
It also makes me feel insane that the rat fuck around Biden’s age and mental capacity is being uncritically spread around by Democrats when Trump is *incredibly obviously* grotesquely mentally incapacitated, in a way that is genuinely terrifying.
It makes me feel very much unmoored from reality to see all this *buying into* the Biden Too Old ratfuck narrative, days after the Supreme Court ruled that Trump gets to be dictator for life, just weeks after Trump became a convicted felon (oh, and there’s the Epstein stuff that just came out).
Seriously. He's so clearly more mentally fit than Trump. I say this as someone dealing with a parent with advanced dementia. Trump seems like he's got dementia, Biden seems like he's slowing down a normal amount for his age. You can argue they're both too old. They are! But those are the choices.
One guy lost his train of thought, pretty embarrassingly, in a debate one night. The other talks about sharks and Hannibal Lechter and thinks some airplanes are invisible, and hoards paperwork, some classified, in the bathroom in his own personal Versailles.
And to ever, EVER talk about one without the other is malpractice.
And one more thing, because I'm all het up about this, but the only two sitting Congress people calling for him to resign over age are also part of the fucking gerontocracy. Everyone over 70 can step down or shut up.
Lloyd Doggett hasn't run a competitive campaign in THIRTY YEARS. He has nothing to contribute here!
I was a little shocked and very disappointed when I saw his comments
Pretty bold to come out against Biden AFTER the primary.
I’m in LD’s district. Composing a call for him now. “I am so disappointed that you have called on Biden to step aside. The chaos/infighting that would ensue would practically guarantee a Trump victory. The HF is set to challenge ballot qualifications. And ffs he’s only 4 years older than you!”
He's been on an absolute tear at his rallies obsessed with batteries in the water and sharks (or he brings up the damn windmills again) and he met recently with CEOs who came out of the meeting and said he was all over the place and couldn't finish a thought. Barely reported.
Can't disrupt the current narrative
But he could barely finish a thought during his entire presidency - that doesn't appear to be a non-starter for Trump. He doesn't look much like he's deteriorated from whatever this was before that people voted for. It's awful and I don't understand it but it's bad and incompetent as it ever was!
This is true it just continues to astonish me that half the country says “yep that's our guy”
Yeah - 400 million people and this is who who gets picked in a two man race. At least you can say Biden put in his time for 40+ years.
I remember when they had to lead Mitch off the stage. The Republicans circled around their buddy with a protective shield and the whole episode is pretty much forgotten. Personally, I have zero problem with Joe’s age. I actually think someone slipped some drug into his Gatorade or coffee.
I have a problem with both of their ages. I have a problem with a gerontocracy. But the primary voters, in their infinite wisdom, have chosen these two yahoos, and so we must choose one of them.
This post reminded me that there was technically a Republican primary debate this year
I’ll vote blue no matter who. I’m 70 so I guess 80 doesn’t seem as old to me.
(note that this link has selected an image of bernie Sanders, who I do not advocates for president, but is directly about the fact that the DNC asserts that, as a private org, it can and always intends to run anyone they like regardless of primary outcomes)
Even more important, one guy takes advice from people like Pete Buttigieg, and the other from Steve, Bannon and Roger Stone.
One of the old guys has a perfectly competent vice president. The other guy hasn't even picked a running mate yet, and for all we know it may be David Duke or Steve King. Like, what are we doing here?
I think there's a very good chance it's Michael Flynn.
he has to pick someone who won't betray him but unfortunately everyone he's ever met is an unprincipled, self-obsessed, greedy, two-faced, backstabbing rat-fuck you couldn't trust to put a quarter in a meter so you can see the sort of dilemma he's in
The fact that he hasn't picked a running mate tells us everything we need to know. He doesn't intend to be president. He intends to be a dictator.
Don't be silly. If he names his VP, whoever it is may start to draw some of the attention away from trump.
And referred to him as “the late, great Hannibal Lecter,” which means he believes three things: 1. Hannibal Lecter was A Good Guy 2. Hannibal Lecter was real 3. Hannibal Lecter is dead now All three are alarming.
I mean, I’m gonna sleep a little easier knowing he’s dead!
Except canonically he’s not! When last we left him (in the novels; iirc the ending of the movie was more ambiguous, and the TV series is an adaptation of Red Dragon) he was living in a mansion with Clarice Starling!
"Sex is a splendid structure they add to every day," was a sentence I could have lived without.
And on his bed, because only one side is ever slept on.
Also: Biden has been on camera giving speeches since the debate--there's one the other day where he talks about climate change for 15 minutes. Granted he's on a teleprompter, but Biden on teleprompter is a thousand times more coherent than Trump on teleprompter.
Biden's in his 80s, was reportedly exhausted, and has a stutter. I *expect* him to not always word good. It doesn't mean he's unfit.
Debating is actually not a core function of the president.
Also yes. Not even getting into how the presidential debates aren't proper debates.
Exactly this. When you've been around someone with dementia, and those word salad/disconnected thoughts, it's usually easy to see the difference between that and just the memory snags that come with age. Listening to trump is scary. Seriously.
And one problem is how few people are talking about them both being too old, as if they aren't essentially the same age. It is driving me up the freaking wall.