vocational politics posting account

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vocational politics posting account


German in the US, posting about veto players a lot. he/him
I found some of the funniest shit escaping the twitter confinement zone
Genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, this is about dialectics. This is why young people are making Napoleon jokes. It's part of why they're pushing the Brumaire jokes Youth are actively shaping the media environment for a steeler win, and if none of those words made sense to you, its an age thing
"Get a grip" is insulting to folks who are, by and large, working to figure out the path that offers us the best chance at winning.
Look, your posting about "working to figure out the path forward" is about as impactful as me posting about bringing back the jet sweep on the Steelers chances in the fall
And yes you should absolutely get a grip, man
Eric Adams opened this morning’s press conference by rolling a garbage bin up to the podium, placing a bag of trash in it, and saying “welcome to our trash revolution” while Empire State of Mind played in the background
I mean he didn't look that great on the gavel sections. Meanwhile Vingegaard finished on someone else's bike while staying on Pogadcars wheel the entire stage
All I want now is more sports posting over here.
Oh MUCH MUCH worse. I did not expect Bsky ending up the more reasoned and calm place, but I locked my twitter account locked out and deleted the app last week, have been back twice and logged out after literally 1 minute.
It's like watching a collective anxiety attack that never ends mixed with Lord of the Flies in there.
it's officially election season.
Twitter is an insane echo chamber on Biden right now and I don't think they realize it
Like twitter has been incredibly wrong and a tightly sealed echo chamber every time, now it just has taken on a manic panicked anxious energy that is completely unbearable
You can find the video of Joe Biden full statement on Morning Joe here youtu.be/T6eK-2OQtew?...
Not Like Usyoutu.be
holy shit, the president got listen a series of media big wigs calling for him to step down and he literally when David Axelrod got listed he went "Ohhhh your kidding?"
Biden is on minute 20 of calling into Morning Joe rn, we are beyond back.
"biden gets the last half hour of MJ to kinda just shot the shit on MSNBC" is a media strategy required
Biden is on minute 20 of calling into Morning Joe rn, we are beyond back.
Today show's segment on 24 race described Joe Biden as "defiant" we might be so fucking back.
it's worth noting, perhaps, that a lot of the "french elections defy predictions!" coverage is written by people/outlets who made the predictions
this is true of many things, not just politics, but often people in this position are better at writing/talking about a thing than they are actually understanding it. your halftime analysis is designed to keep the audience, not necessarily inform them
I mean they kind of alluded to it with the previous books map that placed all the battles in the outer rim, it's basically to square the circle where all these ships at the end on TROS came from
Still having a German Amazon account paid off, lol
This is extremely my shit
The mad lads did it, they canonized the First Order basically doing nothing
The mad lads did it, they canonized the First Order basically doing nothing
Three creaky splintered ducttaped wooden beams labeled "agedep" "racedep" and "2020 non-voters' are holding up the toplines