Chris Hayes

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Chris Hayes

Bronx boy. Cubs fan. Dad, husband, writer, podcaster and cable news host.
"One day, while buying opium from a local dealer, Brynner met Jean Cocteau (1889–1963) and the two became lifelong friends."
One thing I've learned the hard way in news is that whenever there's a situation where I think "this is untenable, it can't go on like this!" it's goes on for a shockingly long time.
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Hayes
Yes but rents are bad everywhere. It’s basically the key driver of inflation in the CPI data, and obviously 7% mortgage rates make home purchasing more expensive as well (although asking prices tend to move to accommodate that a bit)
totally, and this is place where the aggregate data *does* show a grim scene, it's not just anecdotal. I'd say the cost of housing is probably the single biggest economic issue right now (along w high interest rates on credit card debt)
Reposted byAvatar Chris Hayes
Hahah. I think it’s chemically impossible and will absolutely taste worse than piss, but yes, I’m exactly the kind of moron who would drink it.
I’m sorry, this is more than “a caveat,” it’s actually the whole story.
This entire story is a perfect example of how economic reporting has missed the story. They interview one (1) working class woman who has been legitimately screwed by her employer ($1/hr raise in 5 years) and then note that wages for working people in the aggregate have outpaced inflation!
There’s testable hypothesis here and I’m willing to make a prediction: choice an empirical metric to measure low and middle income people taking summer trips and I will bet they are up YoY when summer is over.
Again, none of this is to say American capitalism is awesome for working people, it manifestly is not! But we’re talking about change vs constants. And the *trends* have been more money in the pockets of lower wage earners, in real terms, over the past two years.
Yup. WaPo issued a correction and seems like that's exactly what happened.
Reposted byAvatar Chris Hayes
One of the worst things that can happen if Trump wins is that we forget this feeling because it will be just as true then and they only really win if we forget it
yeah though this seems kind of like a speech act situation. you're either publicly calling for it our you're not.
I hadn't seen this reported anywhere else and Lieu just tweeted that it's not true, just fyi,
Funnily enough I have an extended riff about this in my next book!
Amazing how reliably illuminating "strong polarization; weak parties" is to so much about contemporary politics.
"He's earned second term because of the job he's done" is a perfectly good message for surrogates to make about an incumbent candidate. "I've earned a second term because of the job I've done," is fine, but not really an optimal message for the candidate to make, imho.
And fwiw, on domestic policy, legislative achievement and macro-economic stewardship the former is an argument I have made on our show many many many times.
Which gets to me to a huge issue that is connected to but distinct from the question of age. Elections are about the future. They're about where we're going. Trump's argument about the future is very literally a time-machine to 2019, before covid. That's the argument in a nutshell. Let's go back
Which is obviously not future-oriented! But it's a kind of alternate reality future. I do think whatever happens with this period and whether it's Biden or someone else, a vision of what's over the horizon is pretty important and has been a bit absent in this campaign.
And there really is a story to tell, one I've tried with varying success to describe. We are now in the midst of the greatest civilizational transformation - the green transition - since the industrial revolution and the mass adoption of fossil fuels for energy. It's already changing so much.
Thanks largely to Biden and the Democratic party there is now a kind of global race to get to the mass, chear carbon-free energy. We're going to hit peak global emissions (fingers crossed) this year or next. We're deploying solar at a level that blowing away every single prediction.
There's a world on the other side of this with a huge, vibrant, unionized and high-paying industrial base remaking the physical world for the post-fossil fuel age. It's already starting and I think even Trump can't *fully* destroy it, but he can slow it down and make us lag wayyy behind.
If I just bite my nails enough, everything is gonna work out.
Reposted byAvatar Chris Hayes
report on the GOP freak running for NC gov: "he and his wife were cited for numerous violations at the child care center they operated from 2000 to 2007, including a charge that the center presented falsified certification documents to state inspectors."