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I run a lot in the desert/mountains. Colorado plateau. He/him
It's this sort of shit that led directly to me cancelling my defector membership. Jfc.
You see it in vehicles, for example. The pricey vehicles are starting to ditch the dumb screens and go back to knobs and dials while lower models are festooned with unhelpful screens
I remember it took the FBI to sorta clean up the Schenectady NY cops. Just the most venal and corrupt POS I ever had the displeasure of dealing with repeatedly. Openly crooked and always drunk.
Ppl like to ignore reality. We have two parties and that's that in a fptp system and while Biden leaves a lot to be desired I'll vote for him or whomever the Dem nominee is vs trump every time.
6+ weeks out from my first covid infection and I'd say my lungs are 75%. X-rays and blood tests were normal and I've got a pulmonary function test scheduled for the end of the month. I'm able to run/exercise but the burst I had before isn't there. Slowly improving though. Covid sucks.
Negative partisanship is what is driving this. When something even remotely bad happens to trump a majority of the USA rejoices
Reading 1491 got me into this and since then the more I've read the more horrified I've been. Makes me wish I had a time machine and smallpox vax. Every description from a European of first encountering someone here talks about how everyone was healthy and tall and the euros were plague ridden POS.
Rss feeds of good opinion journalism and normie shit like vox.
Right. I am voting against the GOP, period. Honestly don't care if Biden is a drooling idiot come November. Not a Biden superfan by any means but Trump and the GOP is by far the worst option, in my opinion.
He's not the president I would hope for but this is an ignorant take at least re: infrastructure and antitrust. Lena Khan is killing it.
We need the Butlerian Jihad
Wingnut welfare is infinite. They can keep going to the Right and the money will be there
Yup. Biden had one fucking job. Put the boot to the head of fascism and kick it in and he and doj haven't remotely done that and here we are.
Right. Birth right citizenship is essential to the USA that I want to see at least.
The House of (bone) Saud bridge - brought to you by Eric Prince and JP Morgan Chase
I think Switzerland, iirc, doesn't bestow auto citizenship and this is what the Right wants. Basically only well off right wing white ppl and the leopards eat everyone else.
This has long been my (and not remotely original) thought - the Right intentionally or not has murdered satire and irony and this plays to their benefit.
I think Elon can relax - at my small town coffee shop and there were 5 pregnant women and a bunch of toddlers wandering around drunk.
This isn't even satire - Jared kushner would lick his chops at this scenario
The ancient learn no lessons
Hell is empty and all the devil's are here
If they did get it putting trump in jail for insurrection/treason would have been priority number 1 and it wasn't/hasn't even been top 50, 100?
Wtf, wow. I've lived all over this country and thankfully never heard this one before. This country
Sure bud. I live in a deep red part of the country. Where the fuck do you live?
I'm generally acab but if she wants to mete out some justice I'm game
Biden and doj top priority should have been getting trump in prison for life. But because they go high, I guess, were facing a full fascist takeover. What a country. Just a bunch of chicken shits. Biden has now been crowned king and he won't do anything to save him or anyone else.