
The Brits know how to do an election night. We can't do it the same way, because we have a zillion different federal, state, & local offices up for grabs on the same day, plus ballot initiatives & referenda. But one night with elections to a single legislative house is so pure, it's fun.
we're only just getting started, time for the real coffee pot
UK politics can be grim, but election night there with constituencies being largely ungerrymandered, losers standing next to winners of podiums, and the "election season is 6 weeks, not 2 years" default is incredibly wholesome
also "if/when you lose, there's no lame duck season, the next guy arrives tomorrow at 10am" is a big UK W vs the US system, we should totes get rid of that
just without the part where you ask the king for his permission to form a government
Yeah it's not my favorite bit. Tho at least it's all just a weird cosplay and everyone understands very clearly that it's not real
Tbf we also have our "ask electors to pick" and "ask congress to count" cosplay, which tbqh we should really move past, because while it's all fun and games as weird cosplay, we've found out to our detriment what happens when folks refuse to dress up and act it out
The Tories could still win if King Charles has courage.
tomorrow we get my favorite constitutional oddity which is that there's a ~ 1 hour period in which all UK executive authority formally vests in the King
Have any of them ever done anything fun with it?
No. But I sometimes use it as one of my "pwnallthethings conlaw nightmare examples", specifically: "what if the King accepts Sunak's resignation and then just doesn't invite Starmer to form a government"
It's wonderfully perverse, because it happens in the context where there's plainly a duly elected PM, but the incoming PM has no authority to act, and Parliament is not yet assembled, so there's (technically) no power center to correct it
"but why would he do that?"
Pulls out an entire new volume of "Black Spider Memos" he secretly scribbled for this moment. It's bound in skin, of some sort, and maybe best not to ask about the ink.
Black spider memos -
William: "but why, father!?" Charles: "to make you strong, boy!"
I’m secretly a republican. [in the British sense]
The understood bargain here is that the King does what he's supposed to and in return the people of the UK very graciously do not cut off his head, yeah?
Charles would definitely be the guy to get his head cut off.
Still kinda surprised he didn't opt for a regnal name other than "Charles". Bad vibes.
so far 1 for 1 in King Charles beheadings!
It’s always the kings called Charles.
though these days it's probably more "very graciously do not tax his billions of pounds or kick him out of his palaces" instead of cut off his head. jury's still out on which Charles finds more frightening...
it is the epitome of a thing that happens exactly once, yes
The solution to this is that all of the new parliament technically commits a coup and the UK goes from a ceremonial monarchy to a parliamentary republic in a matter of hours.
Something about the way you phrased this made me think: only thing keeping him from a power grab are the tens of millions of pounds and tax breaks he gets for doing nothing beyond ceremonial duties. He'd be foolish to pull a stunt b/c then he'd actually be forced to work for his money
That's what the House of Lords is for, it's just a matter of waking enough of them up. An exciting new FPS adventure from the makers of Bioshock:Survival.
good thing the British Isles don't have a history of lopping off the heads of kings!
I couldn't see Charles pulling that. Willie? Ya gotta watch him. Suppose it wasn't even an on purpose thing though. What happens if Charles has a massive heart attack between the two?
It's so strange to me that in the 21st century Monarchs even have this power still in democracies. Like what?
He has the power in theory, but if he actually tried to exercise it it would be the end of the monarchy
Nobody would pull it, because it would immediately end the monarchy. But it's just a fun to ask folks try to try and reason out the procedural mechanism for why
Gonna start a rumor that Charles doesn't intend to invite Labour to form a government. Know anyone at the UK branch of the NYTimes?
If the heart attack kills Charles, William instantly becomes king and handles matters. If the heart attack just puts Charles in the ICU, I think WIlliam can quickly be declared regent and take care of things. If Charles and William both have heart attacks, then thing get awkward. ...
...The regent would normally be the next adult in line, but that's outcast Harry. Because Harry isn't a resident of the kingdom, they can skip over him to the next adult, but that's His Royal Embarrassment Andrew, Friend-of-Epstein.
The PM is expected to delay their resignation until it's clear who can command a majority in Parliament and so be invited to replace them. Hence why Gordon Brown didn't resign for several days after losing the 2010 election - he had to wait until Cameron had a coalition agreed.
That seems like a good way to end up decapitated...
The UK doesn't have a written constitution, just a collection of various post-it-notes and, well, one is stuck to the head of a bloody axe...
The King can withdraw his invitation, so to speak, if say a PM didn't resign?
We would simply do what we did the last time this kind of thing happened and get out the big axe.