epopp.bsky.social follows

LG Katzen PhD Votes Biden
LG Katzen PhD Votes Biden
Here to resist without Elon's alt-right white supremacy and antisemitism. #postnewsrefugee expostie

MaxVaxed. Clinical Psychologist. 60% water+100% Democrat. #Resist #Vote Blue
Stephanie Kay
Stephanie Kay
Hopped over from Threads to stay informed on issues. Writer/artist. She/her.
He/Him, 37, cishet white guy, anarchist at heart, communist in practice, trans rights are human rights, bigots of all kinds can eat my ass.

Letterboxd: https://boxd.it/Bp8T
Marathon: https://marathontv.app/profile/fUQzDIaX7nRu3AsxbyRE4rurGiT2
Graceful Six Humoured
Graceful Six Humoured
Taller on the inside. Turkish-American disappointed in both. My vocation is fancy non-alc drinks, my avocation is magic. Co-host of Screen Test of Time. she/her

Queer, ND, excitable, foul-mouthed, friendly 🫦

❌TERFs/SWERFs/AI/genocide deniers
Monica Byrne
Monica Byrne
Writer living on the road, currently in Taiwan. Buy THE ACTUAL STAR: https://www.monicabyrne.org/the-actual-star. Reps at CAA, DG&B, and Kaplan/Perrone. She/her.

Lynne Stahl
Lynne Stahl
Humanities librarian, doctor of queer film stuff, aspiring spinster, cranky, Kansan in New England; worried I left the stove on. Proud parent to growing horde of houseplants.
Susan Kiddie 🍉
Susan Kiddie 🍉
Covid conscious, history, social justice, disability rights. She/Her.

Dystopian living is not as much fun as people led me to believe.
Kitty Vons
Kitty Vons
Insomniac from chronic illness & thinking about way too much. Chronic pain, dysautonomia, et al. Cooking guru when I can move. Just don't ask me to bake beyond profiterols, cookies, or pies.
Avery Senecal
Avery Senecal
Nerdy, autistic white NB lesbian in my 30s with the best ass west of Worcester. They/them pronouns.
Raffi Melkonian
Raffi Melkonian
Appellate lawyer at Wright, Close & Barger in Houston, with a Fifth Circuit and TX appellate practice. So-called Dean, #appellatetwitter. Host of The Appellate Wanderer podcast
Stefan Dembowski
Stefan Dembowski
Just an opinionated amateur photographer.
Support 🇺🇦
Retired lawyer and public policy analyst, leftist humanitarian. I don’t look like this anymore.
Karen Zack
Karen Zack
Cancer-fighting mom to 4 great young adults, wife to the love of my life. She/her #UglyDogs

Banner: my family and bestie
Homeless JJ 🏳️‍⚧️
Homeless JJ 🏳️‍⚧️
he. Homeless in San Diego county Bi disabled chronically ill trans guy Neurodivergent triple threat
Doodles little guys, writes things
cryptids not crypt0

Donations needed and appreciated!
Banner trans pride knit critters
Kirk Murphy
Kirk Murphy
"We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable - but then, so did the divine right of kings" - Ursula LeGuin
"The Nazis changed but they never went away" - Chumba
"He sees the sign and hollow sky" - my people
"Cuddle us" - my kitties
teacher/occasional artist | trek posting and image edits | she/her (elle/la) | texas
Ensign Obvious
Ensign Obvious
CK DexterHaven
CK DexterHaven
Chief Cat wrangler @ HouseOfPotats. I foster cats and tiny kittens. I also do pet hospice mentoring. Holler if you need help! [email protected]

♿️ Long🦠,🐈, MilHist,news and mews
Busboy at Last Supper, love democracy , patriot (original definition), author. Happily married for 23 years and counting (but not dead). Here for education, chats, humor. If you have no sense of humor, please leave me alone.
sparkle bat
sparkle bat
I am a carnival mirror reflecting the world
David Bowman
David Bowman
Illustrator, coder, reader, bon-vivant. Please don't ask about HAL 9000...I don't like to talk about it.
Portfolio: https://www.dlbowman76.com (available for commissions)
𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘 𝕿𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖊®
𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘 𝕿𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖊®
Biker, Dog Lover, Musician, Pilot, Proud Poppy, Retired Broadcast Professional #DirtyMartinis 🍸 'ancestors run in my family'
aging millennial. parent to two young humans and an elderly pomeranian. sf bay via dayton, ohio. instagram.com/amybrown.jpg
Bret the beer snob 🍻
Bret the beer snob 🍻
Sartorial, sarcastic, sardonic wrangler of 0s and 1s

Far left atheist Software Architect, Open Source evangelist, Linux geek, brewer of massive beers (huge ABV, super hoppy, scorpion pepper, etc), chief cook and bottle washer around here.

Matt Baldwin
Matt Baldwin
Writer, photographer, cyclist, naturalist, martial artist, tall ship sailor. Apparently when I was a kid I heard the phrase “jack of all trades” and it stuck. Mestizo. He/him. San Diego, CA.
Facts, science, the rule of law, and separation of church and state. #Resist #Ally to all #FBR NO DMs please
Exalted Crone. NE New Mexico
Jeff Thompson
Jeff Thompson
Television Writer/Producer. I do stand-up comedy instead of therapy. If you don't recognize me I was Jeff Thompson on Twitter. 🇨🇦 🍁 No DMs Please.
night shifter, icu nurse. anti kidney. war thunder forum leaker. he him
Jonathan Gilligan
Jonathan Gilligan
Integrating social & natural sciences & modeling to study impacts & responses to climate change | They/them 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ NB | Trans people are who we say we are | jonathangilligan.org
Paul Ennis
Paul Ennis
Dannagal G. Young
Dannagal G. Young
Professor of Communication and Political Science at the University of Delaware. Improv comedian. Author: “Irony and Outrage” (OUP 2020), “Wrong” (JHU 2023).

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/dgoldyoung/home
Ilis Trudie 🏝
Ilis Trudie 🏝
Exploring #Energy #Spirituality & #Creativity. The Great E.S.C. Come, Grow With Us. Indie author📚. Medium👻. Farmer🧑🏿‍🌾. I live on an island & practice ecosystem-based agriculture on my small farm. #savesoil www.esotericgardenskn.com 📸 🎨 🧘🏿🇰🇳
Pittsburgher, punker, oily bohunk
Kathi Bowman Smith
Kathi Bowman Smith
Post refugee. Almost old hippie; punctuation advocate; paranormal curious. #PostcardsToVoters #VoteBlue
Give me science, sci-fi and the great outdoors. And let's be kind out there.
#expostie Oh, and #GoDawgs!
Lily Respair
Lily Respair
Artist, Nature Lover, Gardener, Knitter. Living in the traditional territory of the Ktunaxa, Sylix, Sinixt. Kootenays, BC, Canada. She/her. Love Is Love. 🖤🤎💜🩵💙💚💛🧡🩷❤️🤍
festive seasonal homosexual, tinned fish enthusiast, citrus enjoyer, he/him
Wasp Summer
Wasp Summer
Reweird the world through acts of mad glee
waspsummer.bandcamp.com #themostwutheringheightsdayever founder. #estill #singing #choir #music #berlin
Veteran, nurse, crafter, and cat mom. She/her. PNW.
Becky Werner
Becky Werner
~ We Are Doves For Peace With Many Wings of Steel and We Must Resist All Forms of Resistance Fatigue ~
Jason McGlothlen
Jason McGlothlen
Master of Science at the intersection of light, matter + time
Liked, but not well-liked.
Mike Cohen
Mike Cohen
Not that other guy. iOS and Mac developer since 1984. Music (especially Wilco & the Grateful Dead), theater, cats, and life in San Francisco. he/him 🏳️‍🌈
Aaron Huertas
Aaron Huertas
Democracy and unions liker, former House staff. Vibes-pilled. Writing: aaronhuertas.com
Mark Finch
Mark Finch
A blue dot in a red state who likes bikes, photography, cooking, and dogs. All photos my own unless noted otherwise.
Jenni (An Oklahomo Girl) 🏳️‍⚧️
Jenni (An Oklahomo Girl) 🏳️‍⚧️
🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵 Trans woman, living in a small Oklahoma town that is full of transphobes.
18+ 🔞
Covid Widow 2020
My Linktree: https://linktr.ee/jenni.sky
Liza Mazel
Liza Mazel
Therapist, writer type, armchair activist, kvetch. Raised from early adulthood by Internet wolves. Warning: squees at cats.

I also ramble currently on Daily Kos https://www.dailykos.com/users/ElizaMazel
Guy Gavriel Kay
Guy Gavriel Kay
Author, punster, baseball fan, whisky lover, cocktail maker. Limericks happen here. All The Seas of the World out now in paperback.
Alex Campoe
Alex Campoe
Brazilian, living in the US for a long while. Indoor volleyball, IT security, addicted to politics,history and archeology fan, newbie woodworker.