Scott Elyard

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Scott Elyard

Paintings, art, murals, classic D&D/AD&D and other stuff. Wife:
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Mat-Su Valley and #Alaska peeps! Check out and me this weekend July 20th at the Cubelight Graphics booth for the 5th Annual Underground #Pride #Fair at the Alaska State Fairgrounds in Raven Hall from 12 noon to 7pm! We'll have #art, shirts, pins, and my new suncatcher designs!
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Dinosaurs are fun to draw!
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"Winter Moon" took me 10 years to finish - sometimes art takes awhile. #SciArt #Paleoart
Abandoning a WIP doesn’t mean you're giving up. It's okay to pick it up later when the time feels right, or your skills feel more suited.
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Are we still talking bout this?
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It’s finally time to release my newest project: This website provides a real-time lens into the cryptocurrency industry’s efforts to influence 2024 elections in the United States.
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All episodes of Shelley Duvall’s FAERIE TALE THEATRE are on Internet Archive, if you’d like to enjoy the second act pivot that made her iconic for ‘80s and ‘90s kids. #ShelleyDuvall
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Reposted byAvatar Scott Elyard
Wore my Rex shirt by to a workshop I hosted today and got quite a lot of compliments for it. Passing it on to the artist. :)
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Magpies resting on the horns of a Woolly Rhino. 🐡 🎨 🧪 #paleontology
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Thank you! I am so relieved it turned up.
Yesterday I had a scare. I'd lost the original layered PSD file for this piece (click/tap to embiggify). Turned out the file was compressed along with everything else into an archive of the 2018 art show it debuted. So everything's fine. Whew.
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Reposted byAvatar Scott Elyard
“Social media best practices” dictate that I shouldn’t post new products in the middle of the night on Friday. But, to hell with it. I do what I want. CHECK OUT MY NEW PINS! We’ll have these at SDCC and Gen Con and they’re on the website now!
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Sorry, folks, this year "no vote" is a vote for fascism, don't be that person, voting is a necessary if not entirely sufficient act
Here it is, the dumbest thing you will read today
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first cohort of the American Climate Corps has been sworn in. 9,000 people will be deployed in the coming weeks to restore landscapes, erect solar panels, and work on environmental projects across America. #ShareGoodNewsToo
The American Climate Corps officially kicks This month, 9,000 people will be deployed to restore landscapes and erect solar panels, helping guide the country toward a greener future.
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As pointed out by over on the other place - mine and's artwork shows up in the background of an interview @ about the 25 min mark in this Bigfoot documentary! Keep an eye out for a colorful Styracosaurus and Dolichorhynchops!
Land of the Missing: On the Trail of Bigfoot - FULL MOVIE (Alaskan Sasquatch and Missing People) YouTube video by Small Town Monsters
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Yahoo! I'm strong! I'm my own hero! I'll never feel anything bad ever again! From the Patreon Update: TLDR: I'm actually doing okay! I'm taking care of myself even though it's hard. ❤️
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Im the 80s, the magic word was "communist" in Korea and "satanic" in America. This latest batch of banners tried "woke" but it wasn't scary enough, so they switched to "porn." In every case, the word means "books with depictions of the types of people we don't want in society."
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Ahem. Please buy my work. I have over 100 paintings in my shop right now, surely you'll find one you love : ) #sciart
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I think I need this Jessica Fletcher action figure.
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Think of climate change like a high speed train heading for a wall. There’s a huge difference between hitting the wall at full speed and slowing the train down as much as possible before you get there. There’s no such thing as “totally doomed” - we CAN slow down the train!
I think a lot of folks steeped in climate doomerism have internalized "we break 1.5/2C and we're Totally Doomed" but every tenth of a degree we can prevent, warming-wise, is very important! 1.6C > 1.7C > 1.8C, etc it is important to take the good news as evidence that we can limit the damage
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The media isn't interested in the biggest technology story of the 2020s, the rapid transition to clean energy, because 1) it will destroy a bunch of oil based wealth and is a boring, competirive low margin business 2) it makes Democrats look good for helping it and they want Republicans to win
THERE’S A QUIET NEW DEAL GOING ON The antidote to Project 2025 is happening now and will die if Trump seizes power. So let’s make some noise.
Why is The Quiet New Deal so quiet? | the earlyworm Get more from the earlyworm society on Patreon
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Downloading #Riven right now. At this rate, I'll be able to play tomorrow!