drobertsimg.bsky.social follows

The Achiever formerly known as Karl
The Achiever formerly known as Karl
I probably muted the thread.
Norm Wilner
Norm Wilner
Programmer, @TIFF_NET; host of @SEMcast, Secret Movie Clubber, SHINY THINGS newsletterer. Opinions mine, all mine. He/him. IG norm.wilner
Jenny Hayes
Jenny Hayes
Seattle writer, former '80s Berkeley teenager. (she/her)
Dave Infante
Dave Infante
covering the beer business for VINEPAIR; covering drinking in america for FINGERS. dm for signal | email: [email protected] (good tips only, thank you) | more: linktr.ee/dinfontay
Tom Keck
Tom Keck
SCOTUS, free expression, democratic backsliding, Syracuse politics, Baltimore sports
Liza Mazel
Liza Mazel
Therapist, writer type, armchair activist, kvetch. Raised from early adulthood by Internet wolves. Warning: squees at cats.

I also ramble currently on Daily Kos https://www.dailykos.com/users/ElizaMazel
Nunsense & Shenunigans
Nunsense & Shenunigans
You might know me as Sister Margaretta from the Sound of Music

"If equal affection cannot be
let the more liking one be me"
Twitt: @annaleehqbeta
Post: @annaleehq
Ph: (202) 224-3121
Please give my secretary your zip code
Joshua J. Friedman
Joshua J. Friedman
Freelance writer and editor. Formerly of The Atlantic, Boston Review. Copy chief at Columbia Magazine.
Faine Greenwood
Faine Greenwood
civilian drone mapping technology and GIS/spatial data consultant, sometimes journalist and writer, monitors small drones in the Ukraine war, humanitarian-aid adjacent, always annoying online. they/them
Nathan Wind as Cochese
Nathan Wind as Cochese
Husband of my husband & dad to two kids and three dogs. Commercial litigator, and lawyer for courageous whistleblowers.
Derek Fox
Derek Fox
Penn State Astronomer (he/him), personal account. “We went and made everything a computer without ever bothering to fix computers.”
Michael Tae Sweeney
Michael Tae Sweeney
I cut film and tv

@mtsw on Twitter and mastodon.social
post malone ergo propter malone
post malone ergo propter malone
mostly politics. some Seahawks. emoliberal.

oh and one more thing
you aren’t going to like
what comes after America
Anna Holmes
Anna Holmes
Author (The Ember of Elyssia Quartet, FORTUNE’S LOT, THE BRIDAL PARTY). Reader. Dice roller. Disability justice advocate. All around nerd. (She/they) ♿️🏳️‍🌈
Formerly “Deep State Jezebel” on that other site who’s name shall not/cannot/should not/can’t make me/I’ll bite you if you try to get me to/nah nah nah…be mentioned.
BLM, human rights, women’s rights,, dem, AF veteran. Lapsed ceramic artist & painter.
Charm City Slicker (58-38)
Charm City Slicker (58-38)
riding your local bus to the baseball stadium and movie theater
Ben Birdsall
Ben Birdsall
Who even knows, man.
Nana Kim
Nana Kim
People matter. Truth matters.
Courtney Milan
Courtney Milan
She/her. I write books about carriages, corsets, and smartwatches. Mother of (emoji) dinosaurs 🦖🦕. 羽生結弦 fan. Fan of tea. This biography should not be taken as a complete description.
Jessica Pishko
Jessica Pishko
WROTE book on sheriffs & democracy
Contributor @democracydocket
Repped by @rhaliterary
2023 Fellow @NewAmerica
jesspish AT gmail
Your old pal, Catbus from Online
shitposts, shoegaze, cinema
posts are for entertainment purposes only
discord: catbussted
Jacob Crouch
Jacob Crouch
Dad, hubby, teacher, reader, Seattle sports fan. Social media lurker.
Kaitlin Has Had Enough
Kaitlin Has Had Enough
I just say shit until something smart pops out. Columnist @ Dame Magazine, bylines @ The Cut, Harper’s Bazaar and more. Black, millennial, feminist, tired. Probably eating carbs. gothamgirlblue.com: has it all
Michael Clark
Michael Clark
Ancient historian / classicist, not one of the mean ones. Looking for more honesty and less malice in politics. Handle means 'mouse bane', a commentary on one of our major political parties in the US.
Los hombres invencibles solo existen en las películas!
-Former Combat Sports writer
-Washed Amateur Boxer
Ray Beckerman
Ray Beckerman
NYC business lawyer. I post about law, social justice, human & animal rights, nature, arts, and ecology. #voteblue #progressive
Jim Barg
Jim Barg
New platform. Same freewheelin' freelancer of minor renown in the Flower City.
Adam Bonin
Adam Bonin
Philadelphia-based 91st Most Powerful Lawyer in Pennsylvania (City and State PA, 2023) specializing in political law. Opinions are mine alone.
Subaru Baja blast: the falafel lobbyist
Subaru Baja blast: the falafel lobbyist
Keynesian basic left liberal,gender fluid, she/ her labor unions are vital
the guy who used to be Old Hoss Radbourn
the guy who used to be Old Hoss Radbourn
Former base ball gent who was pretty bad at sticking to the bit. Academic; not really sure why I’m here except I missed all the people from the old place.
Stephen King
Stephen King
En Buen Ora
En Buen Ora
Account named in honor of the poem El Cid (not so much the historical figure) and one of its most interesting lines, "El que en buen ora cinxo espada". Leftist. Also on Mastodon and trying to be less and less on the Elxn site. Las Vegas NV USA currently.
maura quint
maura quint
@behindyourback on twitter, tax policy and jokes. I hate my haircut. dms open, emails are too: quintmaura @ gmail.com
Tim Carvell
Tim Carvell
Executive Producer, Last Week Tonight. Friend to nearly all the animals.
Sarah Everett
Sarah Everett
digital sorceress ⚡ does anyone know how to curse a real sword ✨ sarahev.com
Tim Onion
Tim Onion
American businessman.
rudeboy tomjanovich
rudeboy tomjanovich
tear down the bo statue. writer on indefinite hiatus. me/cfs since 2005-ish. pots. ptsd. audhd. disabled. he/him.

michigan, a2/ypsi, audiobooks, watching the games, f1, trying not to scream.

omf.ngo if you’re cool.

signal: @aceanb.37
Allison Hantschel
Allison Hantschel
Media for DAME magazine. She/her. Co-founder, First-Draft.com. Alumna of The Daily Cardinal.
Workin hard to keep that puppy dog energy and glass half-full vibe
Sydney Bauer
Sydney Bauer
🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️| Freelance Journalist for hire | she/her | Once, the Olympics in RJ. | Bylines all over; the Mets break me regularly | Sydneyerinwrites at gmail dot com

Discord: sydneybauer
Rick Hasen
Rick Hasen
Professor, UCLA Law; Director, http://SafeguardingDemocracyProject.org; 2020 CNN, 2022 NBC/MSNBC Election Law Analyst; electionlawblog.org
Megan Greenwell
Megan Greenwell
journalist formerly of WIRED and Deadspin (RIP) and a bunch of other places. writing a narrative nonfiction book about how private equity affects workers and communities.
Graceful Six Humoured
Graceful Six Humoured
Taller on the inside. Turkish-American disappointed in both. My vocation is fancy non-alc drinks, my avocation is magic. Co-host of Screen Test of Time. she/her

Queer, ND, excitable, foul-mouthed, friendly 🫦

❌TERFs/SWERFs/AI/genocide deniers
Hayes Brown
Hayes Brown
Twitter Refugee. Writer. Etc.
Jay 🦋
Jay 🦋
CEO of Bluesky, steward of AT Protocol.

Let’s build a federated republic, starting with this server. 🌱 🪴 🌳
Former Romance book blogger. Bleeding heart liberal. Asthmatic. Married to the personal assistant to two black cats. Same handle on bird site/Instagram/Hive/mstdn.social. Deleted my Spoutible account.

#Royals #Natitude #TCMParty
Russ Bengtson
Russ Bengtson
sneakers, bikes, hoops, arsenal, mets // “a history of basketball in 15 sneakers” OUT NOW // former SLAM Ed // first dot last at gmail
Originally from FL, currently in Brooklyn. USF alum. Work in the financial industry, slightly schooled in psychology (B.A.), general weirdo ✌🏻
Jason Collette
Jason Collette
Columnist at Rotowire, podcaster at Fangraphs, and very passionate about baseball, beer, grilling, UCF, rescued dogs, and Whataburger.

**Stop posting screen grabs from Xitter; that place sucks. Burn the boats!**
