
Oh, this is lovely! An interactive, step by step vision of what happens when you let your lawn grow out even a little. Best seen scrolled on smartphone. GIFT TO YOU, NO PAYWALL
What actually happens within your lawn when you don’t mow An interactive step-by-step look at what happens when you let your lawn grow: flowering weeds bloom, feeding birds and bees.
This has great suggestions for people who live in neighborhoods where you can't get away with turning your front lawn into a meadow: remove turfgrass & plant BEDS of native flowers! i.e. re-landscape, and make it look intentional.
Grow Beyond No Mow May: Options for Reducing Your Lawn - The National Wildlife Federation An easy guide for replacing your lawn with native species.
What happens is I get a warning from my town and then a ticket!
That's what happened to me when we didn't mow soon enough for the neighbours. Now there is no lawn. Only native plants on every square inch. But it looks like a garden rather than long grass so people seem happy with it.
we need compounds now to hide our lawns
I have thought of having basically all of my lawn being wild meadow and then mowing a narrow strip of grass all the way around my garden (and maybe even one going through it). Figured I might be able to get around laws that way
Not a homeowner, but as a serious pedestrian I find this kind of front yard so much easier on the eyes.
This has great suggestions for people who live in neighborhoods where you can't get away with turning your front lawn into a meadow: remove turfgrass & plant BEDS of native flowers! i.e. re-landscape, and make it look intentional.
Grow Beyond No Mow May: Options for Reducing Your Lawn - The National Wildlife Federation An easy guide for replacing your lawn with native species.
I am not lazy, I am responsible
Once upon a time, in a different house, I turned a section of our yard into a wildflower meadow. But, the grass came back after the flowers died down. It was glorious while it lasted. I am not a gardener, so it needed more work that I could give it. Also, not native planet (Aotearoa New Zealand)
That’s beautiful though! Do you know what it would take to maintain? I assumed if they’re perennial flowers, they’d come back the next year without much work, like maybe mowing the grass in the offseason so it doesn’t crowd out the next round of flowers🤷‍♂️
as a Very Lazy Homeowner for 14 years, my specific yard definitely did not evolve this way (i suspect that not enough light hits it, due to the giant 100+ year old tree that shades the entire yard), but i do like the current moss better than the previous grass
We only mow three paths (from house, driveway and back door) to our fire ring, and a sitting space around said ring. That's it. Seeing the bees, fireflies and spiders, and hearing the crickets. So, lovely. Added bonus: angering our dandelion-hating, lawn-loving neighbor with our dandelions.
Holy cow, that was really pretty and nice.
If i ever wind up with a home with a small lawn, screw grass i'm letting wild strawberry plants take over the terrain entirely.
Our place already had non-grass ground covers that at worst need some weeding and edging, and flower and get bug visits and it is so nice! I've been gradually adding in CA natives which are even more popular
My yard is this way. We have chickens and bees (though urban), so we don’t treat snd we keep it long. We don’t mow the verge, and now we have some amazing volunteers including mulberry trees that sprung up over time.
(Mulberry balsamic preserves on honey goat cheese and “raincoast crisps” is my favorite. I wait eagerly for the mulberries every spring, make a couple of jars, then anticipate until the next year. I make the crisps too)
Oh this is very exciting. How long do they keep?
Couple of months in a covered tin. But since part of the recipe is to freeze the loaves before slicing, I just wrap them well in plastic wrap and keep in the freezer (a couple months) and slice later. I also use mini loaf pans (4) which makes them just the right size. One mini loaf=about 24 crisps
Just as a note, depending on the mulberry species and your location, it may be an invasive species and you'll want to do what you can to reduce the spread of offspring
Interesting that the message is not "don't mow" but instead to mow on the highest setting. On my mower that will not save the kinds of flowers they depict in the picture. But it will create the kind of habitat that mice and snakes prefer, making for a more ecologically diverse yard.
The back acre is over grown because the mower died and #ryobi repairs are 30+ days out. It is driving my OCD nuts as it is what I see when sitting on the patio. The cat is loving it however. I do leave the front 2 acres to grow wild. Lots of flowers, butterflies, bees, etc. and it is great.
This is fantastic! Thank you for no paywall 😊💕🔬🧬
As soon as we get a fence in the backyard, the lawn goes away. We have to keep one in front per community rules, but I have plans for two trees and shrubs underneath them.
Wasn't prepared for just how much I enjoyed scrolling that.
Thank you for sharing this visualization!!
I loathe yard care with a passion. I would sooner do a thousand other tedious errands and tasks than mow once. It's the epitome of pointless busy work.
That was really cool, thanks for sharing!
Thank you, that was charming.
That was awesome! Really well done. Thanks for sharing it!
1000 dollar fine by the HOA is what happens
My neighbors harassed me for not skinning down my lawn to a crewcut - also hated dandelions. Bad cases of old fartitude.