
It’s mind blowing to me that major news wires write stories based entirely on what Musk says with no corroboration and no acknowledgment in the text that he’s a notorious liar with a highly specific record of deceiving the press and the public about his investments.
he's been rooking the tech press for a decade and Twitter is a smoking crater, how is this still happening
I will largely no longer read articles with "A CEO Says", "Musk Says", or "Police Say" as the lede.
This is just to say he totally moved the cursor with his Neuralink that was in his brain and which you probably think is vaporware Forgive me there are federal investigations so desperate and so distracting
"It won't make one bit of difference, if I answer right or wrong / When you're rich, they think you really know"
Tech Billionaires Best Choices to Lead Humanity, Musk Says.
control a mouse is not control a cursor to be very specific...
"he can make a mouse cause the cursor to jiggle on screen and not do anything with it" is much, much different than "he can control a cursor to do things"
Also control a cursor to do a specific thing with your mind is old tech that could be done with clip-ons
"Musk said Neuralink was now trying to get as many mouse button clicks as possible from the patient." This is the faaaakest thing I've ever seen. Isn't it newsworthy that the richest man in the world is just making up accomplishments for his company?
Trying to get as many clicks as possible from credulous news readers, more like
I guess it's better than mice controlling us, I learned that lesson from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
At least the mice were smart!
Given the state of the technology a couple of decades ago, it would be a bit surprising if a patient couldn't do this, at least a bit. This would answer essentially none of the important questions around this device, including how they fk they proceeded to human testing with zero published results.
Also, moving a cursor means a computer receives signals from the chip, and the user can consciously influence those signals a bit. With enough processing, with some errors, the user can transmit information at a bitrate slightly greater than zero. Technically not nothing, light years from the hype.
also for which one of these is moving a cursor on a screen on the critical path
I was taken aback when I saw that list. I always assumed they would say things like ALS, or other degenerative diseases. Obesity? Depression? That is an incredibly invasive procedure, and like you said, how would a brain-computer interface help any of those things?
A brain-computer interface could certainly help someone get *more* obesity and depression.
I can imagine an implant could trigger release of neurotransmitters that influence diet and/or mood. I doubt anybody is anywhere near such technology.
I'll give them credit for adding "Musk says" at least. It's not much, but it's better than nothing
I’d just like to add that controlling a mouse by thinking can be done with a headset. No surgery required.
Is that before or after death? The FDA is going to regret this one.
There seems to be a select group of people with similar characteristics who get this kind of media treatment. I wonder what they have in common besides being liars? 🧐🤔
Media purposely normalizes and whitewashes the oligarch class.
Future press release from Neuralink: “the first patient implanted with a brain chip has voluntarily been euthanized and their remains are being cremated without autopsy as per signed agreement. Neuralink is grateful for the invaluable data obtained.”
I’m expecting for us to find out that the implant used is someone else’s proven technology and musk is pretending it is his brain chip. Then, when found out he will just say “we are testing the software interface first!”
Like if I was a journalist, I would ask the very, very simple followup before going to print m: 1. Show us the patient. 2. Show us the doctor who performed the surgery.
Are you saying Elon didn't write that from his Mars base?
This is MSM in general, really. About the only due diligence is a reaction for the other side, so you hear two strains of lies, and we are all set to fire up the presses.
Rich white man fantasies are given special dispensations though.
Hmmm, I feel like I've seen a skeet very similar to this before
This was a much-needed sanity check. Whenever I see a headline about Elon Musk talking about money, my first thought is always, "Do we really want to treat the guy who lost nearly $100 billion as a subject matter expert on business and finance?"
He's a literal businessman. This is something they do with all businessmen because they have investments in major news wires. Why would they cut off their own funding?
There are two groups of people in the world. People who would absolutely let Elon put a chip in their brain, and people who absolutely would not. And I’m fine with both groups getting what they want.
But he has a lot of money...surely that must be a testament to his competence and character? In America, everyone gets what they deserve, right?
I just read an entire article by Reuters about how Elon lies
They do this with Putin and Trump too. It'll be a whole story about a human rights agency with allegations about Russia, and the end of the story will be "We asked Putin, and he said they're doing nothing wrong at all and actually it's America's fault. And now for the weather..."
“Why, he builds electric cars and spaceships; he can’t possibly be a mentally ill, lying, disinfo-peddling bigot!”
I still can’t get over the idea that anyone would let an Elon Musk venture put a chip into their brain.
It's almost like it's bad journalism. Maybe some better journalist would want to organize a group to raise journalistic standards?
TBF, reuters is russia today.