
The Brits know how to do an election night. We can't do it the same way, because we have a zillion different federal, state, & local offices up for grabs on the same day, plus ballot initiatives & referenda. But one night with elections to a single legislative house is so pure, it's fun.
we're only just getting started, time for the real coffee pot
UK politics can be grim, but election night there with constituencies being largely ungerrymandered, losers standing next to winners of podiums, and the "election season is 6 weeks, not 2 years" default is incredibly wholesome
also "if/when you lose, there's no lame duck season, the next guy arrives tomorrow at 10am" is a big UK W vs the US system, we should totes get rid of that
just without the part where you ask the king for his permission to form a government
Yeah it's not my favorite bit. Tho at least it's all just a weird cosplay and everyone understands very clearly that it's not real
Tbf we also have our "ask electors to pick" and "ask congress to count" cosplay, which tbqh we should really move past, because while it's all fun and games as weird cosplay, we've found out to our detriment what happens when folks refuse to dress up and act it out
The Tories could still win if King Charles has courage.
tomorrow we get my favorite constitutional oddity which is that there's a ~ 1 hour period in which all UK executive authority formally vests in the King
I'm still bullish on the US vs the UK long term, but as an aside, I'll gladly take "we pretend to give this guy total authority but if he tries to use it we'll chop HM Royal Head off again" over "the president is immune from all the crimes, as long as he's abusing his official power during them."
I'm incredibly bullish on America's future. I get it's a bit hard to see these days--the death throes of unpopular authoritarianism is pretty scary and there are real problems in the immediate term--but I definitely think America's best days are still very much ahead.
Today (or even better, yesterday) a good day to remember what a bunch of normie bros and led by one eccentric liberal arts professor can do to a legion of reactionary nutjobs.
As I said earlier, we have to put in the hard work and perseverance to get through this election to keep Trump out of the White House. The long term trends are very positive and there’s not much left of the true GOP. Once MAGA is defeated, that’s a totally splintered party.
The immediate term is pretty scary. But the future is bright, if we collectively can just reach our way to the end of this admittedly dark tunnel.
I will vote 🔵 no matter who. However, #Biden has little to no upside unless he uses his new #officialact powers - 😳😤which he clearly states he won't. Yes, change at this late date is risky, but so is "staying the course", 1 term loser GHW Bush's bland, ineffective strategy.
40 years of Dem acquiescence has got us here. That needs to end
Please help me see how because I am a very worried mom rn.
I am too but I look at it practically: does my worry improve the situation? No. But my determination not to hand over my country to fascists empowers me.
I think (hope) people have caught on to SCOTUS getting over their skis with obviously incorrect and wildly unpopular rulings, and they will demand action. And unlike in years past, the Democratic leadership have finally seen what's been going on and will actually listen and do something about it.
Damn, I'm glad someone is. Hope y'all are right about this.
We either row together or abandon ship and drown together. Every pull of the oar is for someone who will suffer more than you will under Donald 2.0. The LGTBQ community (especially trans folks). The black and brown folks. Immigrants. Kids. Muslims. Jews. Non-Christians. Elderly and disabled.
And every single woman/wife/sister/child/grandchild of child baring age is at risk. Every. Single. One!
Only way there is through all this
From whence comes this optimism? #uspol
Because a lot of the problems we are facing is /because/ this is authoritarianism's last chance. They wouldn't need to rig the vote if what they offered was popular
Agree - Thank you for this I'm doing everything I can (donating, election judging) and tuning out all this epic bed-wetting
Thank you! Your service matters! 🙏
Authoritarianism has to end at some point. Trump is 78. We would eventually find our way out but I’m just unsure how long that will take, and how many people are harmed in the process.
Plus, the Republican Party has such deeply unpopular policies that they couldn’t enact in normal order that could easily turn into poison pills. Also, they are reckless enough to deregulate the banks and cause a financial meltdown that makes them sit down for another 50 years. They’ll fuck it up.
I’m in a double down mentality right now. The future is so damn bright and it requires us to fight for it. It’s ours to make.
yep but whooo boy are there some big choices coming up
we can climb out of this deep hole or flood it with sewage and drown in it. But beyond the hole is green fields, not wasteland
Adamantly agree! We can not allow the treasure, so many have died for to be stolen by truly evil despicable traitors! We see you; 34-felon, McCarthy, Heritage Society, McConnell, Thomas, Alito, Roberts, Jordan, MTG, Elon, etc. 👀
Death throes?? Trump has never been in a better position
I think this stance deserves the long-form-pwnallthethings-treatment. We can all use some well-reasoned optimism.
This gives me PTSD from when people said the same thing in 2016
Avatar honestly optimism in America (or humanity) at this point sounds like Flat Earth nuttery to me. I feel like you are willfully ignoring reality to suit your own narrative.
Thanks for the post. I needed to read this today. And yesterday too.
I love this thought but have to wonder if and how it survives Trump winning again. I am holding onto the idea that the MAGA chuds have lost every major election in the last 4 years but if the NYT succeeds in handing this one to Trump I honestly don't know where we go from there.
Oh yeah for sure, I prefer the American system to the British but I don't prefer John Roberts' version of it
Have any of them ever done anything fun with it?
No. But I sometimes use it as one of my "pwnallthethings conlaw nightmare examples", specifically: "what if the King accepts Sunak's resignation and then just doesn't invite Starmer to form a government"
It's wonderfully perverse, because it happens in the context where there's plainly a duly elected PM, but the incoming PM has no authority to act, and Parliament is not yet assembled, so there's (technically) no power center to correct it
"but why would he do that?"
The understood bargain here is that the King does what he's supposed to and in return the people of the UK very graciously do not cut off his head, yeah?