工an Monroe 🚰

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工an Monroe 🚰


replace the California constitution with an assertion of parliamentary sovereignty. https://signal.me/#eu/l0xilq2pPjD/c746iENf6KNApNhIBMZ8bniWD7yZkQ6TSZcFl3BJaKpNf33aVb6k

📍Oakland, California.
Me: So basically the plan is Outlook: *obnoxiously* add a comma Me: Need to shit him an email Outlook: looks great!
It's downstream of the common rhetorical tick where "tax" means "income tax". So if you raise a bunch of taxes but cut income tax then you're cutting taxes. It's the logic of the 47% comment that lost Romney his election.
I thought this article was pretty damning tbh.
Me too, AliExpress is organized around randos setting up stores, which what it is. Amazon is the same but pretends that it is a store with product inventory. It's funny how it's a totally different business than it was in like 2002 but the web site basically looks the same.
He basically won the primary by being the candidate who lived and breathed DC. So California getting what it asked for.
Tho here the issue is totally the Amazon warehouse inventory system
But yeah it is downstream of Amazon not really caring about what they sell anymore
It's totally Amazon's view of itself. It's funny bc AliExpress almost takes the opposite view of reviews. You're only supposed to review the accuracy of the posting and the ordering process, not the product itself so much
this article is so funny. it completely buys and holds the view that a customer review shouldn't take into account Amazon infrastructure being too broken to sell products like diapers.
Amazon Sold a Used Diaper. It Tanked a Mom-and-Pop Business.getpocket.com The company put the returned diaper back into circulation, prompting a scathing review that haunts the sellers to this day.
I guess it's depth would be mostly dictated by the deep boring they plan to do downtown
Hey it's also for drug dealing
it was always sort of waiting in the wings, though, the admin’s been much tougher on big business and big industry than any dem admin in decades, with hindsight, it’s not really surprising that congresscritters who cash checks for a living would get some pushback
Watching Biden turn into the actual dark horse anti-establishment candidate was not on my bingo card, but here we are.
You mean the ATM-like machines in liquor stores? Yeah that makes so much sense they'd be used for that.
It certainly seems that way in 2024, line goes up, but i dunno how sustainable all their political spending is. And it seems to be all whales doing the donations, when the power of car dealers is living in every district.
I think the most innocent explanation is just ideological support for authoritarianism over democracy. Doesn't require any payouts or corruption to get there.
The thing I never understand is, what’s supposed to be the *innocent* explanation for the GOP opposing aiding Ukraine against Russia? Just pure across the board isolationism? And general sympathy for Russia? Like how are these supposed to sit comfortably with, you know, the GOP?
Like the reason an individual 1930s communist might've defended Stalinist purges was more about ideology than the support the USSR provided CPUSA. It feels similar to this.
We'll have the fall vaccine by then at least
Concurrently the trend for SFF covers, present company excluded, is being really simple, often without any characters depicted. I don't like it, it's so boring, compared to like 10 years ago.
The condo conversion conversation is important but also hilarious in the context of people on the left and right losing their minds about BlackRockStone buying homes and renting them out.
This is a great point. It's not hypocrisy, it's misogyny.
My contribution to the "Christ, what an asshole" coverage of J.D. Vance: How he reconciles his denunciation of divorce and running with a guy who on his third adulterous marriage. Hint: It's not divorced men Vance loathes. It's divorced women. www.salon.com/2024/07/16/s...
J.D. Vance decried folks who "shift spouses like they change their underwear" — but he loves Trumpwww.salon.com Donald's running mate denounced divorce for "even violent" marriages, but is mum on his boss's wives and mistresses
Yep that's it. But since new builds aren't affected it doesn't affect overall housing supply much. This is easy to see since rent control is local and it's not like Santa Cruz is a boom town despite never having had rent control.
People like to deny that Trump has any policies bc he's too dumb to understand policy, Project 2025 is a good hack around that
Is that part not being tunneled?
Thinking about the billions VTA needs for their BART SV phase 2 project and what a pleasant quick bus ride it is replacing.
Imagine if we had six billion (thats just the number they're asking Pete for lol) to improve Capitol Corridor in the East Bay. It'd be more useful for San Jose imo.
Yeah my wife was a teamster when she was a library assistant at a university library
They did for a couple of years in the 30a but the real estate interests shut them down. And now in the US we got people on the left convinced that public housing needs to be maintained as a poor-only program instead of a middle class housing program (like it is in the rest of the world)
You can bc everyone means a half dozen things by rent control and econ 101 is only talking about hard rent price controls Like in California the main mechanism for "rent control" to increase rents involves condoization, so condos actually become cheaper lol