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Gavin gives me the creeps and even so I hate him less than most lefties and the sole reason is because he understands (correctly) that you cannot equivocate or yield even a little bit on this culture war bullshit
California bans school districts from outing trans Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the legislation, which is sure to infuriate conservative activists.
Which anime are you watching?
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As a German who grew up in the aftermath of WWII, alluding to Trump being handpicked by god is very jarring, to say the least.
Some of Donald Trump’s followers had long viewed him as handpicked by God. The attempted assassination has only increased such quasi-religious devotion and rhetoric.
After Saturday, Trump’s Devotees See ‘God’s Protection’ Some of Donald J. Trump’s followers had long viewed him as handpicked by God. The attempted assassination has only increased such quasi-religious devotion and rhetoric.
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Bank analysts are (correctly) signaling trouble for the spirits industry if Trump is reelected. Any protectionism would be met in kind, and the American liquor firms that have pushed hard into Europe in the intervening four years are vulnerable.
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bouie singlehandedly forcing this site to implement features that make it usable for anyone with more than a few hundred followers
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The particular thing about the “everyone does it” rationalization that I find so repugnant is that part of it is that they’re telling themselves that empathy, kindness, rule of law are for suckers.
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In his soft focus profile, Bender does not mention: Vance’s claim that he would have abetted Trump’s attempted coup, support for the racist “Great Replacement Theory” and denigration of immigrants, embrace of authoritarianism, and claim that people in “violent” marriages shouldn’t get divorced./6
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The millennials now have as many appearances on a major-party presidential ticket as Gen X.
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😳 This whole thing is a Thiel-Bannon production: 21st century eugenics + a full-on authoritarian takeover of government
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JD Vance took part in the "National Conservative" conference. "He later speculated that a “post-white America” would denigrate “much of the cultural, political, and social legacy that built the country” and spoke of a need to “reform” civil-rights laws."
The Authoritarian At the National Conservatism Conference, Republican senators mix with racists ranting about “post-white America.”
So basically Hasan is trying to stay relevant after losing his job and it's led him into contrarian bizzaro land.
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That's Trump's base laid out in a beautifully elegant parable. Her husband dies at their leader's feet. She refuses a word from Biden even in consolation. She professes no ill will. She insists she's not political *as she loses her husband at Trump's rally* She votes for a man who didn't even call.
The best kind of twist is one that hits you hard in the moment but in retrospect was inevitable. The final sentence here is a great example of the form.
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do NYT journalists think the insurrectionists calling for our heads are going to spare them?
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JD Vance 2016: Trump is America's Hitler (pejorative) JD Vance 2024: Trump is America's Hitler (complimentary)
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A reminder that Hillbilly Elegy is a bad book and mostly just poverty porn that Vance half made up. If you'd like an alternative that *actually* explains the region's people check out Deer Hunting With Jesus by Joe Bageant
Deer Hunting with Jesus -
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As someone who grew up in rural western PA and is roughly the same age as the guy who was killed at the Trump rally, the idea that someone would refuse to take a condolence call from the President just because your “patriotic” husband hated him so much is bonkers.
This kicker is something else.
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Vance has pledged to use state power to also go after foundations and universities he disagrees with by removing their nonprofit tax status.
J.D. Vance on Ford Foundation: "We Are Actively Subsidizing The People Who Are Destroying This Country" J.D. Vance, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate from Ohio, appeared on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' on Wednesday and reacted to fracas at the "Multicultural Center" at the Arizona State University. Two students with "Police Lives Matter" stickers triggered the ire of a female student of color, a Ford Foundation fellow, that admonished them for being there. Carlson said that this student is just one of many that are scholars of Ford Foundation, a non-partisan with tax-exempt status. "Through its program of fellowships, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation's college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students," reads the description for the fellowship program. "AOC talks about taxing the wealthy, but the Harvard University endowment pays zero tax," Vance said. "The Ford Foundation that funds those radicals pays zero tax. They are not actually going to tax their wealthy friends who are funding radical left-wing ideology." "This ideology is going to destroy our country," he said. "It gets special tax privileges from the American taxpayer to do that." "We are talking about hundreds of billions of dollars in ill-gotten accumulated wealth," Vance said on FOX News. "It serves as a tax haven for left-wing billionaires and what do they do with this? They fund critical race theory, they fund ridiculous racism, they fund teaching 6-year-olds that they should, you know, cast off their gender. We are actively subsidizing the people who are destroying this country, and they call it a charity." VANCE: The basic way this works is that the Ford Foundation, the Gates Foundation, the Harvard University endowment, these are fundamentally cancers on American society, but they pretend to be charities, so they benefit from preferential tax treatment. So AOC talks about taxing the wealthy, but the Harvard University endowment pays zero tax. The Ford Foundation that funds those radicals pays zero tax. They are not actually going to tax their wealthy friends who are funding radical left-wing ideology. What they're going to do is tax normal Americans and protect their friends, protect their special privileges so they have the resources to continue to fund what is ultimately the destruction of our country. This ideology is going to destroy our country. It gets special tax privileges from the American taxpayer to do that. Of course the left-wing radicals are not going to talk about it because they care more about identity politics than lifting up the American worker. And these foundations are the ultimate institutions of identity politics. When you think about it, this is crazy, Tucker. We are talking about hundreds of billions of dollars in ill-gotten accumulated wealth. It serves as a tax haven for left-wing billionaires and what do they do with this? They fund critical race theory, they fund ridiculous racism, they fund teaching 6-year-olds that they should, you know, cast off their gender. We are actively subsidizing the people who are destroying this country, and they call it a charity. It's just ridiculous.
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A fun fact about JD Vance is that he's openly backed purging anyone who disagrees with him from the government, comparing it to "de-Nazification," and illegally defying court orders to do so.
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Elie Mystal making the point: "The only laws, precedents, and norms they believe in are the ones that help them achieve their current political goals. Any rule that stands in the way of their social reordering of America is a rule they feel free to ignore." Sobering and worth a read.
Why do people think Cannon's dismissal won't stand? Two weeks ago, our corrupt Supreme Court declared the president a king despite the founding of this country being, "Fuck kings *specifically.*" Precedent is meaningless now. This is the raw exercise of power for political ends. What am I missing?
The Dismissal of the Trump Documents Case Is Yet More Proof: The Institutionalists Have Judge Aileen Cannon’s decision to toss the case should dispel any remaining hope that the courts will save us from Donald Trump.
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Fascists want--need--you to surrender your agency. They don't win unless you do so. They know that, and you should too.
these people cannot win and they know it, their entire schtick is pretending that the reich on the march will keep everyone quiet and scared, but, again, we do not have to believe them, and if we do not, they lose.
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The U.S. has followed a conservative ideology about investment in public infrastructure systems for over a hundred years, and as a result regular people bear private costs to have basic essentials like clean, high quality water. We don't have to do this.
In east Travis County, community with water quality complaints organizes against rate Residents of one east Travis County community have some of the highest water rates in region. Now they face a rate hike.
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Cure (1997, dir. Kiyoshi Kurosawa)
I just watched this a month ago or something. Extremely good movie.
I came here after searching "Nate Silver" to see whether he's trustworthy anymore. Now I leave to go watch American Horror Story.