The LeBron James of Skeets

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The LeBron James of Skeets

Runs like Turtle. Reluctant lawyer. Basketball is my favorite sport. I love the way they dribble up and down the court. He/Him. Austin, Tx.
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
Blocking people doing the “the adult conversation to have about Biden is not about how he’s handling Gaza.”
I ordered the large painkiller. So far, not working.
I’m gonna eat hot dogs until I can’t see straight.
If you see this post a photo without explanation
If you see this post a photo without explanation
It’s possible that Biden absolutely threw the debate to create an engagement frenzy not seen since Bush puked in Japan or Obama wore a brown suit. Tremendous engagement. The content went mega viral. He’s got you talking. That’s what matters. That’s the story no one is writing.
I don’t want to blame the fall of the country on Joey Chestnut being disallowed from competing in the Nathan’s hot dog eating contest but…..
We’ll see what the experts on The Court say.
The Food and Drug Administration has decided to revoke its authorization for the use of a stabilizer for fruity and citrus-flavored food and beverages, known as brominated vegetable oil (BVO), for being unsafe.
FDA to ban BVO, additive found in some fruity sodas and sports The FDA said it will ban the use of brominated vegetable oil as it is “no longer considered safe.” The additive is found in some citrus-flavored food and sodas.
I love that useless old coots are yelling at other useless old coots that they need to retire/step down. Y’all need to step aside.
Building a Time Machine to go back in time just to shake the hand of the person that invented the word “fart.” Only I return to my present time to discover that farts are now”Chets.” I’ve destroyed the world based on my own desires. No. Nooo. Nooooooo
Imagine having power and using that power. I can’t. I’m a cuck. That’s why this political environment is so engorging for me.
*chuckles* *takes up a pen. furiously scribbles on paper* Listen Charmin Bear, there’s a new toilet paper in town. It’s called the Constitution. Use it.
It kicks so much ass the Watergate is low legal, my dudes.
I'm so proud to have this piece in It's by journalist Mohammed Mhawish, and it's about what happened when he fled Gaza with his family. I know there's a lot going on in the news, but please, please read this. You need to know what Israel is doing.
“I Heard a Machine Gun Being Loaded”: A Harrowing Escape From I knew the journey might be dangerous. I never thought it would be this cruel.
“When I’m searching for the North Star of this country, I turn and find Bill Maher. He will guide us through.”—Overheard at a New York diner from a guy wearing a trucker hat with big block letters that reads, “MEDIAN VOTER & UNDECIDED.”
Looks like the NYT went on Club Random.
As a journalist, all of my octogenarian and private equity overlords know I would never call you a racist. I promise I will never contextualize it. Don’t worry Mr. President and Mr. Felony President, your work to use Palestinian as a slur will go unnoticed by me, Mr. Access. I’m so good at this.
Would of course help further delineate the distinction between the two if the ruling party and its leader were more forceful in their condemnation of anti-Palestinian racism in this country and also had foreign policy which indicates that they believe Palestinians to be equal to Jews.
Trump tells his rally crowd Chuck Schumer has “become a Palestinian.” Second time this week he’s used “Palestinian” to describe non-Palestinians he dislikes as if the word is a slur. I remain skeptical of the claim that Trump becoming president next year would improve the lives of Palestinians.
I am the Court now. Send your petitions to my DMs. There’s nothing in the constitution preventing my judicial power. It’s extrajudicial in the broadest terms possible. My jurisdiction? It’s like the goal line: it extends past the Equator. My brain has moved from my butt to my gut. Time to decide.
The Suns will never win an NBA Title and I am a better person because of it.
jane coaston cooked up a saying I am simultaneously in awe of and pathologically envious that I did not figure it out first but some politically addicted people I love dearly would not survive a 7-5 college football season
Looking forward to getting a cold when I am 81. I will welcome the brain damage it apparently causes.
Once Trump called Biden a Palestinian, Biden acted swiftly to kill the Biden campaign.