
presidents have immunity for "official acts" lmfao We. Are. Fucked.
im trying to figure out if they bothered to create a test for official vs unofficial
IANAL, but it looks like "official" is stuff his office empowers him to do, and courts are forbidden from looking into his motives.
Yep. The CORRECT version of the test is "ultra vires," meaning you only have immunity if you had actual legal authority for what you did. This OTOH is basically "anything you did in your capacity as president, even if it was unlawful" Unofficial means like, sneaking out at night and stabbing a dude
Nah. It’s only unofficial if it’s a democrat doing it. Trump shooting someone on 5th ave is an official act.
The test is: Is it Trump? Immune Is it not Trump? Not immune
I bet we’d find out real quick if Biden tried anything.
They “offer guidance” on how to make that determination. Still reading though.
The test is simple- does the presidents name have a “D” or an “R” after it
they'll do that next time and the test will depend on whether it's a republican or democratic president.
It’s the Family Guy “Okay/Not Okay” meme but with red on top and blue on the bottom.
From SCOTUSBlog: The court in Part III of its opinion indicates that in this case "no court has thus far considered how" to distinguish between official and unofficial acts.
Moreover, Roberts continues, "the lower courts rendered their decisions on a highly expedited basis" and "did not analyze the conduct alleged in the indictment to decide which of it should be categorized as official and which unofficial" -- and it wasn't briefed before the Supreme Court.
So the Supreme Court isn't going to make that determination now. Instead, it will send the case back to the lower courts for further proceedings, although it does offer some guidance.
So the corporate executive board of US law just decided "Hmmm, we won't get any gratuities from our monied & landed friends if we make a decision on this right now so we're kicking it back to the lowbies to fuck it up more"
"also, former presidents get to define what were their official and unofficial acts"
The "Simon says" of legality
Holy fuck if Trump gets back in it is going to be a literal bloodbath
Biden drone strike Thomas RV challenge
Biden is going to shuffle off with his tail between his legs, just like the rest of the Democrats. Feckless to the end. My God.
"Official acts" = Republican. "Unofficial acts" = anything a Democratic President does
And it appears that the court is convinced nearly everything is official
I’m sure our drone operators are men and women of impeccable honor that would refuse any and all illegal orders, which aren’t illegal when the president gives them.
So am i reading this correctly? The court gives trump immunity, but leaves the door open just in case they want to throw biden in jail? (With the added bonus of stupid pundits saying “it’s not technically absolute immunity 🙃”)
No. SC ruled to give Trump immunity but will NOT decide which actions are illegal or legal. Lower Courts will have to take it from here to decide which acts are "official," which are "personal."
they did offer helpful guidance, like throwing out large chunks of the indictment
Also i thank you for proving my point
Dang my eyes 👀😁 Anytime👍 I still think tfg was dumb to go to SC for complete immunity. I'd never thought SC will "decide" "for" him (despite the 6 soldout Justices). The consequences will be catastrophic if it did. Now the lower Courts need to get their shit together and be ready.
I don't believe that any president, vice president, judge, senator, representative, attorney, or cop deserves immunity from anything. #EndOfLine
Joe Biden has an opportunity to do the funniest thing.
Sounds like Biden should start committing some "official acts" then. Fuck it.
If Biden doesn’t have a predator drone in the air already what is he even doing
I honestly expected this much (and I feel like you could at least make a case for it) but for them to add “btw the coup is probably an official act hehe” is just absurd on its face. I don’t see how anyone can even argue that.
“Hello, Seal Team Six? I have a call from the President for you. Please hold while I connect you.”
Who determines 'official acts'?
And we know how most of those will go. 🙄 Esp if they can pick and choose the judge? As in Texas? Can they pick any judge or the one assigned to the case?
And that's another shitty steps that we can't control. SC wants their hands out. Lower Courts must pick up the dirts Trump's did, sort it out, and decide. If it's red states i.e. Floriduh, TX, he'll win. If it's blue states i.e. NY, he'll lose.
Exactly. The country has been broken into two radically different countries with no common values. He literally destroyed the entire thing in only 8 years.
This country has been broken into 2 radically different countries before: The Union and the Confederacy. It lead to a bloody war. Also the confederacy still exists in spirit. It was allowed to continue festering without any recriminations.
Damn right! And if he's back, he'll shred the whole system.
Great, flip of a coin to keep justice, and law and order in tow. Guess we know what we have to do.
No. We're not. You see SC are cowards. They send the decisions to lower Courts. Chances are (if some Judge is not like that Aileen ducking Cannon) cases will expand endlessly (if tfg is not jailed yet) to lower Courts.
Is that better or worse than when Obamas administration coined "due process doesn't necessarily mean judicial process" when extra judiciously assassinating american citizens?
This is a time bomb wrapped around the heart of the system. Roe could be reinstated with five votes. This unmakes the system in a way that is not fixable. If Trump loses, the bomb is still there, waiting to go off.