lil homie gay ass

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lil homie gay ass

Rachet City denizen; butch trans woman (she/he);
did puerto rico ever get power back? i forgot about that one
average day in atlanta
mfs looking at me like they’ve never seen a grown ass man serving five star cunt mignon at autozone before
almost 100 years ago and we're still dealing with the same bullshit lol (earl browder, lincoln and the communists)
anything that brings about the death of the democrat party (the most racist party in amerikan history) and leads to its replacement by a socialist party is good.
they're calling her "dimwit" dodie horton, the dumbest bitch in haughton, louisiana, and that's a high bar to clear, folks
i wear ankle socks because when i was a young'n i was called a faggot if i didn't. now i'm a faggot if i do. guess i'm a faggot.
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
for some reason i always confused Ambrose Bierce with Abram Joseph Ryan
you ever wake up and wonder what happened to Ambrose Bierce
I thought Nina Power was that lady who drew comics back in like the mid- to late-2000s and was kind associated with the pink tide. Who tf am I thinking of?
A Charles Bronson movie where he goes around killing people's dogs
A John Wick movie where he goes around assassinating people whose fireworks are upsetting the local dogs.
find you someone who loves you like democrats love geriatric white elites
completely forgot that hillary clinton collapsed and got pneumonia in september 2016 lmao thanks for the memories
the problem with the democratic party is that it was founded by racists, who handed the party over to a long line of racists, who are responsible for such things as indian removal, the preservation and expansion of slavery, segregation, internment camps, mass incarceration, and much more.
What you get offered in the men’s room at the LSU game
democrats, liberals, it was *you* that did this
please read c. wright mills, "the power elite"
They're stealing the country out from under us and they've almost won unless someone stops them. Grim.
hold up decolonistas, you're telling me NONE of these guys are white???
democraps when you tell them the lore accurate history of their party (the party of slavery, segregation, jim crow, mass incarceration)
tail -f'ing my logs and going into iptables to drop ips that are enumerating on my server (it literally only serves static web pages get shit on.
i'm holding my nose and voting for the PSL again. i think they're stalinist bureaucrats but they're an obvious lesser evil to the democrat on the ballot.
If one is EVER in the incredibly privileged position to choose between the lesser of two evils one has a moral and ethical duty to do so. Don’t be a fucking child.
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listen here, jack - as president, breaking the law is strictly for bombing foreigners, couping other governments, and unlimited domestic surveillance
libs love going "OMG look at this wacko" when SC justices are just, like, right. john roberts saying political science is bullshit? he's 100% correct! samuel alito channeling Chairman Mao and asserting there are irresolvable, antagonistic, contradictions in politics? he's fucking right!
yeah, mitch mcconnell's just gonna let biden pack the courts single digit months away from an election that biden is going to lose. libs, sorry, your chance to avoid this shit was in 2020 when you could have elected bernie sanders instead.
A president supporting court packing for the explicit purpose of reigning in presidential power, including his own, after a Supreme Court made a wildly un-American, precedent-breaking decision to expand it, would be making the best case for a president to support court-packing.
john adams:
John Adams: A government of laws, and not of men Theodore Roosevelt: No man is above the law John Roberts: Presidents don't have to follow laws in office, at least not all of them, and if a sitting president breaks the law, he's immune from any legal consequences for life and you just have to deal
Alien and Sedition Acts -
Begging the libs to read Charles Beard
Originalists just violated the principles & concerns of the Constitution's framers. The framers broke away from a king deemed a tyrant. They profoundly distrusted centralized power. They even considered an executive panel -- rather than a single president -- to not give that much power to 1 man.