
I just want to save this series of tweets for posterity. Hopefully, we’ll have a chance to go back over what’s going on here when tempers have cooled.
Trump being a fascist is old news, lefty; Biden saying trillions instead of billions is breaking
Except it’s not.
Literally 4 years ago a lot of people (including myself) said Biden was too old and his brain was half pudding. “You’re just noticing this now?” has been a pretty popular response to all this. Meanwhile, some stuff that went viral like wtf Trump meant by “black jobs” hasn’t been touched by media.
Yes! He wasn’t my 2016 pick. I don’t think his brain is half pudding; I just thought several other candidates (women) were better choices. Harris was among my favorites. But yeah. “Black jobs” happened the same day. HOW is THAT forgotten? Bc the powerful in the media DGAF about who that hits.
Black people didn't forget. It's all over.tiktok and the bet awards
That’s fair. But then 3 and 2 years ago Biden shepherded the largest infrastructure and climate change bill in history into law despite far narrower House and Senate margins than Trump enjoyed, and a lot of us decided he must be a lot sharper than we’d given him credit for. Dude’s been effective.
I am not unhappy with the complete record of his administration. There’s been a lot of good things.
To some extent, I think focusing on these issues is a way to not focus on the trump stuff. Not that biden’s performance wasn’t an issue, but it provides a way to not talk about trumps endless bullshit.
They shouldnt just talk about Trump's endless bullshit either, they should talk about how Trump and Biden's policy compare. Isn't it weird how little they do that? How little political reporters care about actual Politics.
Interested to hear what you thought Biden said in July 2020 that led you to the conclusion that his brain was half pudding?
Buddy, his eyes were literally bleeding as he was stumbling terribly through the debates. We knew
Biden’s brain has never been half pudding and it isn’t now.
According to the news outlets it apparently is. Not say I agree with it and I think they are doing the country a great disservice.
100% true. *And* that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t be better off with another Democratic nominee
"oh he wants to be a dictator who forces minorities into internment camps? YAWN! we need a better story."
If the press helps ratfuck us into a fascist regime, I don't see tempers ever cooling.
I remember the contrite series of "we need to do better" posts in the wake of "but her emails". And yet. I seriously don't know if the planet will survive "but he's too old", but these idiots are sure going to try to make us find out.
Well they won’t. Because he will be executing them. It’s shocking they are all so smug they think they can kiss ass and stay alive.
how do you write those words on a page and not realize how ridiculous you sound?
When your paycheck depends on you not acknowledging that fact.
Why is that the story though? It's almost like people are making a conscious decision to make that the story
The logic is circular. Biden's infirmity is the story. Other things can't be the story, because they're not the story. Why is Biden the story? Because he's the story. If the threat of Trump is the story, why isn't it already the story? And on and on.
It's the story because the rest of the journalistic herd says it's the story. What am I going to do, cover something different than everyone else? But seriously, I'm not sure why there's so much conformism - doesn't seem advantageous to any one media channel.
Isn't like a big point of journalism that covering something others haven't is a good thing?
It should be? But we've all seen every channel and paper at once obsessively covering Timmy, who has fallen down a well, or whatever. Even when there's little new information. They all want a scoop, but that means being first with that new information about Timmy and the rescuers.
Because these geniuses who can’t seem to get it through their makeup and hair product that they’ll be first to be disappeared think everyone in America is dumb.
So I'm spitballing a "let's put on a show, we can use the old barn" organized consumer targeting of the NYT (to start). Stop the disinfo, cover THESE stories, DO YOUR DAMN JOB. Either way, you won't make money off a second Trump term, no matter what, starting now. Who did the Fox News ad boycott?
Wow. Can’t report on fascism because it is OLd NeWs. Is this person suffering from some kind of cognitive decline?
And they write the same shit over and over - THEY have dementia and echolalia!
we can't afford to talk about the danger of Trump because we have to make sure there's the right candidate to defeat Trump
modern society was a mistake
in fact I'm beginning to sour on the decision to leave the oceans
I've talked about going back in a time machine to shove that darn Tiktaalik back in the ocean
"I'm your great** grandchild, I'm here to stop you from making a huge mistake"
Dan Shafer, who are you proposing to replace Joe Biden at this late date? You know, a candidate that is well-liked, able to get on the ballots of all 50 states, has a war chest for a federal election, and polls well against Trump. Who is this person? (Hint: Person is named in the first paragraph.)
KAMALA HARRIS ticks all of those boxes
And of course all of this "old news" is stuff that they said was not credible and we had no proof of at the time.
I can't write the story that is right in front of me cos the "bigger story" is what the wannabe dictator wants it to be since we know he's a wannabe dictator.
Not to lure anyone to the bad place, but he reposted this there himself just now, and literally asked for help understanding it. In case anyone feels like cathartically shouting into the wind. I must admit, though I usu do little there nowadays I gave it a go.
Sorry, I didn't intentionally censor the person I quoted in the alt text who's not in the screen capture. The actual quote is "@DailyTrix He means you're a fucking clown." which you—now that the post has been up for a bit—have to click through TWO buttons to see, 'probable spam' & then /bad words/