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rem (the postes)
30 or 40 years old ; CO
it/theyyy (gendrefuxk)
so, if the last 10 days of supreme court + decision fallout was as rough for you as it was for me & you’d like to try to hold someone accountable for fixing it, i threw together a few call/fax/email scripts you could use. it would take you literally a minute or less. tap through. 🧵
tired of democrats doing nothing as the supreme court strips your rights? me too. this 1-min script works for dems in congress & senate. you’ll get an intern—be polite. don’t know your rep? myreps.datamade.us

what you do at the polls isn't my business; now’s the time to use votes as leverage.🧵
LISTEN. sometimes you dont make it to the toilet before you puke!! you know whos especially bad at this? kids!!!!!!!! i wouldnt cook with a plastic one but its not any weirder to have a barf bowl than puking in a trash can
A few months ago a FUNBAG reader asked if I cared when I used the family barf bowl as just a normal cooking bowl when it was off duty, and I said no. But ever since then, anytime I’ve cooked with the barf bowl, I’ve thought to myself okay yeah this bothers me
Yeah because the White House was working on a bill to help those with Parkinson’s disease that was signed this week. This is literal far right disinformation from the New York Times.
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight Monthswww.nytimes.com The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.
don't mind getting a security patdown but very much do mind being required to take off my mask the entire time in the middle of a tsa crowd
important: an explosive known as the 'fish riding cat' was manufactured in the late 19th century by Hirayama Fireworks
I wish the transphobes would understand one thing: I am doing this on purpose. I am doing this to harm you. I am doing this to destroy your way of life and everything you hold dear. Your children will be transsexuals. We will bury you.
there should be a way to reset my follower and following count to 0 i should literally be able to prestiege, the website should play a little guitar riff for me and i should unlock some new cosmetic option, i should be able to keep all my posts and just let people find me again
Some of y’all should also be duelling bc your posts are so shit 💯 cash me on bsky
Did you know there’s no such thing as a “canola,” and the word, which combines “Canada” and “oil,” was invented by a Canadian rapeseed marketing association? tastecooking.com/called-canol...
Why Is It Called Canola Oil?tastecooking.com There’s no such thing as a canola plant, but there is CANADA OIL.
tbh i think a big part of the reason the democrats haven’t budged is that they’re calling ppls’ bluffs and don’t believe people will actually significantly withhold votes. i’ve kinda wondered if it wouldn’t have worked better if people had been threatening to vote for trump instead
the american voting public is absurd. you can do months and months of literal genocide and everyone's like we HAVE to vote for this man but the second you show up on tv looking addled the same people are like well now it's embarrassing get kamala in here,
i’m way more like amber heard anyway wtf
and can we not call her a "nice guy" either? like, that makes no sense. she is not "nice" or a "guy". she is my silly goose wife who loves to say mean things to nasty little goblins on the internet.
hey everybody I've been avoiding the news over the holiday weekend so now it's time to sit back and google a few of my literary heroes to make sure none of them are monsters
Hey dude, wake up. You really had us going there for a minute. Bluesky? Discourse? What the hell are you talking about, we're midway through this monopoly game and you got really scared and freaked out after taking a very minor hit off these stems. It's September 10th 2001, everything's fine dude.
selfie for my haters 😇
can't wait til people can do financial transactions on x!
tshirt canon but it’s full of handwritten versions of my posts
i start a new kind of therapy today and i have a nail appointment send me $ for lunch/nails pretty please 🍒
smiling fondly as i remember my locked acct where i posted all of my contact info before i left. wait no not fondly
Just found out about a massive data leak at Twitter/X. I don't use it anymore but I keep my account alive so no one else can claim my username. I just changed my password and suggest others do too. Also use 2FA whenever you can. More: cyberpress.org/9-4gb-twitte...
9.4GB Twitter(X) Data Leaked - Over 200 Million Records Exposed Onlinecyberpress.org The Cyberpress Research Team made a significant discovery with the Massive 9.4 GB of X (Formerly the Twitter) Database.
Sure I’ll donate my body to science. I took a turn, let’s see what they can do with it.
i start a new kind of therapy today and i have a nail appointment send me $ for lunch/nails pretty please 🍒
Live. Laugh. M'lady. *tips fedora*
siri please order more gruel from amazon thank you siri