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resonate with nature, books, comic cons, video games, sci-fi for exploring human condition, 💜 cats, chronic health issue, 🏳️‍⚧️, gayyy, concerned for this sublimely beautiful spaceship (earth)
Reposted byAvatar Beth
Absolutely please mask, especially at conventions 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Anybody planning to mask at SDCC? I brought thee most horrendous case of covid back with me from NYCC last year and gave it to the whole family. lost my voice for 2 weeks. I hear cases are up again and I would like to avoid a repeat
Reposted byAvatar Beth
Reposted byAvatar Beth
Okay I can focus just on bills now 💜 phone bill is coming up in four days for $228 as well as internet for $172 in six days. Then I just have rent and end of the month groceries. ANYTHING helps 💜💜💜
‼️DISABLED MOM ‼️The rest of the month is: phone bill, internet, rent and end of the month groceries. This puts me at $3,086 which is a big ask so I’ll start here and repost when I’m able. Anything is appreciated 💜 PayPal: Cashapp:$coffinmistr... Ko-Fi: coffinmilf
Reposted byAvatar Beth
“Every $1,300 New York invested in building bike-lanes in 2015 provided benefits equivalent to 1 additional year of life at full health over the lifetime of all city residents, according to a new economic assessment.” Bike-lanes are a sound public health investment.
Sometimes I take pictures.
Reposted byAvatar Beth
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Reposted byAvatar Beth
the editor of the New York Times reacting to a potential Trump second term with “fasten your seatbelts” is so deeply vile i can’t wrap my mind around it. these people have detached themselves so completely from the things they cover that the rise of fascism becomes just something exciting to watch
I'm no ivy league fail upward brunchlord news professional, but I feel it's generous to call conspiratorial fascism (managed by a sociopathic manbaby with a fourth grade reading level) "disruptive" that's kind of like saying nuclear annihilation is "modifying"
Reposted byAvatar Beth
Is it going to rain? I don’t know, my privatized weather service has a partnership with Amazon so it suggests I buy rain boots every day. And the weather satellites are provided by Starlink under a lucrative federal contract so it just says “Great weather to drive a Tesla” anyway.
Reposted byAvatar Beth
Existing Trump supporters—including political reporters privately in sympathy with him—obviously experienced a powerful galvanizing emotion from the failed assassination attempt. They assumed that emotional experience would be widespread, but so far the polling doesn’t bear that out.
Reposted byAvatar Beth
“That Fascism serves the ends of Big Business is seen in the attitude of Big Business men towards it.”
Reposted byAvatar Beth
again it is just staggering what a biased media environment Trump enjoys. the average mainstream article is not just pro-Trump but wildly dishonest about the stakes of the election
Reposted byAvatar Beth
JD Vance has talked about emulating authoritarian Orban's gutting of academic freedom in Hungary
Reposted byAvatar Beth
They brought out the good poasters. JFC
Reposted byAvatar Beth
Spoiler culture sucks. Why can most humans not even do the *bare minimum*? One of the biggest releases of the year has been out less than a month(!) and someone posts a major spoiler pic WITHOUT including the name of the release. It would have been caught by my muted words. Our species is garbage.
Reposted byAvatar Beth
Reposted byAvatar Beth
For those who missed the news:
NEW: Not one but TWO major US media outlets have been taken over by Brits who previously headed anti-trans culture war obsessed outlets in the US and UK. Robert Winnett of the psychopathic Telegraph and Hugh Dougherty of disinformation-peddler NY Post will head the Washington Post and Daily Beast.
Uh Oh! Conservative Brits Take EIC Roles at Two Major US News Orgs — The Washington Post and the Daily Beast have featured responsible, factual coverage of trans issues. That’s now threatened as two editors who helmed culture war focused papers have been put in charg...
Reposted byAvatar Beth
‼️DISABLED MOM ‼️The rest of the month is: phone bill, internet, rent and end of the month groceries. This puts me at $3,086 which is a big ask so I’ll start here and repost when I’m able. Anything is appreciated 💜 PayPal: Cashapp:$coffinmistr... Ko-Fi: coffinmilf
Reposted byAvatar Beth
I keep harping on this: They didn't press him on Gaza or student loans or even legalized marijuana, things voters are incredibly invested in and motivated by. But they just would *not* drop this "HE'S OLD AND NEEDS TO QUIT" drama because that's what it was: high school drama. It sucks.
the brunchlord reporter class is circling the wagons, and don't understand why people are criticizing their choice of running 7000 single anonymous source "Biden is old" stories to every story about infrastructure policy or the fact we're staring down the loaded barrel of full bore fascism
Joe Biden’s Cynical Turn Against the After a wave of intense scrutiny, the President and his campaign have begun to target the media, and many of his supporters have followed suit.
Spoiler culture sucks. Why can most humans not even do the *bare minimum*? One of the biggest releases of the year has been out less than a month(!) and someone posts a major spoiler pic WITHOUT including the name of the release. It would have been caught by my muted words. Our species is garbage.
Reposted byAvatar Beth
Happy Caturday, my friends! Transfixed by Trinkets of the Cosmos. Watercolor and ink. #art
Reposted byAvatar Beth
There’s a presidential candidate who organized a coup on live TV and was recently convicted of dozens of felonies for something entirely separate, and the political system is demanding his opponent step down.
Reposted byAvatar Beth
There’s nothing in the rules of Monopoly that says you can’t flip the board over and punch your opponent in the mouth. But if someone did that, they’d be out of the game forever. What Trump did was far, far worse. And everyone’s still just… sitting at the table, letting him play.
There’s a presidential candidate who organized a coup on live TV and was recently convicted of dozens of felonies for something entirely separate, and the political system is demanding his opponent step down.
Reposted byAvatar Beth
Weird question but does anyone know what's wrong with a hot tub when it is constantly way too hot? Obviously something broke but I don't know what. I have this deep tub I use for physical therapy every day & it's currently unusable. Paid pool guy $400 & it's still not fixed
Reposted byAvatar Beth
Impossible to respect the spider who builds a web across my front doorway. You did no research, you fool, no reconnaissance at all.
Reposted byAvatar Beth
The Economist is trash.
I didn't pay to see the full thing, but three paragraphs was a enough to know that they are arguing that research into trans medicine was manipulated. In favor of trans people. Fuck just about anyone still giving them money.
Reposted byAvatar Beth
My cybertruck keeps making this weird noise that sounds like everyone laughing at me. It’s louder when the windows are down, if that helps.
Reposted byAvatar Beth
I adore Santa Fe weather. The entire sky is apricot-colored. There is a full-arc rainbow (in shades of red-gold). There is a deluge of rain. There is lightning along the arc of the rainbow. I cannot photograph this. It is amazing.