David Munroe

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David Munroe


Critically acclaimed working class humor/fiction. Progressive. “Reading is better than hating.”
https://davidmunroe.substack.com/ “Munroe's prose is pitch-perfect and direct…like the character of the working-class stiff he depicts.” - Globe and Mail.
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Uh huh. Better ban TikTok asap!
I’m a tech know nothing. But as a relatively normal human, I found being on what is now X horrifying and depressing. Bluesky allows me to still be depressed about everything going on in the world but with a sense of commonality. Ya know?
Patti Smith. People have the power!
Reposted byAvatar David Munroe
the point at which any comedian starts complaining about "woke snowflakes" is the point at which it's clear they will never produce any funny material again
It takes a special mentality to want to be a cop these days.
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Details of the Canada Disability Benefit program unveiled in #Budget2024 - no benefit until July 2025 - Disability Tax Credit eligibility (notoriously difficult to qualify for) - maximum annual benefit $2,400 - covers just half of disabled people in poverty This country hates disabled people
After waiting for years on a promise to help raise disabled from crushing poverty, we get this. The Liberals most definitely are toast.
Certainly a discussion worth having.
Over 8 billion people are living in a time with perhaps the worst ruling class in human history. All stupid, greedy, power hungry fucks with no nuance. There are no good choices.
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White people would rather set the world on fire than follow the rules they came up with and forced everyone else to follow. Anyway, Iran has the right to defend itself. It's that simple.
Serious question because maybe I missed it. Did anyone at all rebuke Israel for the attack on Iran’s consulate? Sure, Iran, “don’t” says Biden. But Israel has been given the West’s green light to be the biggest assholes in the world.
I’m no historian, but I don’t recall such a cluster* of Mideast policies before. Truly very stupid men running things right now.
The “ruling” class doesn’t want this. Hard to control happy, well adjusted people.
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LAKE OF SOULS, my collection of short fiction, is available TOMORROW! Wherever fine books are sold!
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We must always remember, executives are human and humans (especially executives) are f*ing stupid.
Media is a giant circle jerk.
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Chandra, the space-based observatory that brings us incredible x-ray images of the most extreme environments in the cosmos, is at risk of cancellation. It’ll be a huge loss to astronomy if the mission ends prematurely for budget reasons. Go to www.savechandra.org to find out how to help #SaveChandra
She is so addicted to Delectables, her tongue is now stuck.
As long as the owners of social media platforms can go unchecked and manipulate the information seen to reflect their own ideals, we are voluntarily witnessing mass brainwashing. I am a writer who would love to have an income and a following but nothing is worth being a part of that to me.
Musk or Zuckerberg controlling your content. Hmmm. Which to pick is a real head scratcher.
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#BlueSky - are you still with me, ALL I hear are crickets in the night. SUPPORT me or ROAST me, but PLEASE be ACTIVE! My confidence grows by the hour. Hugs, Hart
X is literally turning the world in a nazi hellhole but of course we’re only worried about TikTok.
Why not? He owns the site and people still use it. Meanwhile they will ban TikTok. The musky turd is never really held to account much like the orange vomit. The world is a steaming cesspool.
We need many more like him.