Daniel Roberts

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Daniel Roberts


Once known as IronMikeGallego. I wrote a few things that you might have read (but probably not). Recovering A’s fan. Combat sports wunderkind. Anti-Stratfordian. Mute button enthusiast.

He has to keep it on, because if he took it off, everyone would see there’s no injury and that he was hit with a fragment of debris and not a bullet. Then he couldn’t sell t shirts with Jesus deflecting the bullet away from him (instead of just jamming the shooter’s gun or something).
I’ll say it again, when it comes out that Trump wasn’t actually hit by a bullet, it’s going to have an impact. He’s been insisting he was hit by a bullet and his people are acting like God personally deflected it. So if it was just a debris fragment, he looks like a big crybaby and a liar. Mock him.
They did it to John Kerry, they did it John McCain and they did it to Hillary Clinton. It’s fair game to mock his play acting and it underscores what a liar and manipulator he is.
Yes. Dems have to make the case that there is an existential threat if they don’t vote, even if they have to hold their nose.
Reposted byAvatar Daniel Roberts
This is not hyperbole or an exaggeration. They really do want to make being queer or defending the existence of queer people or even acknowledging they do pornography per se and to put you in person for it.
According to Project 2025, which is the heart of Trump's campaign and platform, if you teach or talk about the existence of LGBTQ people then you are a sex offender and should be imprisoned.
I mean, it’s sort of impressive.
All the people who love capital gains tax cuts say “hooo”
I made this earlier. The pundits are just awful. They desperately want Trump because they know he’ll bump their ratings, subscriptions, etc. It would be comical if I wasn’t worried it might end up destroying our country.
It’s a bit of a sight gag so the alt text I used doesn’t quite tell the story, but I basically listed a bunch of times pundits pronounced this race over and how it had absolutely no impact whatsoever on the polls.
I’ve switched to Apple News since I spite-canceled my NYT subscription. It’s nowhere near as good but as cheap substitutes go, it’s not bad. Congrats on your streak. That’s pretty amazing. I haven’t even been conscious that many days in a row.
The fact that it’s endorsed by all the worst people means they’re going to have a harder time rejecting it.
No, but it makes it harder for the Alitos of the world to dismiss it out of hand.
If I really really really hated Lost after Season 1, once I realized they had no idea where it was going, will that be an issue?
I’m along for the ride until my wife throws in the towel, as I am with most TV we watch.
That’s what I was worried about
The wife and I started Squid Game last night. (I know, I know. We have two young kids, this is shockingly timely for us.) No spoilers please, but is it heading somewhere or is it just going to be torture porn? Just trying to decide whether or not to get emotionally invested.
They’re not necessarily unconstitutional. In fact, they could be a first step towards finally putting some teeth into the “good behaviour” qualification that is so often forgotten. That’s the only realistic way to remove a corrupt judge these days with impeachment’s super majority req’d to convict.
Reposted byAvatar Daniel Roberts
Please help raise money for new moms in Gaza!
My friend and graduate school colleague Mazen spent the first part of the war in Gaza huddled in tents while his wife Alaa waited to give birth to their child. They managed to make it to safety. Alaa is now raising money to help postpartum moms still stuck in Gaza www.gofundme.com/f/from-suffe...
Support for Providing Basic Needs for Gazan Mothers, organized by Alaa Naimwww.gofundme.com My name is Alaa. I am a Palestinian from Gaza, and mother of four childr… Alaa Naim needs your support for Support for Providing Basic Needs for Gazan Mothers
“If you ever in Vegas”
I feel like this excludes like 40% of the workforce.
My model predicts Joe Biden winning the election with 100% certainty. This is based on current polling data, showing an essentially tied race after a dreadful month for Biden, improving economic fundamentals, and the fact that people have forgotten Trump is a goddamned nut but will remember by Nov.
(I genuinely believe most of that.)
I think you’re forgetting that he RAPS!
🎵 ay, I remember storm surges and crime allowances… 🎵
Look, Capt. Monterey Jack is fantastic, but I could do without the rest of his career. Even in Wet Hot American Summer where fucking everyone was hilarious, his character was the weak link. Basically there just to set up jokes for other people.