Dean Booth 🦆🐇

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Dean Booth 🦆🐇

Things over on twitter seem way more fascist-y today, like we’ve reached a tipping point.
Twitter is down. I suspect that Biden is responsible, but now there nothing we can do to stop him.
Being trans in America is cool because it’s like do you want to live somewhere rent is $6,000 a month or do you want to live somewhere it’s legal to hunt you for sport
Two male Texas professors are suing to flunk students who get abortions. Their reason? The students had "consensual sexual intercourse." Which the professors appear to believe is their right to punish.
Texas professors want to use abortion ban to punish students for "consensual sexual intercourse" It's part of a larger pattern of men using the new law to control and abuse women in their lives
NEW: Michael Cohen's wife and children were doxed early this morning, their phone numbers and addresses posted to a site that has been used to target other figures involved in Trump prosecutions
Michael Cohen's family doxed after Trump guilty verdict in porn star hush money The latest doxing attempt fits into a pattern of threats against individuals who speak out against former President Donald Trump.
And Jerry Seinfeld was just saying that he missed "dominant masculinity."
It appears that Twitter is no more, has ceased to be, is bereft of life, rests in peace, and is an ex-social media site.* * some kind of technical glitch
Historian Ilan Pappe was detained in Detroit airport on Monday and asked if he was a Hamas supporter, whether he views Israeli action in Gaza as genocide, who his Arab and Muslim friends are in America, and what his solution is to the “conflict.” He is 70.
The Ohio State student newspaper has retracted its earlier report stating there were no snipers on campus yesterday, in response to a viral Twitter post. They've now confirmed there were state troopers with long-range firearms on the student union roof last night.
Lantern confirms officers on Ohio Union’s roof had firearms once arrests A version of this story was published Thursday at 8:55 p.m., and has since been removed following updated information. Around 8:15 p.m. Thursday, university spokesperson Ben Johnson said there were…
The library board “fired the library director for refusing to move or remove 113 books that they feel are ‘inappropriate.’ The rest of the staff did something heroic in solidarity with their colleague: they walked out, locked up the library, and said No to this unethical board action.”
We all stand against book bans in theory, but 4 librarians in Prattville, Alabama lost their jobs standing against them. Please join me in donating to the GoFundMe that will help them make ends meet in this tough time. Show me a receipt, I'll give you a compliment
Protect Prattville Library Staff and Patrons, organized by EveryLibrary Institute The Autauga-Prattville Alabama Library board has fired the lib… EveryLibrary Institute NFP needs your support for Protect Prattville Library Staff and Patrons
(watching abortion rights, the Medicaid expansion, the Voting Rights Act being gutted) “I just hope they’re all having fun.”
Crystal Mason, a Texas woman who was sentenced to 5 years in prison after she tried to cast a provisional ballot in 2016, has been acquitted She has always maintained she had no idea she was ineligible and only tried because her mom urged her to
Crystal Mason: Texas woman sentenced to five years over voting error Appeals court rules Mason, now 49, did not know she was ineligible when she voted in 2016 and throws out conviction
Just the dumbest people on earth
NYT: Biden “facing significant opposition,” 78-16. Trump “again coasting,” 65-31.
House Republican demands to avoid a shutdown -- restricting access to abortion medication -- restrict VA from flagging veterans deemed mentally incompetent in gun background checks -- no new funding for food assistance for the poor, women, and infants
Republican Demands and Divisions Drive Impasse Toward a The spending stalemate that has brought the government to the brink of a shutdown is being fueled by G.O.P. demands to add conservative spending mandates opposed by President Biden and Democrats.
Shitty people, shitty culture, shitty values.
Texas won't let Kate Cox get an abortion even though her fetus has a fatal genetic anomaly and she is suffering agonizing, ongoing pain. She just sued in state court demanding the right to terminate the failed pregnancy immediately.
Nothing more exciting than not being able to watch college football because my shitty billion-dollar cable provider is in a slapfight with billion-dollar shitass Disney over which one of them gets to fuck me harder and rob me more.
End of feed.