Dira Sudis

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Dira Sudis


Writer, fan, librarian, 4000+ hours in Stardew Valley, 4 million words of fic on Ao3.
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Alert! Alert! This is your advance notice for the activation of the Social Media Quarterly Estimated Tax Payments Warning System!
Freelance Editors: Remember that June 17 is the second quarter's due date for estimated taxes for federal and, I assume, your state. #Taxes #IRS
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want to feel old? there is a single specimen of the mushroom armillaria ostoyae in oregon that stretches over a range of nearly four square miles and is estimated to be 2400 years old. this has nothing to do with your age. your age is not important. you are free
Truly struggling right now to believe that i am not somehow personally causing terrible things to happen to the Tigers by watching their games. They just had to put in their third baseman to pitch in the twelfth inning.
Love playing “am I suddenly real depressed or did I forget to take my adderall today” it is the best game
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Reminder: if you've ever been told you can't donate blood because of risk factors, either around sexual activity or past international travel, chances are very good that the latest updates to the donor criteria have made you newly eligible: www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood...
on that note: the FDA recently overhauled all their eligibility guidelines wrt high risk behaviours for contracting bloodborne diseases like hepatitis and HIV to be what they should be—behaviour is the only factor addressed, w/ neither gender nor sexuality being taken into account in that behaviour!
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A long shot but wtf. When I was photographing birds on the empty beach south of Barcelona's airport, this magnificent gentleman waved to me, pointed to himself, and immediately struck a pose. I fired off this frame, we shared a laugh from 50m, and went on our ways. I'd love to get it to him.
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lol. Reviewing the minutes of past meetings of WSFS's Mark Protection Committee to try to find any evidence at all of any formal trademark license granted to individual Worldcons and found THE BEST QUOTE: "However, AO3 is going to be a festering sore for years to come." www.wsfs.org/wp-content/u...
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This is the most accurate image AI has ever generated
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Major expansion of the urgent FDA eyedrop recall (bacterial contamination): please check the brand list again as the scope has widened significantly
“FDA warns consumers not to purchase or use certain eye drops from several major brands due to risk of eye infection” www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-s...
CDER Alertwww.fda.gov Eye Drop Recall
Sit down to work on a #Dreamling fic and iTunes serves up "Eli's Coming" and then "Don't Let's Start" YES THANK YOU ITUNES, I KNOW IT'S THE 1589 BIT
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Attention Dreamling shippers, we have a custom feed for all our shipping needs now! ⏳💕✨ When you add the feed you'll be able to see all Dreamling related posts from the last 7 days! bsky.app/profile/did:...
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I recently saw a statistic that if being pregnant was a job in America it would be the 6th most dangerous one.
one crucial development in the ideology of anti-abortion politics is the widespread belief that pregnancy runs essentially on autopilot and no serious medical attention is ever required. allows anti-abortion zealots to ignore the fact that their policies produce maternity care deserts
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New Murderbot new Murderbot new Murderbot. I’m really excited for this one because it felt like Network Effect ended at an interesting place and I’m delighted we get to see how that situation develops.
System Collapse, the next novel in the Murderbot Diaries, is coming out November 14 from @tordotcompub.bsky.social . It's set directly after Network Effect. Cover art is by Jaime Jones.
Yeahhhhh that's not too far off.
Yeah this test is great:
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The Supreme Court announced on Monday that it would not hear a challenge to New York’s rent-stabilization regulations, under which the government sets maximum permissible rent increases and generally allows tenants to renew their leases indefinitely.
Supreme Court Turns Away Challenge to New York’s Rent Regulationswww.nytimes.com Landlords had argued that a rent-stabilization law that covers about a million units is an unconstitutional government taking of private property.
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You know what, kudos to whatever ex-Navy SEAL is getting paid to convince him this looks cool, I can respect the grift.
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Huge, FREE #covid safety resource list! updates Look for the bold "NEW." Hot black N95s, car air purifier, LOTS of new insider tips/links in the section on what to do when infected. Share it with anyone who needs it. No one is safe until all of us are safe. Link: www.patreon.com/posts/huge-f...
Huge, FREE covid safety resource list | Patreonwww.patreon.com Official Post from Violet Blue
Doing a Lord of the Rings (Extended Editions, ofc) rewatch and realizing that a) I haven’t done this since before I got into Critical Role and b) for better or worse I have trained myself to think watching three four-hour things is a very reasonable way to spend a single day off.
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Thinking about nominating a fandom, but you're not sure if it would count as a rare vidding fandom? Here's a guideline to evaluating rarity for Festivids 2023: On dreamwidth festivids.dreamwidth.org/tag/%21evalu... On tumblr www.tumblr.com/festivids/72...
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If people weren't aware, Scarecrow Video, one of the last great Video Rental stores in America, has a Rent by Mail program, for many things not available to stream anywhere. Over 145,000 titles! 📽️
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PSA: the CDC has a program that pays for your COVID vaccine if your insurer won't. The guy at CVS told me that my insurer had not added the new vaccine to its formulary yet, so I'd need to pay $190. I told him about this program, showed him the website, and paid nothing. 🤗
Bridge Access Program | CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC twenty four seven. Saving...www.cdc.gov
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New Excerpt: A STRANGER IN THE CITADEL by Tobias Buckell (@tobiasbuckell.bsky.social) - civilianreader.com/2023/09/19/e... Due to be published by @tachyonpub.bsky.social on October 17th.
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GIFT ARTICLE NO PAYWALL: "She wrote to a scientist about her fatigue. It inspired a breakthrough. Her dogged efforts lead to a new scientific discovery that may help others with long covid and other chronically fatiguing illnesses."
My contribution to the smaller-than-it-should-be genre of Family Man AU fic: archiveofourown.org/works/49107085 In which Dream finds out what happens to a version of himself who gets everything he ever wanted. (He lives happily ever after.)
England and Nowhere (Never and Always) - Dira Sudis (dsudis) - The Sandman (TV 2022) [Archi...archiveofourown.org An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
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Tangential, but I just need to point out, the next time you see someone going “no one had ADHD when I was a kid!” you should remember this. Because no, motherfucker, a shitton of people had it, you just tried to beat out of them and they were all self-medicating with nicotine and caffeine.
Gen Z doesn't know what it was like when everything smelled like cigarettes no matter where you went because half of people older than 15 in the western world chainsmoked indoors and even non-smokers had the scent permeated into our clothing, hair, furniture, and even the walls of every building.