Don Dechert

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Don Dechert

Lawyer, veteran. Ex-baby historian, current litigator, lapsed social scientist, still playing TTRPGs. Unabashedly pro-cat because cats are awesome. Various thoughts, some well articulated in 🇺🇲/🇩🇪.

📍Chicago, IL, Vereinigte Staaten, Terra
Overall, no. But I've had some more thorough deliberation through certain policies and seeing some of the discourse hardened some pre-existing opinions. Micro-blogging has been great in being able to connect to thinkers but also seeing behind the credentialism and look at args. & ask questions.
Reposted byAvatar Don Dechert
Massively significant lesson here about the role and nature of money in American politics, at least in the contemporary Democratic party #polisky
Sucks to suck, i guess
Reposted byAvatar Don Dechert
Cohen and his ilk have never been right once and if there were any consequences in the blob men like him would be relegated to ignominy but it’s America so he and his sad little bow tie flourish.
Reposted byAvatar Don Dechert
Reposted byAvatar Don Dechert
Cohen’s Atlantic essay is even worse than you’d expect, but it’s also interesting as an intellectual artifact. Cohen spent nearly three decades directing the Strategic Studies program at SAIS, a program that embodied the “great books” approach to international security.
Maybe? Absent 9/11, would W have won a 2nd term (Alito and Roberts were 2nd term picks), or a dem would have replaced Rehnquist. There was still a FedSoc (and its drivers) and conservative legal movement prior to 9/11 and a housing crash. Would we be here absent the Patriot Act et al? I don't know
Oh. My mistake; I assumed it was a film studio from your thread. Reading is hard.
The way you describe it sounds like the platform makes its money from the performers maybe in an exploitative manner. When you ran Fleshbot, were performers employees or independent contractors? Or were all the individuals both in front and behind the cameras enployees or independent contractors?
Fred Rogers? And granted that wasn't an all ages archetype but one geared towars positivity for children. It seems like the good masculine archetype is boring (?) or at least less dramatic than the toxic one or only dramatic and compelling when toxic; e.g., the Taken series.
That conflates an ease of making money and making money. Leaving aside any stigma about porn, how easy or hard do we as a society want to make entry to a market? And how much do we want to concentrate platforms to do so? The stigma comes in when it prevents Congressional regulation to ease entry.
That's hard when there is an organized greivance movement in the country for which the FedSoc is a service provider. Maybe judicial supremacy is unsquarable with pluralistic democracy.
Others (notably Elie Mystal) took the other tact that a super populated SCOTUS that isn't a panel court would need to issue moderate opinions due to keeping a majority together. The status quo, however, is still going to enable Calhounian minoritarian rule (as is now happening).
Reposted byAvatar Don Dechert
All scoffing that this will never pass, SCOTUS would strike it down as unconstitutional. Since when did a policy proposal or a policy only have to be efficacious at achieving the stated goal to be politically effective? US immigration border policy has never been effective but serves a pol purpose.
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Reposted byAvatar Don Dechert
I knew this would happen, but was still unprepared for the visceral revulsion I experienced when seeing it
I guess this was inevitable
That's wonderful. Hope she was purring away.
At 14: Probably Smashing Pumpkins. Melancholie and the Infinite Sadness came out, as did Oasis' album, No Doubt's Tragic Kingdom. That was a good year. And now I listen to Lord of the Lost, Saltatio Mortis, Eisbrecher and others.
Reposted byAvatar Don Dechert
Harassing someone with threats until they leave and then publicly celebrating that result is, in fact, “bullying” and anyone who disagrees can fucking block me or I’ll block them. There’s no level of victimization or abuse that justifies victimization or abuse.
Reposted byAvatar Don Dechert
Yesss, motherfuckers!!! Even if none of it passes, shine the spotlight on the historically unpopular SCOTUS during an election year!
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Maybe the argument's a loser, but Congress has the power to regulate* the judiciary (Art 1, Sec 8 & N+P) to define good behavior as some addition to Title 28. Maybe it's a misread of Vladeck's Shadow Docket, but doesn't Congress have some regulatory power beyond just expansion and the purse?
The ethics code would be unconstitutional? I'm curious how you arrive at that, mostly as Congress has the power to configure and order the Court, at least following from Shadow Docket. What am I missing?
Reposted byAvatar Don Dechert
👀 "President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code" * CeCe Peniston voice * 🎵 finally 🎵
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
I'll take that as a recommend to pick up.
Reposted byAvatar Don Dechert
my decision to quit online dating remains one of the best things I've ever done lol I'll just stay single forever thanks
Reposted byAvatar Don Dechert
ok without getting into the ethics, history of mining and exploitation - from a purely scientific standpoint, yes, *high quality diamonds* are actually rare despite the stories about the diamond consortium throttling supply. Diamonds are not uncommon, but the truly expensive ones are.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
Reposted byAvatar Don Dechert
Raymond Chandler and his tyrannical secretary, Taki.
Reposted byAvatar Don Dechert
Lee Iacoca was probably the devil. He and Welch really demonstrated business press' really easily manipulated status. Years ago (~2017) Tesla's 14K report stated Musk's public persona was a Tesla asset of unknown valuation. Just really wonder why and how his businesses stay afloat with Musk.