Derek Krissoff

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Derek Krissoff

Reader and publishing worker in Pittsburgh
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"In a field that’s relied (sometimes to an exploitive extent) on a sense of joy that comes from making things, my largely anecdotal sense is that post-pandemic reserves of joy may be running low." on book publishing's "return to normal":
Books after A contested return to normal
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Hot off the presses! Super excited to dig into Pedagogy of Kindness by Congratulations, Cate! I am honored to serve on the editorial board of this press series. If you have ideas for a book, please let me know.
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My latest in CHE is now live: How to Publish a 'Timely' Scholarly Book--a little more advice-y w/ dos & don'ts (I know, I know) BUT hopefully there's good, interesting stuff in here re comp titles, mktg questionnaires, & NOT forcing ties to current events.
Advice | How to Publish a ‘Timely’ Scholarly Dos and don’ts for making your writing project relevant as it moves from proposal to manuscript to promotion.
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I don't agree with all the points here against REF OA rules - but I am glad we are raising the *cost* aspect again. In time of financial stringency REF seems to conveniently forget that SO MUCH reserch is "unfunded" & so our employers choose who gets ££ to pay for OA
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When admins bring in consultants from these types of firms, they've already decided to cut programs and simply need someone to put a "data-driven" veneer on it. Before hiring a consultancy, admin should be required to publicize the firm's other higher ed clients and the outcomes *they* experienced
As the 21st century progresses, we're not going to need the population to have *less* knowledge of physics. Or high-level math like the programs just cut at WVU. How do all those 1's and 0's keep getting squished into smaller and smaller spaces? It's done by people who know physics. And not b.s.
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Indulging an author by allowing a subpar title is the path of least resistance for an editor. Taking the time to get a title right—which can be a lot of work!—shows a publisher's commitment to your book's success. Good essay
Getting titles Like everything in publishing, it's work
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"Balancing both attitudes toward books—as both magic and mundane—would help them not just to sell, but to emerge from an industry that’s more sustainable and humane." on how the mystique of books can help/hinder the economics of publishing
Books both are and aren't It's a source of unease
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Why it's better to think about social media as a tool for authors to build community vs. so-called "building a platform." One of many good points in a & conversation about book marketing.
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And calls for instructors to bring their whole selves to the classroom with "The Present Professor: Authenticity and Transformational Teaching."
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With editor-at-large, our new series "Teaching, Engaging, and Thriving in Higher Ed" is surging to life. Forget gimmicks—trust a scholar of memory in the short, handy "A Teacher's Guide to Learning Student Names: Why You Should, Why It’s Hard, How You Can."
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Don't forget to watch birds during the eclipse! And report your observations using this app.
Planning to view the eclipse? Help Indiana University researchers collect data on bird behavior using the SolarBird app, available in Apple! Please share widely!
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If you're a scholar, scholarly publisher, or university administrator, it remains critically important to watch what's happening in UK scholarly communications circles as REF 2029 comes online.
Open Access publication will soon be required for most books by university-based authors in the UK. I asked Bruce Baker at Newcastle to explain criticism of OA, and how the policy fits into wider crises in British universities.
Open Access publishing and the crisis in British A guest perspective from historian and author Bruce Baker
Open Access publication will soon be required for most books by university-based authors in the UK. I asked Bruce Baker at Newcastle to explain criticism of OA, and how the policy fits into wider crises in British universities.
Open Access publishing and the crisis in British A guest perspective from historian and author Bruce Baker
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If you edit a UK Humanities book series, publish UK Humanities books, represent/belong to a Humanities scholarly society or hold a research advocacy role at your UK university, it's time to engage with REF 2029 Open Access Consultation - UK Research and Innovation - Citizen Space (
REF 2029 Open Access Consultation - UK Research and Innovation - Citizen Space Find and participate in activities run by UK Research and Innovation
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The best thing I have read in response to the news about Authors Equity and their "unusual business model" comes from, who points out the realities: "Innovation in publishing is usually about labor."
Innovation in publishing is usually about And it's rarely good news
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Clear lesson abt the economics of maintaining infrastructure digital & physical in white paper published by the British Library today: "our reliance on legacy infrastructure is the primary contributor to the length of time that the Library will require to recover." 🗃️
Learning lessons from the Photo: Tony Antoniou Today, we’ve published a paper about the cyber-attack that took place against the British Library last October. Our hope is that doing this will help other organisations to plan a...
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Blurbs from people who don't write blurbs, marquee names dropping praise on Goodreads instead of the back of the book, using fewer but better blurbs. Some welcome outside-the-box thinking over at's "Book Work" Substack.
I like Sticking up for one of publishing's maligned conventions
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From a Pedagogy of Kindness (preorder: "Kindness understands our imperfections, frailties, and the things we don’t know, and suggests that we cannot move forward in the world without the opportunity to pardon ourselves for our mistakes."
A Pedagogy of Kindness - University of Oklahoma Academia is not, by and large, a kind place. Individualism and competition are what count. But without kindness at its core, Catherine Denial suggests, highe...
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Hey y'all, I'm co-editing a volume with Lisa DiBartolomeo at WVU on Higher Ed in Crisis. We're finalizing a contract with a university press, and are now accepting chapter proposals. Please see the full CFP at and feel free to reach out if you have questions! [3/15 deadline]
CFP The Campus Crisis
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Hey Bluesky: Anyone want to put together a panel on the history of (1) the UAW in the 1980s-90s, (2) white-collar organizing in the late-20th c US, or (3) academic worker organizing for the North American Labor History Conference? Please let me know if you're interested. CFP below: 🗃
NALHC Call for Call for papers and proposals for the 2024 North American Labor History Conference at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan.
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I am so proud of the OU Press acquisitions team— 2023 was our best year for signing new book contracts in years! As we work to refresh and renew the editorial program, authors entrusting their books to us are perhaps the most important vote of confidence.
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There's also a wonderful double-paged spread about the Teaching, Engaging, and Thriving in Higher Ed series of which my book is a part, and my book itself. If you have an idea for the series, drop a line!
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The spring catalog from the University of Oklahoma Press is out, and my book cover is on the front! You can pre-order at
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Hello all--check out the 2024 edition of our USIH-IUPUI Community Scholars program! More information here:
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A smart essay about the prejudice against social media in bookish circles, with good insights about how social media can ultimately move the needle for authors and publishers. From's newsletter "Book Work."
Authors, publishing, and social Four quick points