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Reposted byAvatar Edsel
"Across the 50 years preceding Biden’s tenure in office, the U.S. economy enjoyed only 25 *total* months with an unemployment rate below 4 percent. Biden did it for 27 consecutive months" slate.com/news-and-pol...
You Have No Idea What Joe Biden Did for Employmentslate.com The effects of inflation could have been much, much worse.
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
NYT in 1938: “Jews bring out the worst in Herr Hitler”
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Ah. The Olympics. I love the events.
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Let’s retire calling this “DEI hire” thing a dog-whistle. It’s not just racist, it’s a statement that revels in its racism.
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
The unfavorability rating of Project 2025 has increased 24 points since late June; most Americans are now familiar with Project 2025 and just one in ten have a favorable view of it.
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
CNN's polling guru Harry Enten just did a segment about how unpopular JD Vance is. Actually said, "In this case, he's dragging Trump down" 😂😂😂 Everyone hates JD - except his billionaire puppetmasters and the Trump buttheads.
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
"we live in a failed society" is overblown but the fact that nobody picks up the phone anymore if they don't recognize the number is a comprehensive failure on every level
If we want polling to work again, we HAVE to fix America’s insane culture of constant phone and email scams. I never reply to polling requests because I’m never totally sure if they’re REAL or not. We have to create a way to *validate* them, or a ton of younger people will never reply again.
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
I can't offer money to the campaign, but I can give a meme template— what record did Kamala buy? Transparent PNG. Insert your own LP cover
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
I have no doubt that Donald Trump associates the laughter of women with unpleasant memories.
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
If you were wondering how long it would take Musk to put forward antisemitic conspiracy theories about “puppet masters” pulling the strings of the Democrats, the answer is “a couple hours.”
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Only people of color count as having a racial identity. It's an unsubtle form of racism to attribute Harris's success to her racial and gender identities while pretending a white man (whose main achievement is his belligerence) rose on the basis of 'merit.' www.nytimes.com/2024/07/21/o...
Opinion | If Kamala Harris Is a D.E.I. Candidate, So Is JD Vancewww.nytimes.com He benefited from one of the most powerful forms of affirmative action that elite universities practice.
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
I sincerely and honestly DO NOT BELIEVE that you can speed date your way into picking a presidential candidate. PLEASE stop with the “blitz primary” idea. Please. We’re WAAAAAY past the moment for “fantasy football” politics.
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Nailed it
I'm on vacation through next week which all but guarantees that everything is going to somehow get even weirder than it is already. Have fun team
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Remember after Super Tuesday when Democrats closed ranks and coalesced behind Biden? That’s the energy I want to see in the next 24 hours.
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Y’all are joking with the dooming and glooming right? Harris has somehow kept herself clean, locked down her team, and is almost certainly aware of what she’s being asked to do. We are about to have a woman at the top of the ticket in a post-Dobbs electorate. Stop crying and buck the fuck up!
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Biden endorses Harris.
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
No. We're not fucked. There's no giving up, because if we do THEN we're fucked. Don't just give the fuckers the win, now or ever. Fight for yourself, fight for the people you care about, fight for the people who will be even more fucked than you will be. Be pissed that you have to fight. But fight.
We're so fucked.
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
This is a great opportunity to not allow bad actors to dictate how the coming discourse is shaped. Dismissing DEI is obvious. But if you start seeing words like ‘experience’ ‘angry’ ‘emotional’ or yeah, even ‘cop’, just be aware that the person saying it probably doesn’t care about any of that stuff
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
NYT NEWSROOM: Bad news everyone, we just found out the number one issue in the 2024 campaign is no longer "are you old" it's now [whatever the GOP focus groups figure out is Kamala Harris's weakest attribute] so we need you to stop running "is the candidate old" stories
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Every tweet from this account is chilling
p259 remove references to - "abortion," "reproductive health," and "sexual and reproductive rights" and controversial sexual education materials
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Americans have no idea of what has brought us to this point. Our recent history is so painful, contested, and drowning in disinformation that no one except Marcy can hold it all in their head. This is why Ball of Thread is the most important thing I've worked on. Please check it out if you haven't!
Literally the only people who've covered this are Marcy and Grayzone. Notably, Grayzone doesn't bother much with all of Flynn's other lies that prove how their (well-funded) Russiagate denialism is BS.
‎Ball of Thread on Apple Podcastspodcasts.apple.com ‎True Crime · 2024
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Someone ask GRRM how A Song of Ice and Fire would script this moment for Biden because I never want to find out.
Ok fine, someone ask Armando Iannucci how the Thick of It or Veep would script this moment for biden
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Read this if you want to understand the zealotry of JD Vance by @donmoyn.bsky.social Vance believes "the society that has handed him riches and opportunity is profoundly corrupt, and the state must be broken and remade." That aligns him with both Trump & the South African immigrants who made him.
The Zeal of a Convertdonmoynihan.substack.com JD Vance as the future of American populism
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
Oh you just call anyone “Nazi” who disagrees with you about enacting mass deportation of ethic minorities demonized as “vermin poisoning the blood of the nation” as part of a nationalist myth of purifying violence promulgated to a far right cult by an authoritarian demagogue.
Reposted byAvatar Edsel
The title of MAGA Jack Posobiec's new book, "Unhumans," does sound better in the original German: "Untermenschen" or "Lebensunwertes Leben," the label applied to disabled people, gays, Jews, Romani, and Communists before they were forced into camps and exterminated. I'm sure it's a conscious echo.