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Galatians 5:12
I can't stop thinking about how Trump would eliminate our free, public weather service, NOAA. It's an institution that goes back 53 years and protects Americans everyday with warnings for tornados, thunderstorms and more. That's the Project 2025 plan.
The MAGA Plan to End Free Weather Project 2025 would all but dissolve the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
They have such winning ideas like “why don’t we charge people who want to know if that tornado is gonna hit their house.”
The MAGA Plan to End Free Weather Project 2025 would all but dissolve the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Dorothy Thompson in 1941, describing a Vance before Vance. “A snob, loathing his own snobbery.”
The worst accusation and insult you can direct at anyone is to say “You admire Donald Trump.” It’s so weird that you can say that to someone and they’re NOT upset, humiliated, ashamed, or angry that you might say such a thing.
This’ll never make me a regular on msnbc, but people should be ashamed to admit they support Trump. He is a hideously bad person proposing to enact a vast expansion of cruelty and human suffering. The erosion and collapse of social sanctions for supporting someone so indecent is a big problem.
Oh, I totally forgot: Vance also blurbed Jack Posobiec’s “Unhumans” book, the one that casts leftists as agents of “unhumanity.” Unity, folks! 🙃
One way to improve your personal security after a threat to your life is to make it clear that if you get knocked off, you’ll be replaced by an utterly repugnant, unprincipled jackass. Vance was a strategic pick.
Trump’s VP pick … — demanded the DOJ open a criminal investigation of a journalist for “insurrection” over an op-ed critical of Trump — spouted replacement theory garbage — called for criminal prosecutions of other Trump critics — blamed Biden for Trump shooting — called for Biden’s prosecution
I know we know about JD Vance, but he's also working to make divorces harder to obtain, and says that people in "violent" marriages should stay married and not get divorced. So.
The vast majority of what’s being marketed as “AI” is still garbage, but give credit where it’s due: the voice directions on Google Maps has finally learned to pronounce “West Chester” properly. (It’s WEST Chester, not west CHESTer.)
I listened to all 18 innings of the game in which he hit the only home run of his career.
I truly believed at the time that the savage assassination of Jo Cox by a racist right-wing Brexiteer was going to have some effect on that vote. I was wrong about that.
Counterpoint: it is though.
apoplectic with rage over this triumph WITHIN the collective. triumph AMONG the collective. triumph FOR the collective. the batter is not competing with his what? TEAMMATES. his TEAMMATES God damn you all to Hell
espn is doing a segment about home runs and the voiceover just said “we love the home run because of what it represents: the triumph of the individual against the collective”
It was good back in 1981 that the media always took care to say John Hinckley JUNIOR, because otherwise his dad’s whole world would’ve been thrown into crisis.
Laniakea is beautiful! Think they’ve got anything this gorgeous over there in Perseus-Pisces? As if!
NASA officials on Friday marked two full years of scientific results from the James Webb Space Telescope with the release of an image, which actually shows a pair of intertwined galaxies, known as Arp 142, and nicknamed the Penguin and the Egg.
Webb space telescope keeps delivering cosmic The latest image shows a pair of intertwined galaxies, known as Arp 142, and nicknamed the Penguin and the Egg.
When they say “outlaw porn,” they mean, like, porn-porn, but they ALSO mean, like, “Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret?” and, like, “Charley’s Aunt.”
Project 2025 includes the call to “outlaw” porn. If you want to understand what they mean by that? Look to what these groups are already fighting “porn,” and their connections to anti-gender movements outside the US. I start that analysis here:
The Real Targets of Project 2025’s War on It’s not people watching porn online. It’s drag queens, trans people, LGBTQ library books, and more.
Terrific story with a relentlessly charming, plucky, frustratingly amoral protagonist. Really hope this gets renewed for a second season.
The remarkable story of this woman - a Brazilian immigrant - needs to be made into a movie. Total hero for scamming big tech. While reading it I kept thinking of the phrase "Brazilians are born with a marketing degree" (o brasileiro já nasce formado em marketing).
She Made $10,000 a Month Defrauding Apps like Uber and Instacart. Meet the Queen of the Rideshare Priscila Barbosa came to the US with a dream of making it. Using gig-economy platforms she built a business empire up from nothing. There was just one huge problem.
At first I misread this as saying the nudists called the police. Then I got stuck for 5 minutes wondering how they carry their phones.
A writer lives their whole life for an opportunity like this.
People Magazine is writing about Christian nationalism in Project 2025!
“Nothing But Flowers” just played here at the Big Box. This ranks up there with “Big Yellow Taxi” on the list of Songs That Really Shouldn’t Be Played Here at the Big Box.
On the other hand, if the pundit class had chosen to spend two weeks monomaniacally focusing on why Bob Menendez and Henry Cuellar should step aside, that might have been constructive.
(Checks in with Bluesky to see if the folks freaking tf out because their dream of a first-debate knockout blow to do what they’d fantasized Mueller/Jack Smith/etc. would do are still freaking tf out. And, yep, they are.)
Even though he’s rich enough to be on the “Wealthiest Men in the World” lists, Vladimir Putin never makes the Top 10. That’s because, unlike Nos. 2 thru 11, he’s rich enough to keep his name off the list.
The 2024 New York Metropolitans have won more games than they have lost.
What’s the deal with our Harriet Tubman 20s?
It’s because we’re not having a real argument, we’re having a collective anxiety attack. There’s no thinking going on. It’s all feels and vibes and inchoate anxieties and displacement.
I sometimes listen to sports talk radio here in Philly, but never after the Eagles lose heading into a bye week. No one wants to hear that freak-out. Two weeks of panicked callers demanding firings and mid-season trades? No thank you.