
Lotta those red state white MAGAs gonna be real dang surprised when they find out just how much they depend on food grown in California by Latinos
Problem: A lot of rural people think they can starve the cities into submission. I hate to say this but, until we figure out how to synthesize everyone, we're kinda at their mercy.
Farmers in my area: We feed you! Me: I don’t eat alfalfa, bud. And that’s all you grow.
Yes, technically it’s for feeding their cattle in the wintertime. But guess what else I pretty much cut out of my diet? Beef.
We do have a lot of potato farmers in Wisconsin, so they've got me there. 😅
Don't forget the dairy farmers and all that cheese! 🧀
🎵 If you’re sexy and you’re sorghum 🎵
I live in the south where most agricultural land is actually growing pine trees, so they could cut us off from TP and Amazon Prime boxes.
Not for me. I was in Ag at the time. I think the going rate was $17/hr for the job there and I knew darned good and well you wouldn't get many folk that were born in the US working that hard for that money.
also lets be realistic the owners of farms and food processors employing TFWs and migrants are almost certainly right wingers who would lose a lot of money if there was an actual crack down on migrant workers so I don't see it happening in general
It’s not in their economic interest, but once you have the true believers in the drivers seat I’m not sure it matters. What’s produce being a little more expensive matter if you are preventing the genocide of the white race?
You’re assuming most of the majority of these creeps believe in anything but money and influence I’m sure a lot of them are genuinely bigots but they know who butters their bread
(Correction: all of them are genuinely bigots)
the point is never really to eliminate the immigrant labor, it's to make the workers' situation more precarious and leave them more dependent on their employers
Seriously, we do control the coastlines!!
Seriously, I'm getting asparagus for meals year round, and I don't think that's all coming from domestic farmers.
Rural areas are economically dependent on cities, not vice versa.
On a somewhat related note: I love watching farm workers do their thing in the knowledge I could never do anything physical with the speed and competency they do and would immediately lose fingers if I tried.
Rural people aren’t farmers. This isn’t the 1860s. Farming is an industry of less than 3 million people, mostly farmworkers, and a lot of the farmers are de facto corporate middle managers via contract. Rural America explodes, and Monsanto puts up electric fences and hires armed guards.
You're looking at the large scale farming numbers (which yes, have been dropping for years) not the small scale farmers who sell to local markets and trade with each other. There's a whole lot more farmers and ranchers in rural America than you believe.
I am from rural America and am very familiar with who owns what land where I am from. The niche specialty farmers are a niche. Most farms are “family owned” because families can take advantage of federal allotments and crop insurance.. Take those away, and the “family farm” largely vanishes.
I'm from rural America, and I also know who owns what. And you're not looking at the new folk coming in and making new family farms. Not niche farms with specialty items, actual farms. Without the federal assistance. And succeeding in small markets. You know, like it used to be in the 1800s.
I’m looking at the overall land use patterns and economy. I’m also from North Carolina, which is well along the way to the massive wave of farm-to-table/farmers marker consolidating and corporatizing. Sustainable family farming is a great thing, but it is also held up to romanticize a big business.
/2 Eat their own food and other local food, be free of the current global food system as much as possible. To raise their kids differently. And the younger adults are starting to return to the family farm. This side of the mountain is different people than the Asheville crowd. Both types exist.
yes. So am I . I'm state line E. TN, and the massive influx of people moving their families here to farm since 2020 is a non stopping wave. Subsistence farming has made a comeback here; it's not romanticizing anything. It's people trying to eat what they raise - apologies for a second post coming.
This is always such a silly point, republicans aren't the ones growing our food, they're the ones who own the land/capital. And even if they did cut us off, every other part of the world is happy to buy services from us and sell us food.
And how much modern farming relies on technology, a shit ton of chemicals, and exports. All things that tend to be controlled by horrible city folk or are funneled through cities. Exporting meat to Asia gonna be really rough if you can’t send things through the LA or Portland Ports
Hell they still think food is like just the core ingredients. One of them once told me he didn't eat any meat with soy in it. His pfp was hum drinking a mcdonalds coke with the burger right next to him. They are not smart people.
Uhhhh. *puts on glasses* *adjusts glasses* *pulls out a scroll* *opens the scroll* *adjusts glasses again* *runs a finger down the scroll* *mumbles incoherently* *keeps running finger down the scroll* *adjusts glasses again* *taps the scroll* YUP, that's a war crime.
jokes on farmers! I'll just shop at the asian grocery store! All I need is rice, curry roux, and sake...
The farms around me have a great variety! Like Christmas trees and berries
The problem is that the farm-owners in CA are MAGAs.
Wasn't this something that the South said to try to scare people into supporting slavery?seems like something that they would say