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Pivot to “unity” is going great
Kari Lake welcomes the crowd but then says she takes it back. "I don't welcome everyone" in the arena. She then calls out the media at the top of the arena. #RNC
President Biden tried to call the widow; she wouldn't talk to him. Trump didn't bother.
This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
JD Vance is a polarizing and terrifying figure-- one who can only hurt Trump's chances. Read my first Substack post on the Senator's anti-women past here.
JD Vance's assault on autonomy should scare all The Ohio Senator and disingenuous "hillbilly" wants women trapped in deadly pregnancies and abusive marriages.
“Nobody seems to have language to say: We abhor, reject, repudiate, and punish all political violence, even as we maintain that Trump remains himself a promoter of such violence, a subverter of American institutions, and the very opposite of everything decent and patriotic.“ #giftarticle
The Gunman and the Would-Be Violence stalks the president who has rejoiced in violence to others.
Two months ago Greg Abbott pardoned a murderer who texted a friend "I might go to Dallas to shoot looters" then drove into a BLM protest in Austin and killed a protester. The universal response from conservatives to the pardon was "Yeah! Woo-hoo!" Now they say liberals should turn down the rhetoric
As a staunch opponent of political violence, I greatly prefer when national leaders respond to it by condemning violence and expressing concern for victims (image 1) rather than encouraging violence and laughing at victims (image 2).
President Biden delivered his most forceful defense yet of his candidacy in a fiery rally, charging that Republican Donald Trump was receiving a “free pass” and unspooling a list of factors he said rendered Trump unfit to serve as president again.
Biden delivers newly fiery speech declaring Trump unfit to be Turning up the volume in his fight to save his candidacy, Biden charges Trump has gotten a “free pass” for his behavior and verbal stumbles.
It’s a good thing Biden didn’t say something stupid like “I don’t know whether this helps him or helps him”
Nadav Eliyahu, Reuters. I believe this is rather spontaneous, and a direct response to Bibi preparing the ground to blow up the hostages deal.
Tel Aviv right now (Itay Ron, Haaretz).
Re: Mike Johnson, he can’t even manage his own Conference, why does anyone care about his thoughts on how Universities should be run
I think i could convince joe Rogan that while the later generations were made up, Pokémon were real and that animal rights activists eventually got them all euthanized so they couldn’t be used for sport
The fact that some Trump critics are rewriting history on his behalf because they fear the implications of acknowledging the truth about January 6 is a tremendously ill omen for the campaign and a potential second Trump administration.
Gift Article: Trump’s Unwitting They sound very different from the former president’s toadies, who lavish him with absurd praises. But they are part of the same project.
"Contemporary discourse often pits Muslims & Jews against one another. But our research demonstrates that a large amount of seemingly disconnected hateful rhetoric about both—at least in 2017—originated from the same far-right extremist communities" | The Same Extremists Target Both Muslims and Jews
The Same Extremists Target Both Muslims and Far-right extremists shifted their online hate from Muslims to Jews in 2017, and offline hate followed the same trends
So I hesitated on posting this, but because of the danger this threat poses, I feel like it Has to be seen. Trump is openly calling his followers to arm up and go into liberal areas to not just disrupt the vote but do what appears to be violence. This is an extremely dangerous step he’s making
Really something that Jewish establishment leaders will give a raging antisemite who happens to support Israel the podium but will call Jewish anti-war and anti-apartheid groups antisemites/hate groups. Very clear that among some leaders, Israel matters more than Jews.
There's only one way for the gop to come back from this night of election setbacks: spend more time being furious about the possibility that a trans athlete might win a race
Imagine riding around in a ‘72 Duster, windows down, sunny and 75°. You got your girl/guy by your side. They look at you lovingly, reach behind the seat, and pull this out.
Turns out Moms for Liberty are a bunch of Nazis, there was no way to know except for literally every single thing that hate group has ever done.
A Moms for Liberty chair who previously fought a library for having an adaption of Anne Frank’s diary recently promoted her organization on an antisemitic network that warns viewers about “seditious Jews,” “Jewish tyrants,” and how Jewish people “have forsaken God.”
Moms for Liberty chair who pushed for removal of an Anne Frank book went on network that attacks “
Well as I live and breathe. A university president speaks facts about the fascist incursion into our campuses.
well, sure, republicans aren’t gonna vote for a Jew
me: what’s crazy is that rudy giuliani first rose to fame because of 9/11 teen born in 2006: ohh. like he helped do it me: ok no, but i see how you got there
You know pharma drug prices are real and not completely made-up bullshit because one of my Crohn's meds costs thousands per dose unless I have a special number from the manufacturer's program with my insurer, which makes it $5
it’d be weirder if they weren’t
It's gotta be so demoralizing working for the New York Times. You spend days diligently re-reporting a week-old regionally published article you're pretending doesn't already exist only to open the op-ed section and see "Mongrel Sterilization Is in the Constitution" by Trevor M. Swastika.
I'm not saying chiropractors should be illegal, I'm just saying they should have to have cigarette style warning labels in big print on their waiting room walls saying "The guy who invented this says he learned it from a ghost."
End of feed.