Jono Bo Bono

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Jono Bo Bono

Reposted byAvatar Jono Bo Bono
2002: kinda creepy that everything we put on the internet is there forever 2024: i wish i could read anything I wrote before 2015 3024: we call the period from 1900-2100 “the dark ages” as paper had acid in it and later they trusted their writing to something called a cloud. Very little is known.
New report from Pew finds 38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are no longer accessible a decade later. This research underscores how critical web archiving efforts are.
When Online Content A quarter of all webpages that existed at one point between 2013 and 2023 are no longer accessible.
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This may be the hardest line Albini ever wrote, and it's one we should remind ourselves of whenever anyone says they're anti-woke or uses woke as a perjorative.
Reposted byAvatar Jono Bo Bono
It rules that the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet get to gut every smart or funny or interesting website to make a quick buck for themselves then move on to the next one. I wonder what they're going to do when they run out of websites
Reposted byAvatar Jono Bo Bono
One area where you absolutely have to give Elon credit is the degree to which he has projected what an exhausting, miserable hang he is across everything he touches. Just a full-spectrum mush.
Billionaire board members feeling peer pressure to take drugs with Elon because if they don't they think Musk will be angry and cut them out of his companies and life. The world is so stupid.
Original Iron Chef was a staple in college. “Fuku San” “Ohta go!” And Rokusaburo Michiba using like 15 minutes of his hour to write out the menu. Then winning.
I just loved that Rokusaburo Michiba just looked perpetually pissed off at being alive.
TIL one can get a PhD in cheese chemistry and I feel like I wasted my college experience.
Snowed a ton up here. Dentist on our block plowed his parking lot but not the part of the alley that connects to it.
Anyone know if a place that sells deviled ostrich eggs?
2Gether better be getting royalties on these.
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Reposted byAvatar Jono Bo Bono
The erosion of the concept of legal standing seems asymmetrical. Being a right winger mildly annoyed about stuff is sufficient for the 5th Circuit.
The 5th Circuit invalidates the Biden administration’s dishwasher regulations, restoring Trump rules that let new appliances use much more water. Who brought the suit? Not a dishwasher manufacturer, but states that say their employees use dishwashers!
Reposted byAvatar Jono Bo Bono
I just learned of a third type of lemon.
Reposted byAvatar Jono Bo Bono
Oh god the masterclass grift is amazing like zero overhead lecture circuit scam that famous people can do at home, I admire its purity
excuse me what
Reposted byAvatar Jono Bo Bono
Headlines about Maine throwing Trump off the ballot are significantly more normal and less huffy than when Colorado did it, which should be a lesson: the more you do the obviously right thing, the less the press will do its weird song and dance about norms and precedents
Not sure if I’ve heard the song but I want to see this movie.
in 'Driving Home For Christmas' I always loved the line 'I take a look at the driver next to me...he's just the same' because as a kid I imagined he was LITERALLY the same and it was a horror story about a man trapped on an eternal highway who looks to the car next to him and sees his doppelganger
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Reposted byAvatar Jono Bo Bono
This kind of smart, walkable, mixed-use urbanism is illegal to build in most American cities
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♫ And though it’s been said many times, many ways, “One time the guy who played Mr. Belvedere sat on his own balls and they had to stop filming for a couple of days” to you
The Oppenheimer blu ray should come with a disc of outtakes called Oopsenheimer.
TIL Kohler makes sinks, faucets, and diesel engines.
ESPN News is currently airing the Masskrugstemmen Stein holding championship. The guy on the left held his stein up for like nine minutes.
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every few years we get a new study that confirms that UBI has literally no downsides. this latest one even says it's beneficial to the conduct of capitalism. the only reason UBI isn't adopted globally is that the ruling class is religiously wedded to the idea that the plebs should be miserable.
The results from the world’s largest Universal Basic Income study are now in. Findings: “A monthly UBI empowered recipients and did not create idleness. They invested, became more entrepreneurial, and earned more. The common concern of “laziness” never materialized.”
Early findings from the world’s largest UBI study | Money always helps, but for the poorest, one large lump sum can last a long time. A long-term universal basic income also looks promising.
Best or worst stripper name?
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this is the most 2020s paragraph i have ever read
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They should invent apartments where you can't hear the neighbors
Reposted byAvatar Jono Bo Bono
University admins claim to be "data-driven" and "run universities like a business," but when study after study finds liberal arts majors get good outcomes, are cheap to run, and are in fact profit centers, admins cut them anyway for ideological reasons.
All this time I thought I had to go to a doctor, and Grainger just has it for sale?