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Dayton Flyer/A10 basketball, Malazan, leftist things, FGC, indie music and games, etc. He/him.

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(A10/Dayton Flyers/KoF/Malazan/Defector/Aftermath/DS9/Robin Hobb/Reds)
Reposted byAvatar rawkitbawl
The Japanese government should threaten Square Enix with fines if they don't do a Vagrant Story remake.
I am sick and want to play a game that requires zero brain and is not Binding of Isaac.
Can you get Covid from friends you only know on Bluesky? Because I'm pretty sure I have it and that's what happened.
Reposted byAvatar rawkitbawl
recharging my phone using the friction between all of the people i follow who hate each other
Man, what the fuck is going on in your head when you celebrate beating Colombia by singing a racist song about Black French players? "Fernández said he was "caught up in the euphoria" of the celebrations." Hi! When I'm feeling euphoric, it's all racial slurs from me!
Reposted byAvatar rawkitbawl
Northwestern's law school faculty is nearly 80 percent white and over 80 percent male Naturally the law school is being sued by some jabronis who think white guys aren't getting a fair shake in faculty hiring I wrote about it! ballsandstrikes.org/legal-cultur...
Affirmative Action Opponents Are Saying the Racist Part Out Loud Nowballsandstrikes.org A challenge to faculty hiring practices at Northwestern’s law school translates from legalese to “There are Black people on this faculty, Your Honor.”
Reposted byAvatar rawkitbawl
Reposted byAvatar rawkitbawl
I don't think it's possible to overstate how insidious it is that these are organizations which, for many communities, are the only available social services.
All right, that's it for Raymond Feist's Riftwar Saga. A Darkness at Sethanon was of a piece with Silverthorn and shared its strengths (pacing, plot and characters) and weaknesses (treatment of women, facile nature).
My face feels like it's melting. That's probably good, right?
Helping immigrants get gender affirming surgery is a far better use of my tax dollars than most that are already happening.
In 2022, Vance unleashed an unhinged theory on Tucker Carlson's show that his Dem opponent was planning on "flooding America with illegal aliens and then using American tax dollars to fund gender reassignment surgeries for those aliens" www.advocate.com/news/2022/11...
GOP Senate Hopeful Says Dems Want to Turn Immigrants Transgenderwww.advocate.com Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance, the author of Hillbilly Elegy, says that Democrats are bringing "illegal immigrants" to the U.S. to turn them trans.
Reposted byAvatar rawkitbawl
school vouchers are designed to starve public schools and they’re working in that regard
I wish people would call me James "Bonecrusher" Smith.
Reposted byAvatar rawkitbawl
Trump interviewing J.D. Vance for the VP job. Trump: “It says here you once called me ‘America’s Hitler.’ Is this true?” Vance: “Well, yes sir, but you see...” Trump: “Excellent! I think we’re on the same page.”
Do you say L M A O or le mao?
People should just hang out with their pets all day and never work.
Dog is licking my elbow because I subtweeted her. Sorry, dog.
Reposted byAvatar rawkitbawl
Live look at America, a big dumb garish metal piece of shit with no safety features burning from the inside while it sinks into the ocean
timeline cleanse
How Orange is Your Butt is my forthcoming novel about my urine-encrusted dog.
If a game is made by Spiders (the dev studio, not the animal, although they may be both?), you know it's going to be jank. (Also why can't the dialogue be in French? Characters just sprinkling in French words here and there sucks.)
I don't know if anyone who genuinely enjoys Mr. Beast is of voting age, but it's good that he isn't the Republican VP nominee.
Frankly, this is the kind of treatment I think the national anthem deserves. Just walk up the to the mic and suck some ass.
this is the worst performance of it that I have ever heard in my entire life including children singing it when I was in elementary school I'm wheezing m.youtube.com/watch?v=p1UG...
MLB Home Run Derby National Anthem 2024 by Ingrid Andressm.youtube.com
Some days I post very little. Some days I post way too much. One thing I never do is post particularly well.
For about a year, I had no remote control and walked to the TV every time I needed to change the volume. Now that I have one again, it feels like actual luxury. Depriving yourself pointlessly of some minor convenience of life? Honestly, completely recommended.
Same platform that Dr. Beverly Crusher ran on.
2021 was a simpler time when like 30% of all of the engagement jd vance's campaign got was from me telling everyone in his replies that i supported him because he was the only candidate brave enough to fuck ghosts
I don't generally think that Trump is funny, but it is funny that even he thinks Musk is a loser.
I personally think that eggplant is absolutely disgusting even though it looks kinda neat.