
Just got a bizarre, very personal, completely unhinged hate email from a fairly prominent writer with whom I’ve barely if ever interacted. Just a weird, specific stream of unexpected but clearly long-seething anger. Happy New Year, everyone!
Didn’t plan to name him, but he just went public with his criticism. Freddie’s opinion of me clearly means a lot more to him than it does to me, so I’ll just say this: It’s funny to be accused of performative outrage by a middle aged guy who recently posted a long rant attacking Taylor Swift.
what an incredible mind palace to imagine abandoning nazi platforms and refusing to pander to nazi audiences is a stance taken out of economics and not that it’s like, ethically bad to do those things
It's amazing some people are able to pretend that Nazi's saying whatever they want wherever they hasn't been very problematic in history.
pretty clear that it is never good and that you will not defeat them in the mythical Marketplace of Ideas because their end objective is to remove you or kill you and not “agree to disagree”
They don’t go to the marketplace to debate. Just to recruit. Everything they say is toward that end. And it works. That’s why they don’t get to have the megaphone.
Also it’s pretty critical if you want to make that argument to produce some level of anti-Nazi content instead of constantly and exclusively whining about political correctness for 15 goddamn years
The paradox of intolerance by Popper being in 1945 is no mere correlation.
They want you to meet them in the marketplace of ideas because then you’ll be there when they burn it down.
The only speech I ever want to here from a Nazi is “I’ve realized I’m human garbage and am removing myself from the population”
I want to know what these people think the materiality of "defeat them in the marketplace of ideas" is. What the fuck does it mean to do that.
"Establishment upwardly-mobile liberals," "immensely privileged college educated urbanites," "the NYT subscriber class"... I'm curious who it is Freddie imagines his audience is and how it differs from the groups he rattles off as the ones Radley et al are "playing to"
I mean freddi Purdue PhD lives in Brooklyn pretty much described himself.
Whenever I see one of these chuds talking about how Substack has "no right to decide what we read" I slam my head into my desk a little bit harder. THEY ALREADY DO. They have terms of service and there's definitely things they will kick you off the service for! RW dipshittery just isn't one of them
FdB os if nothing else is a true champion for nobody facing consequences ever.
Which makes me wonder what has he done to want to not have consequences.
He made up sexual harassment allegations, got caught, said he was going to get mental health treatment and quit writing for awhile. Now he’s back
He said he was quitting forever for his mental health and that lasted until the exact moment a fat Substack check was in the offing
I remember that. What a bloody bastard.
(This is why the Usual Suspects are so angry about 'woke capitalism'. It means that ideas they dislike have become so mainstream corporations must pay lip service to them, and they're such a dwindling market they can be ignored.)
At some point I swear in the '80s a whole swath of the population became unable to understand any decision without the financials making sense.
This is a "why not both?" situation. Enough people are disgusted at their money supporting Nazis that most businesses find it's economical to follow suit.
He doesn't have ethics, so all the people who say they have ethics must be lying
But he's such a genius and master rhetorician that he will defeat the Nazis in the Marketplace of Ideas, as soon as he is done scolding liberals
To the tune of "Sad Songs and Waltzes": 'Cause nazis and fascists/Aren't selling this year
The idea that only more speech can defeat offensive speech has somehow become gospel even though it’s not remotely true.
All I know about him is from wikipedia and it seemed like he was a marxist... eugenicist?
Anti-anti is an ethos, I guess.
Ken White continues to lawyer, despite his apparently untold substack millions, for the joy of it.
Real "OK grandma let's get you to bed" energy
I fell asleep 10% of the way through, is there a Cliff Notes version
Allow me: “Blah blah blah blah blah.”
Go down the left edge, reading the first word of every line. Still makes as much sense, but lots faster.
One positive part of 2024 is that no one read his new book. Hope everyone keeps up that energy moving forward...
When did we lose the thread that nazis are beyond the pale? (He's not saying that directly, but given substack debate, I'm guessing that's what he's talking about). Maybe it's bc my dad was a WWII vet, but this feels like one of those bare minimum things we should all recognize.
there is no moment in the public life of freddie that he was not an absolute tool, as well as a sub-replacement level thinker and writer. just have no idea why anyone has ever thought he offered anything uniquely valuable
very Old Man Yells At Cloud
I literally started daydreaming two lines into his writing. Is it all this tedious and unnecessarily verbose?
No. Some of it is more so.
lmao painfully accurate
Apparently, "Nazis are bad, mmmmkay?" is an idea created by the Liberal Elite in 2010. This is, uh, someone we're supposed to take seriously?
my assumption is he's gone off his meds.
More like "What on Htrae", amirite? (Sorry, obscure Silver Age DC comics reference.)
I mean, I guess if he’s not baselessly accusing you of sexual misconduct like he did Malcolm Harris, he’s at least got a relatively stable regimen of medications for his bipolar disorder. So, small victories.