Erin Fogg

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Erin Fogg

Just a funny weird guy, not a threat to any establishment
I work with many gods and we all have a pretty long standing grievance with a handful of other ones
That sure sounds like something an entire government and military on a tremendous amount of speed would think
Reposted byAvatar Erin Fogg
To replace biden, we're gathering 100 of the most popular democrats and placing them in an underground arena to compete in a series of physical challenges. There are 5 rounds, each round ~half are eliminated & must destroy their presidential portraits. The winner gets a kiss from taylor swift
Reposted byAvatar Erin Fogg
Reducing all of humanity to only what an evangelical preacher in Missouri can imagine would be a horror.
At least they'll all die someday doing what they loved, being miserable
Idk if fash have ever been truly lonely that they want it so badly for themselves My heart yearns for a global community of equal peers, not a suffering throng of writing inferiors looking up at me with nothing but hate the fuck that's so gross who WANTS that???
Reposted byAvatar Erin Fogg
The thing that's obvious to everyone and that nobody can actually write in the press is that the American (and yes, I'm sure elsewhere too) right wing is led by bad people and the object is to make more people extremely bad in basically every respect. It's anti-society
How does fascism even know when to stop like it's logical end point is just one incredibly racist guy atop a planet of literally rotting corpses What kind of a win is that, long term, especially compared to something like fully automated luxury gay space communism?
Filling up my cargo pockets with loosies
We're gonna need a bigger union ig
Reposted byAvatar Erin Fogg
No one wants to *checks headlines* hire humans who are also just like a human anymore
You're telling me a bro made this equity private?
Yeah I need a break bro this is too silly lol
Trying to come up with a lil riff about how the landed gentry are happily signing up with their own personal FBI agents & failing, bc it's not funny I think they would actually do that given the option and what's more they would think it is a bonus and a form of additional home security
I would like a news to ask how many Americans would be willing to be tracked & surveilled by the feds as a monthly subscription service maybe with an app and fun data visuals about how they spend their time, I wanna know exactly how many people have severely wrong brain problems in this country
The actual story is just about real estate brokers it's not important
Reposted byAvatar Erin Fogg
The opting out is especially wild Like, Republican governors are being actively presented with money to feed kids and affirmatively saying 'I would like children to starve actually' (Also, if I'm a Dem campaigner, I'm making some ads and placing some op eds about this immediately)
The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
What's more is we can extra feel two hours when the movie has no business being longer than 90 minutes
Reposted byAvatar Erin Fogg
Gonna check out this new Inside Out movie now I guess
Reposted byAvatar Erin Fogg
The perception of an inevitable fascist victory in Europe is largely just the wishcasting of mainstream media publications saying that fascist victory is inevitable. See how the BBC spins National Rally's loss.
Reposted byAvatar Erin Fogg
Thousands in the streets of Paris celebrating and cheering “no pasaran” or "They will not pass” as the far right falls out n France’s election. Just absolutely amazing scenes tonight across France as they fight the fascists back. Now it’s our time to be brave and come together to for a united front.
Reposted byAvatar Erin Fogg
He was also a time traveler who put the second pyramid on top of the first nearly forty years before the first was built. Truly, the man lived a life.
Number one whhhat number two "to show what SOCIETY does to CARS?"
Fuck yeah I'll slee on their stacks til they lose their land
Oh no wait that's what Europe did I don't want to do that actually, now that I've said it
Let's stay in the time machine a little longer until we revturn to a time before everything was government
You're gonna need em after the next Round of Ordeals where workers must scale a motorized moving rock wall while the FBI just openly shoots at everyone
"And other goodies" ya okay tell me bro stashed quaaludes without saying bro stashed quaaludes lol
Reposted byAvatar Erin Fogg