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posts from the higher ed policy mines, into the void. simultaneously so over and so back, probably listening to a months old podcast episode
Reposted byAvatar devin
biden should run on recategorizing the bear as a drama
Reposted byAvatar devin
I think a big mistake liberals make is constantly making up an imagined "normal voter" in their heads to triangulate their opinions around. NO! What do YOU THINK? What do THE PEOPLE YOU ACTUALLY KNOW BELIEVE?
Reposted byAvatar devin
"We know how Donald Trump thinks America should be united: by reelecting him and allowing him and his cronies to ransack the country’s institutions." I wrote about the depressing aftermath of the assassination attempt
Nothing Has Changed: Trump Is Still After being shot at a rally on Saturday, Trump is a bigger threat to American democracy than ever before. Why aren’t Democrats acting like it?
Reposted byAvatar devin
Christina's World, by Andrew Wyeth, 1948, 📸 via
Did not see Carlos slamming the door shut on the Djokovic era
The double fault on championship point, never change
stipulating that there aren’t any great options here, I think this is a serious misreading of the situation
The public endorsements of President Biden from Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reflect a careful calculation that he offers the best hope for advancing progressive policies, according to people close to Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez.
Why Sanders, AOC threw Biden a lifeline as his candidacy Liberal lawmakers giving the president political cover are aiming to secure his support for a more progressive policy agenda.
Not one mention of Israel or Gaza in the article is telling
What a shame, about the stakes
If it weren't you know, for the stakes, 'a party with quite rigid presidential and ballot access rules decides to start acting like a party in a parliamentary system with a whole lot of options' would be quite interesting to see how it shakes out, really.
what a grim spectacle this all is
Perhaps but just from afar don’t know how you maintained that pace for so long
cool, cool cool cool
David Zaslav, the CEO of CNN’s parent company, at the Allen & Co. media conference in Sun Valley, Idaho, on Tuesday:
Reposted byAvatar devin
many tiny brained soccer fans think scoring goals is integral to winning matches and advancing in tournaments. much respect to France for bringing much needed sophistication to the game
all this freedom freaks me out >
don’t disagree with all the Presumed Innocent pans and unfavorable comparisons to the movie but haven’t seen anyone mention that (sort of spoiler) Mare of Easttown essentially borrowed the resolution of the mystery
(Bill Camp not just innocent but thriving though)
we are really not in a good way
Reposted byAvatar devin
I keep coming back to "all this for literally Donald Trump," but it fits. There's not some more competent aspiring autocrat who'd somehow "earn" or "win" this. This is how it has always gone: feckless/evil elites attaching themselves to the sociopath they believe will get them where they want to go.
obviously none of the alternatives are known nearly to the extent that Biden and Trump are, so hard to say what happens
I hear you and especially this early but one of the Biden campaign's big talking points for months is when the stark choice between the two got closer, the polls would start to move. Hard to believe tonight has been helpful
we’re so back
anticipating the inevitable USMNT moral panic 👍
Tim Weah punched someone in the head?
Reposted byAvatar devin
been thinking about this endorsement a lot because the Dem establishment for years said it always would support incumbents. But this was when the incumbents were more conservative than the challengers. imho HRC doesn’t endorse without first clearing it with leaders. It was never an incumbency test.
June 2024: “Hillary Clinton helped deal another blow to vulnerable Rep. Jamaal Bowman on Wednesday, endorsing his formidable challenger just hours after Bowman yet again accused him of racism.”
Hillary Clinton endorses George Latimer in challenge to unseat Jamaal Nod from Democratic heavyweight comes as Bowman’s reelection prospects look increasingly grim.
hard to be sanguine about how much money AIPAC has spent in these Dem primaries the last few cycles and how effective it’s been
Reposted byAvatar devin
the wikipedia page for the drake-kendrick beef uses the same table that you find on articles about actual wars
anticipating the inevitable USMNT moral panic 👍
God what a beautiful opener though
Reposted byAvatar devin
Hardly the first evidence of this but Columbia has gone completely ‘round the bend. They put three deans on suspension because some creep from the Free Beacon looked over their shoulders and saw them writing snarky texts?!? You do not take orders from these people!