Dave Bulmer

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Dave Bulmer


Sonic the Comic the Podcast, it's about how we were kids in the 90s. https://stctp.zone
Mastodon: https://speedlines.stctp.zone/@demontomatodave
Youtube: https://youtube.com/demontomatodave
And of course twitter: @demontomatodave
I was at least 12 before the phrase "TV set" exited common recognition (measurable by the fact that nobody raised an eyebrow at it in the popular theme tune to "Life With The Amoebas") So my question to you is: why weren't computers called "computer sets" back then?
Reposted byAvatar Dave Bulmer
Reposted byAvatar Dave Bulmer
Reposted byAvatar Dave Bulmer
I wish hell existed, because whoever invented leaf blowers deserves to be there.
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Guy Who Feels Strongly That Most Sports Are Technically Roguelikes But Has The Self Awareness To Never Speak About This Belief To Another Human Being Sits Down To Invent A Sport That Is Structurally A Metroidvania In Several Spiralbound Notebooks That Will Not Be Discovered Until After His Death
Reposted byAvatar Dave Bulmer
There is no overriding algorithm to thrust The Worst Posts into our timelines here like at the other places. There is also nothing specifically removing those posts. So it's important you don't reskeet them, don't reply to them, don't screenshot them and don't platform them. Because we wouldn't have
I just went "right!" and then "ooh!" the "right!" was me commanding myself to close my browser, which I did the "ooh!" was surprise because my browser closed and I couldn't remember why
Reposted byAvatar Dave Bulmer
I spent my Saturday night in a Tron space station where power ranger robots fought and sung songs, where were you?
Reposted byAvatar Dave Bulmer
Today a bold new accomplishment in Posting: a Something Awful user eats a 100,000 hour probation and immediately resumes the conversation they were having, without acknowledging the intervening eleven and four-tenths years.
I spent my Saturday night in a Tron space station where power ranger robots fought and sung songs, where were you?
Reposted byAvatar Dave Bulmer
(dancing with a rictus grin trying to pretend I don't notice the way he's misremembered the Turtles tune)
Reposted byAvatar Dave Bulmer
Love to live in a time when “Western democracy” means a choice between actual raving blood cult ultra-right Nazi fuckheads and the most pathetic weak-kneed hapless dipshit genocide-enabling centrists imaginable. Everybloodywhere.
Me in the breakfast aisle at the supermarket: "Yum! Yes pleas! Buy! Purchase!" Me at breakfast time "blegch no way, just a coffee will do me"
Reposted byAvatar Dave Bulmer
Every Time I Think I'll Have Free Time It Turns Out I Don't: a story of my life
whenever anyone says "Kirsty Wark" my brain automatically fills in Disney's Tarzan in a falsetto repeating "kir stee WAAAArrrrkk!" and this has presumably been going on for around twenty five years
He looked so different by the end
This sounds cool and has an interesting mothman drawing. Does anyone know who this cryptid illustrator was? www.reddit.com/r/HelpMeFind...
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14 years of Tory rule gives us this utterly horrifying graph:
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i cannot wait to urinate on a cybertruck. i am going to simply blast it with peepee
Wait, WHEN did Shelley die exactly, because yesterday I went a bit funny and got "everything is food" stuck in my head for half an hour?? Mind you this was because I was physically exhausted from lugging boxes up and down stairs and also a church bell started ringing like at the start of the song.
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I am going to have this printed on a teeshirt and put it on at 9pm every night
Technicality someone here might know the answer to: I preordered something on Amazon. It looks like the money hasn't gone out, so that means it'll go out when the thing's released in September. I've since moved house. So the billing address on the preorder is now ILLEGAL!! What do I do about that?
Reposted byAvatar Dave Bulmer
If you read just one book this month, that's awesome because reading isn't a contest.
Reposted byAvatar Dave Bulmer
yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
Reposted byAvatar Dave Bulmer
All US citizens should interrogate the way we are propaganzied to support militarism abroad.
Reposted byAvatar Dave Bulmer
We only tell kids about the tooth fairy to distract from knowledge of the fairies who accept larger bones for greater rewards
Reposted byAvatar Dave Bulmer
I saw that they announced Shrek 5 today and that it's coming in July 2026, and it just seemed like the most bizarre thing to me. Like who can even imagine what July 2026 is going to be like and whether the people alive then will be in a place where they want to see Shrek again
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imagine how much great art could have been created if we took a fraction of the money spent on getting computers to make shitty art and gave it to actual artists
Reposted byAvatar Dave Bulmer
It’s probably someone’s birthday today. Happy birthday