Felonious Monk πŸ“š

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Felonious Monk πŸ“š


Forever forlorn poet. Bipolar. Dad joking Daddy Dom. Vulgar and profane. Known to pontificate, but also prone to unhinged shitposting. DMs open. 18+ MDNI.

Connect: linktr.ee/thefeloniousmonk
babe, I wrote you a poem: fuck all the way off you insufferable prick
alannis morisette never told us what was in her pocket i think she had a knife
I knowI wanted to experience a hot girl summer before I die, but I didn’t mean y’all had to set the planet on fire…
It has come to my attention that the 1996 Quad City DJs hit single "Come on ride that train" was not actually referring to riding a train. Which as a train lover, to be honest, is some real bait and switch shit.
Mommy don't know Daddy's getting hot at the bagel shop Cuz the dough is all boily
eat the ones in fucking power
Shoulder's still a little sore from this morning's session, but I'm popping some ibuprofen and getting ready to hit the studio. I need to paint.
Same. Those little potbellies are ridiculously cute and affectionate pets.
I really thought he was some kind of rare small breed pig for a moment. My brain was having trouble deciding on the nose shape. He is adorable.
Me with red stuff all over my mouth and chin: "Huh? ut u mean?"
See also: Florida.
Remember: Texas is not a red state. Texas is a massively voter-suppressed state, with a lot of people working very hard and very thanklessly to fix that.
. Start referring to god as β€œShe” and β€œHer” and watch how quickly pronouns become important to the people who claim pronouns don’t matter. Start using "she" as your universal pronoun and watch how WEIRD things get. Ever try it? The world turns upside down. We're SO used to a male-centric world.
After three months of daily PT, my shoulder is starting to feel strong again. Down to 2 sessions per day from 3, and hoping to drop to 1 and add in some heavy lifting to build back up soon.
Oh then Danny Pudi as Jesus, no question.
The Nazi/Elno site quietly took down my post. So, I posted it again over there. We wait. Almost every single author of every chapter of this 900+ page dystopian project was directly or indirectly involved with 1/6/21. Some of them are in prison presently. Keep posting it. Everyone needs to see it.
I guess the rapping could have been a LITTLE more gentle.
I'm a raven motherfucker don't you call me a crow You know I keep it double chambered And I'll let this thang go Make masterpieces here with Vincent Talking Price not Van Gogh I tapped Lenore down on the floor here Right in front of sad Poe
we all have that one friend who gently raps at chamber doors
Me, in the confessional: bless me, daddy, for I have sinned Priest: god forgives you, kitten
I dunno, but of all things I could have been, "bear" sounds pretty complimentary.
The cruelty is absolutely the point.
Something I am struggling with: cruelty, in all its forms, appeals to a whole hell of a lot of people. There’s not much to the GOP apart from vulgar cruelty and still they’re viable basically everywhere. No hope, no message, no answers… just stepping on vulnerable people for the thrill of it.
But if you do like $5000 in sales, you can get a bike.
Just as the average person literally cannot comprehend how far above millionaire a billionaire is, so too they cannot comprehend the extreme excess our society produces, which is then thrown away rather than feeding the hungry. Hundreds of thousands of tons of food. Incomprehensible waste.
Artificial scarcity is an existential part of the Republican Party. Convince the working classes they must fight each other for pieces of the needlessly-small pie, while the GOP gets busy cutting taxes & creating new subsidies for billionaires.