen so far deep into Covid denialism he refuses to engage in the most basic science. I can’t explain how dangerous this is.
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In 2016, likely Republican vice presidential pick, J. D. Vance, wondered if Trump might be "America's Hitler." In 2024, he lays such rhetoric at the feet of the Democrats and blames them for the assassination attempt. Hopefully the Biden campaign hits this hard.
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Just learned that Fox News is trying to go after me for using the word "war" in a column, which they allege is inappropriate rhetoric. This is sort of like being lectured on anti-semitism by Hitler.
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Right-wing psycho tries to kills someone with a bafflingly legal firearm = dog bites man.
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The attempted assassination of Donald Trump does not erase the crimes that Trump himself has committed against American democracy, or the crimes he would commit if given the chance, and no one is obligated to pretend otherwise
Nothing About the Attempted Assassination Redeems This crime does not erase what the former president has done, or what he has promised to do.
Reposted byAvatar chltgirl
He didn't change his mind on Trump; he changed his mind on Hitler.
JD Vance said Trump would be America's Hitler back in 2016. He's obviously changed his mind. I wonder what did it? Was it the storming of the US Capitol to try to stay in power? Was it the detention camps at which children were separated from their parents? Was it his criticism of "globalists?"
Reposted byAvatar chltgirl
if you’re trying to engage with politically disconnected people about project 2025, identify a specific part that you think will resonate with them. i just told my friend who’s a public school teacher about the plan to abolish the department of education and that got her hooked.
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The number of people Trump says he'll deport keeps going up. It's now 20 million, 50% higher than the largest estimates of the undocumented population. It's clear sign that distinguishing legal from illegal won't be a priority. They're just going to round up people they don't want to be here.
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Trump just named as his #2 a guy who called for insurrection charges against a journalist for writing an op-ed & wants to censor academics and seize the assets of nonprofits he opposes. The "free speech" brigades haven't said a goddamn thing. And their benefactor just pledged $150m to elect him.
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The claim that Trump “ushered in economic populism” & “downgraded the importance of country-club Republicans while prioritizing blue collar workers,” not only reads like an RNC press release, but is belied by Trump’s record (tax cuts for the rich, an anti-labor NLRB, support for wage theft, etc.)/3
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The thing I never understand is, what’s supposed to be the *innocent* explanation for the GOP opposing aiding Ukraine against Russia? Just pure across the board isolationism? And general sympathy for Russia? Like how are these supposed to sit comfortably with, you know, the GOP?
I want to note that I haven't seen any US coverage that emphasizes what a gift Vance is to Putin. But Europeans see it for what it is.
Trump’s VP pick spells ‘disaster’ for Europe and Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance champions U.S. isolationism and opposes aid for Ukraine.
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Trump and the RNC marked the first day of their convention by suing to stop Michigan from providing veterans the opportunity to register to vote at the VA.
Read more Stay informed with breaking news updates about voting rights, democracy reform, litigation and legislation.
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Forty years ago this week, Greg Abbott had his spine crushed by a falling tree while on a jog in Houston. Abbott sued the tree owner, winning millions. Decades later, as governor, Abbott made sure Texans would never be able to do the same, thanks to tort reform.
How Greg Abbott won millions and stopped Texans from doing the Forty years ago this week, a tree fell on Greg Abbott, paralyzing the future governor. He sued for damages and won—and then helped to stifle similar lawsuits.
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Arendt: "The practice of violence, like all action, changes the world--but the most probable change is to a more violent world."
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That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
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"The OH Democratic Party called Vance “an out-of-touch millionaire who launched his political career by taking advantage of Ohio’s opioid crisis & has spent his time in the Senate humiliating himself in the service of a convicted felon instead of working to improve the quality of life for Ohioans."
Reposted byAvatar chltgirl
I get that he’s taken it all back, including when he said he feared Trump would be America’s Hitler, but I guess my position is… I have never gone to work for someone I’ve ever in any point in my life compared directly to Adolf Hitler… and it’s a fair question…
Trump Taps J.D. Vance as Running Donald Trump announced on Truth Social that he has selected Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his 2024 running mate.