Felix Harcourt

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Felix Harcourt


Historian of prejudice, politics, and popular culture. English transplant to Texas.
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Trump’s new VP nominee, in 2016.
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jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
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July 4th is very rough on my dog (he is a royalist and considers George Washington a traitor)
Gorsuch is appearing at the Nixon Library to promote his new book. He previously appeared at the Nixon Library to plug his last book, “A Republic, If You Can Keep It.” Irony is dead. And because it was an official act, no one can be prosecuted for the murder. www.nixonfoundation.org/event/suprem...
Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuchwww.nixonfoundation.org
Where can you find QAnon, flat earthers, Elvis truthers, Boogaloos, the Klan, and more? Well, yes, probably in John Roberts’ legal philosophy. But also in “American Conspiracism: An Interdisciplinary Exploration,” out now (in time for the Routledge summer sale)! www.routledge.com/American-Con...
American Conspiracism: An Interdisciplinary Explorationwww.routledge.com This important collection explores the social effects of popular American conspiratorial beliefs, featuring the work of 22 scholars representing multiple academic disciplines. This book aims to better...
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For historians, the retrospective legitimation of essentially every criminal act Nixon committed while in office is quite mind-boggling. Ford’s pardon was utterly unnecessary.
RICHARD NIXON: Listen, you all laughed when I said that if the president does it, that means that it is not illegal, BUT WHO’S LAUGHING NOW
On the Biden issue, as with so many things, why does it seem like @jbouie.bsky.social is the only person who has actually thought things through?
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Sam Alito's gotten me so upset John Roberts made me lose my rest And everybody knows about Clarence Thomas, goddamn
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Newbern, Alabama – a small town an hour away from Selma – will hold its first legitimate elections in over 60 years after a four-year legal battle The proposed settlement will also reinstate Patrick Braxton, who sued white leadership, as the mayor
Small Alabama Town Wins Lawsuit Allowing Residents To Vote For First Time In Decadeswww.huffpost.com Patrick Braxton, the first Black mayor in Newbern’s history, will be reinstated.
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“It wasn’t just Sutherland’s tall, lean frame, gregarious energy and convincing performances as smart guys that made him attractive. (Remember his caddish professor in Animal House?) It was the way he looked at his leading ladies: mesmerized, moonstruck.” www.vulture.com/article/reme...
Donald Sutherland Was Some Kind of Movie Starwww.vulture.com Few actors committed as ferociously. Few actors were so damned much fun to watch.
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Donald Sutherland, a master actor, elevated everyone around him. He was the spark of M*A*S*H, the mesmerizingly still center of Klute, the hapless, decent dad who held Ordinary People together, the key to Don't Look Now. No Oscar noms? That oversight belongs in the Academy's obit, not in his. RIP.
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I will not clutter up the thread which inspired this thought, but will instead start a new one as your regular reminder that the true villain of American government is the Reapportionment Act of 1929.
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I'm looking to hire a social media / audience person of the extremely online persuasion for a new progressive culture site that's launching in Texas. Would love to have someone TX based but open to remote. FT with benefits. If you or someone you know fits the description, DM me!
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Some things are Leonardo DiCaprio pointing at the tv, while other things are Leonardo DiCaprio raising a champagne glass
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the sam altman-scarjo lawsuit is a creepy example of likeness theft from an artist, but i wouldn't say it's necessarily an ai-era only problem. tom waits once had to sue frito-lay over exactly this issue 30+ years ago. faroutmagazine.co.uk/when-tom-wai...
Corn chip Blues: When Tom Waits took Doritos to courtfaroutmagazine.co.uk In the mid-1980s, Frito-Lay got into a spot of hot water with Tom Waits after deliberately crafting a soundalike of one of his songs for an advert.
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My latest cartoon for New Scientist.
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This is perfect
This, from @juliaangwin.com, is 🔥 "Generative A.I. could end up like the Roomba, the mediocre vacuum robot that does a passable job when you are home alone but not if you are expecting guests."
Opinion | Will A.I. Ever Live Up to Its Hype?www.nytimes.com It’s looking less like an all-powerful being and more like an unreliable intern.
*looking nervously at the syllabus for my History of Terrorism course*
There's a lot going on in this bullshit, but I think the single funniest thing is trying to draw attention to a book titled "Terrorism: A Very Short Introduction" as though it's a how-to guide rather than a short scholarly work published by Oxford Press.
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Best part of this is … have you ever actually seen an Oxford VSI? They’re tiny. Wtf is Daughtry holding up there?
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This just cannot be real.
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They don’t even torture the poets in my department anymore due to university funding cuts
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rough news for radcliffe who really seems like he's dying to make a comeback in fantastic beasts nine: the treasure of flibbetyflob
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If you want to learn more about teaching LGBTQ history in the South (both as a subject pedagogically and in the face of mounting anti-DEI bills) check out this wonderful essay by my colleague Anne Gray Fischer in Perspectives for @ahahistorians.bsky.social 🗃️ www.historians.org/research-and...
Teaching LGBTQ+ History: A Dispatch from Texaswww.historians.org As states pass legislation targeting DEI efforts, one historian offers her experience teaching LGBTQ+ history in these challenging times.
Haidt’s talking point is not only thoughtless but also lazy, effectively recycling Spiro Agnew on campus protest circa 1970
Re: these recent comments from Haidt… The idea that we’ve witnessed a “cultural revolution” in the US is an authoritarian trope. That phrase refers to democratically popular, nonviolent mass movements in favor of radical pluralism, secular rule, human rights, tolerance, and equality for all.
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Historians: this is THE professional battle of our times. *All* of the other things we're passionate about depend on secure employment and the necessary resources to do our work. Otherwise, all is lost. Please take a moment to read and sign.