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Refugee from Elmo's cesspool.
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
I really don’t think most people realize just how hard the boot will come down if Trump and the Republicans win the election. Most people have never experienced the totalitarian surveillance state with the power to reach into their homes and minds at will they are telling us is their plan.
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
Wow! Plus ça change.
The full quote is even better, and better in context.
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
osita nwanevu giving me hope & joy today
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
July 4th is very rough on my dog (he is a royalist and considers George Washington a traitor)
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
One thing that annoys me about the Democratic consultant class is how they act like they're brass-knuckle streetfighters and yet don't have the stones to run nonstop ads about Trump's extensive connections to Jeffrey Epstein. It's all true! It's documented! There are photos!
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
This man is making his evil intentions as crystal-clear as they possibly could be, and everyone who cares about humanity should be blasting that message out in every possible venue.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
Jailing people for being homeless is a classic American policy: stupid, brutal, and very expensive.
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
This is a good move by the administration, and it gave me light to hear Joe discuss it on Sirius XM. Thanks for having me on,!
BIden: "Today, I am righting an historic wrong by using my clemency authority to pardon many former service members who were convicted simply for being themselves....thousands of LGBTQI+ service members were forced out of the military because of their sexual orientation or gender identity"
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
no, I don't want to scan a qr code or download an app to order food at your restaurant/cafe... really don't want to have to deal with cookies and trackers, especially not when I'm tired and grumpy. just give me the goddammed physical menu
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
Former American Express CEO Kenneth Chenault has been privately arguing to executives that stability and the rule of law matter. Notable: Chenault tells me some execs respond that they don't think 1/6 can happen again! Astonishing head-in-the-sand stuff. 3/
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
This shit works. And lasts!
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. Results showed that close to half of the participants secured housing, and nearly $600K saved in public service costs due to fewer ER visits & jail stays. They also saw improved mental health.
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had Participants in Denver's basic income program received up to $1,000 a month. They became more housing secure and landed full-time jobs.
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
Both. Neither one should exist. Healthcare and education should never be for profit, and we shouldn’t let corporations force people into crippling, generational debt for wanting either. This isn’t a “radical” take, it’s a moral one.
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
It was during the signing of the law about putting the Ten Commandments in every classroom. Clips in the article
Louisiana governor just kept talking while a young girl passed out and collapsed right behind him today, didn’t even notice as a group of people carried her offstage. Just kept praisin’ the lord. All the clips I’ve seen on cable news edited it out and nobody’s mentioning it. It was creepy as fuck.
Girl Faints As Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry Signs Ten Commandments Although the child fainted as the Republican governor signed the bill into law, he appeared unaware of what was happening directly behind him.
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
it's cool how there were 3 different dudes who managed convicted felon Trump's 2016 campaign and all three of them have been convicted of serious crimes and two got sentenced to lengthy jail terms.
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
The first guest on every Sunday show today was an election denier The news media has not just allowed but fully embraced Republicans' position that the 2020 election was not definitively won by Biden
Disgusting. As usual, the men of the church cover for their own. Little girls and women are disposable. Disgusting, referring to a 12 yr old girl as a "young lady."
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
So many in the media debase themselves when it comes to Trump - and many in the Capitol Hill press corps did their part Funny. Jokes. Gotta get those "scoops"
The AP deleted this 10 seconds after posting probably the most debasing thing a news organization has posted in 8 years
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
Please help if you can. This week has been full of AWFUL, for both of us, really, but her prognosis is actually great if we can pay for it. She's such a freaking gem and she's all I've got in the whole wide world.
Help Me and Ms Olive Kick Cancer's Ass, organized by James This is Ms Olive, an absolute miracle of a dog and she has a *very* treatable ca… James Anderson needs your support for Help Me and Ms Olive Kick Cancer's Ass
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
Tom Nichols is spot-on here. We have to pressure the media to own-up to their duty and start making at clear that Trump’s mental gears are missing a lot of teeth. Let’s Talk About Trump’s Gibberish - by
Let’s Talk About Trump’s Gibberish - The archived 13 Jun 2024 12:19:58 UTC
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
Joe Biden’s empathy for his fuckup son is one of the single most humanizing things about him and this is incredibly confusing to people who became fascists because their blue-haired enby grandchild told them no one says “Oriental” anymore
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
Sam Alito’s “one side or the other is going to win” comments have people asking a lot of questions already answered by the flag, stock trades, and other flag that they insisted told us nothing.
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
Do white people know how racist they are. I know they don’t care, but do they understand it.
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
my kingdom for a Dem party that treats real GOP scandals the way the GOP treats fake Dem scandals
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
one of my deep seated beliefs is that elephants are one of the other high level intelligences on this planet and that if there is a judgment day humanity will be held to account for our crimes against them
Elephants call each other by name, study Researchers used artificial intelligence algorithm to analyse calls by two herds of African savanna elephants in Kenya
Reposted byAvatar DeeKeee
Wait, you’re telling me a curriculum designed by violent entitled sociopaths might be upsetting?
“While teaching a class to high school students on Wednesday, Burlington police officers staged a surprise demonstration in which a masked gunman burst into the room and pretended to open fire.”
Burlington Police Terrified High School Students With Mock Updated at 2:31 p.m. While teaching a class to high school students on Wednesday, Burlington police officers staged a surprise demonstration in which a masked...