
jane coaston cooked up a saying I am simultaneously in awe of and pathologically envious that I did not figure it out first but some politically addicted people I love dearly would not survive a 7-5 college football season
was talking about this with lord businessman, like, it’s not even horserace reporting, the dailies at the track don’t end their reports after the ponies round the first bend, all of the post-debate reporting basically treats the debate as if it ended in the first 15 minutes
it is simply not news that the former president of the united states wants to deport 20 million people and answered every single question by saying that immigrants have destroyed our country and we are literally in hell and people are constantly dying on the streets
see this is what we call an impasse, you want me to be crawling on the ceiling and I’m just sorta casually observing that some people are on the ceiling and I don’t need to be up there, I dunno what you want from me here
is it just age? 1984 was fkn bleak and the gray, airless 88 and 92 DLC boys. give me some of that boring incremental progress and spare me the drama. equanimity was achieved I guess.
This. Trump brazenly repeated his bullshit about "criminals, prisoners, and mental patients" and nobody is talking about that. I feel like I live in the dumbest smart country.
I keep saying this, but: in all of his Clinton and Biden debates Trump has started strong and then by the end of the evening has completely decompensated, is behaving bizarrely and speaking incoherently. The pundits write their first draft within the first twenty minutes, so that's all he needs.
I don’t know how many times I wish there was a payout for ran strong in the first half of the race or looked good in the paddock.
It's less like a horserace and more like pretending to read the entrails of imaginary birds.
How can you hit the cocktail bars early if you don't pre-write your article and then fill-in with a few light details from the first 15 minutes?
Let alone the race ending before the fucking conventions lmao
The poster is in your replies already but he made a good point earlier
We need so many more Americans to watch sports since clearly they’ve never watched Iowa win a game by punting 18 times in a row
and that’s fine I can love you anyway even if you don’t have that dawg in you but don’t you dare bring that shit to gameday
Honestly my most optimistic and upbeat friend is a TCU football fan and I kinda get it now
I would try and pick up an interest but I went to Kent and they afaik have never even been CLOSE to a bowl
Maybe my Iowa State Cyclones fandom has innoculated me from the pants wetting response I’m seeing from my political circle.
When you have watched Syracuse Football since Frank Maloney onwards…
After a coworker of mine told me yesterday how sick she was about journalists just trying to curry favor (like the white house press corps) to keep access, I gave her a brief history of the last 20 years of sports reporting (deadspin, Vox, substacks, college press corps, etc) and she was shocked.
Did I bring up Nick Saban being "niche" (after explaining who Nick Sabam was)? She was stunned.
when i saw her name pop up on the bulwark podcast i about careened off the road. good shit
As I longtime Buffalo Bills fan, I assure you people can agonize over every detail of ten consecutive 6-10 seasons and treat every setback like a world-ending disaster and every small success as a sign from on high, and it never fucking ends. No lessons learned, under any circumstances.
I've been a Lions fan for decades...
I was at Georgia Tech during the Chan Gailey years there is no political campaign that can break me
That's why i'm not into college sports?
Calvin wearing Dad's glasses: "Calvin, go do something you hate! Being miserable builds character!"
That shot of Mom, collapsed in the chair from laughter. Best frame in the whole run of the series.
I willingly watch Pitt football a dozen times per year. Anything that could faze me at this point would be impossible to fix anyway.
So, last night Joe Biden was James Franklin and D***** T**** was Ohio State (an intractably corrupt program that always manages to elude accountability, or so it always did pre NIL).
I think a lot of Nebraska fans would love to go 7-5
At 7-5 in the college football season I’ve already moved on to anticipating my NFL team losing a wild card game at home. Hope springs eternal!
Well, look at how Florida's third senator does it.