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Off the top of my head I can name JD Vance, Peter Thiel and Steve Bannon as neoreactionaires known by average Americans. I’m sure there are others. I can’t think of a tankie that is a good analogue. I’m asking sincerely; can you give an example?
Not saying tankies are good. Just saying I don’t see tankies (barring evidence from you to the contrary) having any meaningful national influence, so we should be focusing on the group that actually does
There are many examples of well known neoreactionaries but the average person wouldn’t be able to point to any prominent talkies. Asking you to point out some examples isn’t unreasonable and will help everyone understand your original post
Reposted byAvatar David
This summer I will be supporting the Mongolian Olympic team because this is their uniform and it is a thousand times better than anything Nike has ever made.
Second highest compliment after being added to the “Handsome Boy Modeling School” list
Your post reminded me of this episode and now I’m super sad
Scrubs remains BY FAR the most realistic hospital portrayal ever put on TV
If this leads to a discussion of Biden’s role in the Anita Hill hearing to get Thomas confirmed, that’s really not going to help Biden’s reelection campaign
I think the more telling question is “how much of the stuff people like about DnD came from Gygax specifically?”
Me in that scary Japanese comic with the holes in the mountainside but my delusional vain ass self gets stuck because I’m convinced a hole with a super hot body is actually for me
Reposted byAvatar David
listen all y'all, it's a
Ratatouille is the prequel to The Bear
Reposted byAvatar David
this is when Josie finds out a second plane hit Laura Palmer
Twin Peaks: Benjamin Horne and Josie Packard at a town meeting.
That is on my Mt Rushmore along with
“We were latchkey kids, kids nowadays have no idea how hard it was to watch The Facts of Life and Charles in Charge while eating fruit roll ups and chips for two hours after school!”
As a GenX we are the first generation to be tricked by a meme into thinking renting horror movies made us brave, riding bicycles made us tough, drinking from the hose put us in harmony with nature
Daniel Tiger’s dad works part time at the clock factory and supports his family of four in their 3b/2ba beachfront house on public transport. This is why unions matter.
I say this all the time. He’s a creep. Firefly would have quickly become as sketchy as Dollhouse but with more lost cause race science stuff.
By season two the doctor would be like “the reavers’ violence and poor physiognomy are caused by inferior genes… we can only defeat them by sending my sister to fight them while she’s barefoot”
🎶 He tries a tradwife He tries an alewife He tries a lager wife He tries a cider wife 🎶
She was overshadowed by Penn Gillette’s well honed acting chops
This guy has a deep and complicated relationship with Husqvarna
Walking along until I see a floating ham or bunch of grapes and I just jump to eat it and I get healed
5 years from now when boomers can’t afford to retire, I’ll be using the most condescending boomer affect when I lecture at them “you should have saved for retirement instead of wasting money on ‘paper napkins’ ‘annual vacations’ and ‘fast casual restaurant dining’.”
Yeah but the painting of her in her attic looks good as hell
I like that the only thing you can do on the SJP screen is click the “AWESOME” button
Using the secret combo where Dedalus puts handcuffs on Leopold, locking the book up and ending the story immediately