Erik Loomis

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Erik Loomis

Labor and environmental historian. Writer of books, teacher of American horrors, talker on labor movement. Beer, country music, and football are not just for the right wingers. Cats. The West. Music. Graves. Writes at
Reposted byAvatar Erik Loomis
Of great interest.
Look at Costco being gracious in the aftermath of a successful organizing drive.
Gotta say--I bought a jar of caramelized onions recently instead of doing it myself and it was just fine. Certainly better than spending that kind of time on them.
Are you really cooking if you don’t have a chef dedicated to spending 50 minutes just caramelizing the onions?
Reposted byAvatar Erik Loomis
I was shorthanding there. There’s a lot more to say in my book. I don’t think TR was a fascist president, but he had proto-fascist tendencies on the international scale (including overseeing the creation of concentration camps) and was a dyed-in-the-wool eugenicist.
My employer is going to this incentive based budgeting ridiculousness and I learned a lot here about where that came from and what it means. Great piece.
University budgets, by design, suck the lifeblood out of the humanities. There's a history to this too, but it doesn't have to be this way. A new newsletter from and me. PLEASE READ. SUBSCRIBE. SHARE!
University budgets are moral Universities are creating a(n intentional) recursive doom loop for the Humanities
To every historian who is at the AHA: I am in Spain for two weeks.
It's 4 AM in Spain and I am truly loving the jet lag
This Day in Labor History: January 3, 1931. Farmers converged on England, Arkansas to demand poverty relief. This led to Will Rogers’ poverty tour and a greater national conversation about conditions in rural America in the early years of the Great Depression!
This Day in Labor History: January 2, 2006. A coal mine near Sago, West Virginia exploded. Thirteen miners were trapped inside and only one of those survived the two days it took to get the miners out. Let's talk about the horrors of murderous coal mining employers!
Freddie DeBoer remains the single worst person on the internet. Why do people take this horrible human seriously and given him platforms to promote his garbage?
Just got a bizarre, very personal, completely unhinged hate email from a fairly prominent writer with whom I’ve barely if ever interacted. Just a weird, specific stream of unexpected but clearly long-seething anger. Happy New Year, everyone!
Reposted byAvatar Erik Loomis
We knew Alabama didn't have a solid center when they voted for Tommy Tuberville over Doug Jones
2024's first nap has proven wonderful
This Day in Labor History: December 30, 1970. A coal mine exploded on Hurricane Creek, near Hyden, Kentucky. Thirty-eight miners died that day, yet another example of the terrible safety conditions of coal mining, even at a late date!!!!
Without downloading any new pics, what’s your energy going into 2024
Pork chop over kale with olives and golden raisins, eggplant baked in oil and anchovies, and a green salad, plus a Bordeaux. Yep, grading is finally finished for the fall (we go very late)
Organizing America: Stories of Americans Who Fought For Justice. Should be coming out late 2024.
This Day in Labor History: December 28, 1869. The Knights of Labor were founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The organization grew slowly, but by the late 1870s, the Knights had become the nation’s largest labor union, remaining so through 1886. Let's talk about the Knights!
This Day in Labor History: December 27, 1831. The Baptist Rebellion began in Jamaica. This slave rebellion of up to 60,000 people, put down over the next couple of weeks, also was the final straw that moved the United Kingdom toward outlawing slavery in its colonies!!!
This Day in Labor History: December 24, 1969. St. Louis Cardinals outfielder Curt Flood wrote a letter to Major League Baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhn protesting a trade to the Philadelphia Phillies and asking to be declared a free agent. Let's talk about his brave fight for free agency!!
Reposted byAvatar Erik Loomis
Not my school, but the Illinois state speech team finals my freshman year were held in Pekin, IL, which had gone on a……. journey of learning…… vis a vis its mascot:
My high school changed their mascot from the Rebels two years ago almost and the alumni page is still full of dudes posting shit like “once a rebel always a rebel” and every few months I lose my shit and decide to get into it with them
This Day in Labor History: December 23, 1872. Coal miners near Clearfield, Pennsylvania got into a fight with strikebreakers trying to mine coal during a strike. This minor moment in American labor history tells us a great deal about how miners defined their jobs and their rights in 1872!!
This Day in Labor History: December 21, 1919. Emma Goldman is deported from the U.S. to the USSR as part of the Red Scare that saw the mass deportation of immigrant radicals and the imprisonment of many native-born radicals. Let's talk about this!
Reposted byAvatar Erik Loomis
Oh, now it's a democracy and not a republic...
This Day in Labor History: December 19, 1907. The Darr Mine near Smithton, Pennsylvania, caught fire and exploded. 239 people died, many of them children. This was the largest workplace disaster in Pennsylvania history. Oh, here is the opening today.
The platonic ideal of a great album is Rodney Crowell's Ain't Living Long Like This.
This is 1000% true and it's remarkable how many people just stopped following politics the moment Biden was elected. Things are going to be so, so, so much worse with a second Trump term than the first. And I feel huge chunks of Biden voters in 2020 are completely oblivious to any of it.