C. L. Polk

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C. L. Polk


I write stuff. I knit stuff. I cook stuff. Ask me about my weird little books. https://clpolk.link/
why wouldn't you?
I think you'd have to ask Wintermute.
Reposted byAvatar C. L. Polk
you said "69" hehehehehehehehheeheheh. 😅
I know that. I want a different word.
I have never remembered to pledge in time for this even once.
I also feel this way about magic systems
The power of Nope keeps these assholes out of city councils, library boards, and school boards. The power of Nope stacks Attorneys General. The power of Nope shifts judges, sherriffs, congress reps, senators. and the power of Nope can be used to keep them on target between elections.
And arguably what I am enjoying most is that this is not the hero theory of history. We’re not seeing a charismatic leader carry the election through rhetoric and force of personality. We’re seeing populations say: nope. I like the power of nope.
Reposted byAvatar C. L. Polk
I think a lot about how the Nazis were voted into office. But that outcome wasn't inevitable—people could've made a different choice. Fascism is like a vampire; you must first invite it inside.
The UK and France just proved that getting out and actually voting makes a difference. Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently.
Babe wake up fresh batch of youth glow serum just dropped
Here's some fashy tears for your Sunday.
the three sentences method did this for me. Wake up, write three sentences on the end of the manuscript. instantly get up and walk away to actually wash, make coffee, yoga, breakfast, whatever. once you're done three sentences, officially, you win. but come back and see if you have more to add.
kindred is lovely! I'm keeping it.
Just ever so smidgenly, but there.
I mean maybe that's what it meant. I read it like "I don't understand why this matters to you; from my viewpoint, it seems small." And I get that! in general, it's a small detail. In my personal and very specific instance, I'm trying to communicate precisely and intentionally.
So I want to show you something. this is a wordcount spreadsheet (Christie Yant's Tools for Writers, 2024 edition). I went back and entered all the wordcounts I reported here on bluesky. (continued in replies)
410 words. kissing happened. I really feel like I screwed this book up somewhere in the last 25k and I'm building on a mistake and I'm going to have to delete back and write as many as 25k words again...and more every day as I continue spinning this disaster
Biggest wordcount day - May 9, 2208 words. Smallest Wordcount day - May 25/June 2, 29 words. Total Days elapsed - 74. Total Days missed - 4. Total Words Reported - 48286. Total Words on Manuscript - 51,720. Av. Wordcount per day - 739 (writing days only) 699 (total.) This is how it gets done.
I think I have to find a way to rephrase, honestly, but I did wonder if it had ever come up and there was already an answer
yes. it's exactly that: the actuality and the impression.
Oh my god yes. I have a quick fuse sometimes, and if that one got lit, I Am Not About To Be Helpful Or Wise. I have to remember to go away for a little while and go through my feelings, because there's useful stuff in my anger! But I'm in no condition to see it.
I don't think they understood the context/circumstance. I didn't explictly say why I was asking, and not everyone who stumbles across a post of mine knows what I do for money.
One of the things that is both a blessing and a hindrance being a professional writer (so it's not free time, precisely) is that at certain times I get to/feel I must be as intentionally precise as possible for the sake of what I'm trying to communicate. In this case, I am writing a speech.
I'm definitely fine with dude, personally, but yeah, it varies. and I find that I want to be more explicitly gender inclusive on certain occasions, and speeches are one of those occasions.
oh now I want to do this.
Esteemed is a good choice, if not a dead-bang on equivalent. mybe I should look for a looser variant
I am so sorry I have passed this curse on to you, I have been wrestling with this for ages
HEY HELP you know how you say "My fellow Americans" or "My fellow writers" is there a not-gendered word I can use there? I realize that it's supposedly gender neutral but I wish for a gender inclusive choice. did anyone ever coin something?
We're science fiction writers. Of course we write stories about the consequences of technological innovations, and no one ever comprehends the story is about the consequences and not the technology
410 words. kissing happened. I really feel like I screwed this book up somewhere in the last 25k and I'm building on a mistake and I'm going to have to delete back and write as many as 25k words again...and more every day as I continue spinning this disaster
1259 words. crossed the 50k mark in the draft. They have not kissed. (To be fair I have a bunch of dudes in here replacing my windows and my monitor is 1. not hidden from casual passers-by, and 2. huge)
...and it's so damn expensive that a suite in the Palmer House, the hotel where Marlowe lived, is 60% of the price of their ordinary 2 queen room, YOWZA www.hilton.com/en/hotels/ch...
So I woke up thinking about traincon and wondering if I was right about where the train station is and I was not only correct but The Reliance Building, where Helen Brandt live/worked as a private eye in Even Though I Knew The End, IS A HOTEL NOW www.staypineapple.com/the-loop-chi...
So I woke up thinking about traincon and wondering if I was right about where the train station is and I was not only correct but The Reliance Building, where Helen Brandt live/worked as a private eye in Even Though I Knew The End, IS A HOTEL NOW www.staypineapple.com/the-loop-chi...
I seem to have lit the spark for TrainCon 2025, Chicago to Minneapolis just before 4th Street Fantasy I'm happy with this