Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò

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Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò


political philosopher at Georgetown University. giving this a shot, I guess.
Renewable energy still supplies less of the world’s electricity than fossil fuels do, but it’s being built at a rate that far outpaces the construction of non-renewable forms of energy. Last year, renewables accounted for nearly 86 percent of new electricity capacity worldwide.
Adolescents and teens are less than half as likely as their parents to say they always receive the emotional and social support they need, with less than 30 percent of young people in a survey reporting that they always have such support.
Teens and parents have wildly different views on kids’ support needswapo.st Teens who said they had enough social and emotional support were less likely to have health problems, depression and low sleep quality.
“…The batteries in their products can charge continuously from a traditional outlet, and then push out far more electricity than a regular outlet can provide, whenever it’s needed for cooking [or as VPP]. This means their systems can be installed without upgrading a home’s electrical system…”
Analysis | The Tesla of Stoves Comes With a Battery to Power Your Whole Houseapple.news The appliances of the future will protect us from power outages—and could share energy with our neighbors too—if bets on new battery tech pay off
Deranged shooter: 24% Trump and his own rhetoric: 23% Rhetoric of Biden/Democrats: 13% Political polarization: 12% Lack of gun control: 11% Mental health issues: 9% News media rhetoric: 6% someone who is good at political economy please help me campaign this. my republic is dying
Fellas, is it good if you get shot at and a full quarter of respondents think you were asking for it?
Breaking news: Sheila Jackson Lee, a Texas Democrat who during three decades in the U.S. House of Representatives became one of the most prominent Black members of Congress and a ubiquitous champion of African American and women’s rights, died July 19 at a hospital in Houston. She was 74.
Sheila Jackson Lee, outspoken Texas congresswoman, dies at 74www.washingtonpost.com The long-serving Democrat, a champion of African American and women’s rights, announced in June that she had pancreatic cancer.
The first bicycle in Eritrea was imported by the Italian military – then an occupying power – in the late 1800s. The sport caught on quickly. At first, bike races were strictly segregated, and Eritreans were not allowed to compete with their colonial rulers.
Biniam Girmay’s amazing raceopen.substack.com As far as we are concerned, the history-making Eritrean cyclist has already won this year’s Tour de France.
I think none of us genuinely know what outcomes any of the democrats’ current maneuvers will be, but we do already know the GOP is fully comfortable waving “mass deportation now” signs at their convention
Tim Kaine becomes the first Senator, to my knowledge, to call for the unilateral recognition of the State of Palestine by the United States. "Since Israel has made plain that it will not accept Palestinian autonomy, the U.S. should no longer condition recognition on Israeli assent..."
Kaine Statement on Knesset Vote Rejecting Establishment of Palestinian State | U.S. Senator Tim Kaine of Virginiawww.kaine.senate.gov WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations...
from Virginia, where ain't shit to do but cook
Realism = Hardo vibes. That's it Yes, realism has meaning within the academy and literature, but almost none of those meanings are discussion look the same with how the world's used in the wild
I'm sure @dandrezner.bsky.social and other poli sci profs have talked about this at length, but "realist" is a term that seems very expansive and is therefore losing value as a tool to identify foreign policy views.
is this response to discourse or news?
Hell yeah brother this whips
i think this sentiment applies across all areas of technology infrastructure. we’re going to spend the coming years realizing the centralization of the past two decades has been a disaster, and listening to people who have resisted those trends and know how things actually work
one positive effect i foresee as streaming platforms like spotify become worse and worse is a revived interest in djs and anyone else who has been meticulously maintaining an mp3 library over the past 20 years. people are sick of algorithmic bullshit and are going to re-learn the joys of filesharing
what's that? constantly litigating and relitigating everyone's place on the ladder of oppression to figure out who is allowed to talk over each other isn't working out very well? that's crazy. no way
NEWS: Teamsters VP-at-Large, John Palmer, who has been extremely critical of current President O’Brien’s overtures towards the GOP, has just announced he’s forming an opposition slate and running for president in the 2026 Teamsters leadership election. “We are better than this.”
I had this same thought the other day. For the record, I think Biden is no longer fit to campaign effectively, I'm agnostic about *everything else*. I will also vote for the candidate not named Trump come November. But these past few months have made it clear the US is officially an oligarchy.
Big donors led campaigns to push out university presidents and crack down on protesters and the NY press especially amplified their concerns via lower level activists Feels like something similar is happening with Biden
solidarity with the striking computers
A lot of Zionists, and the President of the United States and his friends in particular, are going to downplay the significance of today's ruling but it is in fact a historic victory for us Palestinians. A half-century ago we barely registered on the world stage, today our rights are the consensus.
unsurprisingly the ICJ found Israel's continuing occupation unlawful. it's important to underline that the American & German judges jointly issued an opinion agreeing and recognizing the following (full text at www.icj-cij.org/sites/defaul...)
[Negative affective polarization] Rules Everything Around Me
Returning briefly to say that the ICJ ruling is significantly better than even I expected. Not only was the occupation ruled illegal, but the Court said it constitutes a racial segregationist and apartheid system. The Court advises the world to act. The Court ruled we are entitled to reparations.
The Court ruled Israel must cease settlement activities immediately and that evacuation of the settlers is mandatory, the Court ruled that the member states of the UNGA are obliged to help facilitate the end of this status quo, the Court that this must happen as quickly as possible.
To reiterate, the UK has just jailed five climate protesters for *discussing* a climate protest. As I've said elsewhere, this isn't just a victory for the fossil fuel industries, but for the most extreme authoritarianism.
Makes sense. In speed blocks, how often do the track cyclists you trained with train sprints / max effort?
when someone asks me to do one last job
heart rate monitoring sounds like a good idea
the translation of the Lysistrata I read in college gave the Spartans Boris-and-Natasha Russian accents, because the original Greek text used a comically-exaggerated version of the Spartan accent that doesn't translate to modern English
Ridiculous to me that people are giving Denzel Washington major flack for having a "NY accent in a movie set in Ancient Rome.” Like, bros, do you think they had refined British accents in the early 3rd century CE in Rome? British accents are just as ahistorical. www.theguardian.com/commentisfre...
A New York accent in ancient Rome? So what, it’s no less accurate than speaking in RP | Rebecca Ridealwww.theguardian.com Denzel Washington has been accused of inauthenticity in Gladiator II. But why is upper-class, southern English considered the norm, asks historian Rebecca Rideal