
this is the thing, all of this “we need confirmation!” is entirely subjective. we have, on one hand, anonymous sources with vague “close to the campaign” or “close to lawmakers” descriptions from political hacks, and then we have actual fucking politicians saying everything’s fun, calm the fuck down
Roy Cooper has now met with Biden twice in five days and there’s no hint of him being discouraged despite a pretty distinct drumbeat of “goddamnit Cal” from him in October 2020
he has done rallies, he’s done radio call-ins, he’s done sit down meetings and he is still doing his job as president with a major hurricane in the carribean and a major fire in california
Do people think he is mentally incapable of being president anymore or are they just worried about losing the election because of the media saying he is? Feels like it is more of the second.
wow are you saying folks aren't paying attention to reality and just the circular firing squad of the internet?
It’s driving me nuts: on one hand we have real tangible confirmed things happening in reality (the President running around the country and world doing presidential things,) and on the other hand we have “Many Fine People are saying…” And we’re supposed to ignore the first thing and buy the second?
he sent a fundraiser/campaign this afternoon saying he's running so I think they're mostly gonna wait out the columnist freak out
also I'm active on instagram and literally no one normal cares, Black and Hispanic people are making "stealing black jobs" skit videos, and the political accounts are posting about SCOTUS and project 2025
My Facebook feed is full of mostly older folks who are currently outraged at the SCOTUS thing and none of them have said anything whatever about the debate drama. I think their priorities are solid.
columnists can lay out the conditions under which they would be satisfied, but i didn’t vote for a fucking columnist and i do not look to them for leadership
well the other problem with letting columnists set conditions is that the have pretty well buried the bar for trump to clear
On one hand, Trump raped a woman, in the other, Bidens son hired prostitutes.
They (mostly) have never worked in politics! They don't know shit!
A public office is a position of public trust and i voted for him to serve out his full term unless he’s incapacitated. Feeling sad isn’t a reason to resign
I've seen on this very website people confidently calling on Biden to bow out because he hasn't done "X", then when people point out he has done "X" these individuals fall back on saying he hasn't done "Y". Most then go back to saying he hasn't done X.
The brainworms are feasting this week
anonymous leaks are more real than public statements, donors & aides are more informed than public figures; Beltway logic is terminally corrupt
once the nyt own hit-piece ended with "biden's schedule is running young staffers ragged" i can't take any of this horseshit seriously
gotta love the "hot takes" that Biden MUST prove himself to the media to remain the Democratic nominee if they want to have the spigot of shitty press stop. Meanwhile the other candidate is babbling about sharks and batteries and all of that other baggage and is strangely unscathed... weird huh?
I’ve been in-and-out the last week and it’s been nuts to follow sporadically. “We have dozens of people talking about how Biden must step down because he’s too old. But only because of a new knee-jerk op-ed, not any news; Biden’s just kept doing his normal campaign activities, which we’re ignoring”
I think my own crisis of confidence is less about Biden and more about a lot of Dem-adjacent bloggers and pundits. Lost a lot of respect for quite a few that I formerly used as guideposts.
YEP Been seeing a lot of blogger-types who ought to know better just guzzling obvious disinformation and propaganda campaigns with no critical thought at all. Like, is it the heat or something? I really don’t know.
I feel like ”close to lawmakers” are just Republicans
They want him to do a Willy Wonka walk out onto stage. Look old and feeble, using a cain, then fall down, tuck into a roll, and spring to his feet full of life. It was all an act! Haha! Ha... ha...
Columnists wanted to make the Pelosi interview into something it's not, which is funny because for all her talent as a legislator she's an appallingly bad messenger